👋A Quick Q&A Sneak Peek to give you a sense of what's on the menu this week for Ep. 79 with Eamon Callison:
Q: What do coyotes, pigeons and humans have in common?
A: They're all massively adaptible and flourish in different environments.
Q: Why am I a biped?
A: UBER Eats didn't exist 7 million years ago.
Q: Are there as of yet unknown biological mechanisms that could confer even greater ventilation ability in humans?
A: *nerding out so hard you need to take a breather* yes and no...
Listen to this episode from Abstract: The Future of Science on Spotify. Éamon Callison, originally from Denver (elevation ~5280 ft), is finishing his PhD in Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Philosophy of Science at Washington Univ...