What is your education method for your child, mommies? 🤔 My child learned twice as fast as his classmates, thanks to recommend this practice book
(Suitable for ages 3-12, from kindergarten, pre-school or beginners)
This book is beautiful and latest invention from professors and International school for talented children in USA. You can check it out https://www.talentedkidedu.website/iq-practising-book
👌 With this exercise book, you can support your child's graphomotor skills and prepare them to write letters and numbers. There are lines that teach the child how to write and draw from easy to complex shapes and letters. The illustrations are carefully designed to shape the child's imagination.
😊 The professor said: “Learning while playing is the best education method” so I chose this book. The fun and colorful design is what my son liked to play with it
😉 Moms, we need to consider this with our children for new and smart learning methods as opposed to traditional ways. This is the method that mothers use on their child for years.
>>> https://www.talentedkidedu.website/iq-practising-book