YouTube Is Actually Removing The Dislike Count
YouTube is actually doing it and is removing the dislike count from the platform. They say it's to address the "dislike' mobs that can attack a video and to help small creators thrive and feel safe.
Yeah, not really buying that. If they really wanted everyone to have a voice, you wouldn't silence individuals with removing that as many people use the dislike count of a video to judge if they should watch it or not. At this rate, people will find other means to show other viewers if a video is not good and I wonder how the platform will attempt to address it.
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Fight At Steelers Game | Man Defends Himself After Getting Slapped By A Woman
Fight At Steelers Game | Man Defends Himself After Getting Slapped By A Woman
This woman really thought she could slap the man and expect nothing to happen afterwards. Of course the man isn't going to stand there and let you get away with that. He's going to defend himself after you slapped him in the face, especially when he said don't touch him and you go and do that.
He even showed initial restraint and your man or date tried to come to the rescue and he got dropped.
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Did Myron and Walter's "Truth" Save the Fresh And Fit Brand?
It might be too soon to tell but Walter and Myron did some serious damage to their brand and it was really of their own making for the most part. They made a 5 hour long response video which I think they may have saved a portion of their Fresh and Fit base but I am not sure if really got the response they were expecting.
There were a few things that Fresh and Fit mentioned in their video that we know to be a lie, so it's odd that they would say these things when there were receipts that say otherwise.
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Aba and Preach Recked Fresh and Fit | Will The Bleeding Stop
Right now Fresh and Fit has lost over 35k sub, I mean, the blowback on this is massive. They placed themselves into this position. The real question here is if they will survive this storm.
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Ford and Lecce Really Don't Care About The Kids
Talk about not really having a plan and trying to come up with something on the fly to provide to the public, only to get slammed on all sides. Doug Ford and Stephen Lecce really don't care about what happens in the schools. Lecce even got called out at the press conference because their logic surrounding why media couldn't be present didn't make sense considering how many kids will be in a single classroom.
Just a rant after watching the press conference and reading the "plan".
Press Conference:
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Oli London Transitions To Being Korean | That's A Thing?
Maybe one of the things that Oli London might want to start with is maybe getting rid of London in the name. I mean, if you're apparently Korean and you don't identify as being British anymore, having a last name such as "London" might not be a good idea. Then again, people are just making up pronouns here with "Korean" and "Jimin" so at this point, I am not sure what to think anymore. Now I didn't see anything stating that they got Korean citizenship, so if they haven't yet, that also might be a good starting point.
I want to know what Koreans think of this whole situation because this is insane and I think this person needs help.
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Blue Therapy Episode 3 Reaction | This Is Unreal
Note: The reaction of episode 3 only deals with Debroah and Jamel.
Yeah, not sure why I am putting myself through this, I guess I am glutton for punishment. Here is to another reaction video and possibly losing my mind at the stuff they go on about. I wonder how many episode they can keep this up for, because this is unreal. Then again, they have kept people engaged on social media so I guess they accomplished their goal.
Episode 3:
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