Ohaozara Watchdog

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Ohaozara Watchdog This is a Non-Profit and Non-Governmental organization with singular mandate of promoting Education


We have it on good record that some major Labour Party Stakeholders and Supporters of Hon. Linus Okorie in Okposi and Ugwulangwu have been penciled down for harassment, setups and Intimidation while some will be Kidn@pped or arrested and dunk somewhere till after the Saturday election.

All the information we gave you during the last year's election all came through. So, do not ignore this. Concerned persons should watch out their movement and be careful of the opposition

Ohaozara Watchdog keeps watching and observing and as well keep praying for Peace in the Land.

We watch over Ohaozara. We're invincible like the wind and we're legion of watchers




My dear brother, if you will recall, Chief Austin Umahi was previously in the race.

Before he stepped down, the Umahi dynasty had a meeting.

He was prevailed upon to step down not because of equity sake as being fallaciously speculated.

If it's on the ground of equity, the ticket should have been zoned to any of the communities in Onicha East constituency of Onicha LGA, since it has been zoned to Onicha LGA.

Remember, none of the communities in Onicha East constituency has a single commissioner from the four commissioner slots allotted to Onicha LGA by Gov. Nwifuru.

Austin Umahi was prevailed upon to step down by the Umahi dynasty for the interest of the Umahi dynasty generally and Dave in particular.

He was prevailed upon to step down because surely he must grab the APC ticket if he persists in the race.

And if he wins, that's an automatic sacking of Gov Dave as Minister for Works through cabinet reshuffle.

It's the above permutation that forced the Umahis to look for a placeholder who will not just be loyal to them but must not attempt to go for a second tenure.

Prof becomes the suitable candidate because of his innocence looks, his newness in the political game and his community of origin, Onicha Igboeze Ezekehuna.

The Umahis was strategic on who to chose and his community of origin.

They chose Onicha Igboeze because it's the home town of their arch rival and party rival, LP.

This permutation was aimed to weaken Hon Linus and divide Onicha Igboeze for the benefit of the Umahis.

After all these, the consensus pronouncement was made public.

The pronouncement was coated on insulting, deceptive, fallacious and apartheid ground.

The ground is, "Umuekumaenyi should step down", while the chosen and anointed placeholder was allowed to participate even though other better and more prepared contestants from Umuekumaenyi communities had been intimidated into submission.

My dear friend, is Onicha Igboeze Ezekehuna not part of Umuekumaenyi by ancestry?

I don't have anything against Prof Ani as an individual nor his private life, but I can tell you authoritatively as a political scholar that the process of his emergence and the frame he is being configured will never allow him to perform optimally.

Such being the case, Hon. Linus Okorie remains the sure and the only alternative. And the party is LP ebe esere nmmadu.

All hands must be on deck on exposing and electorally rejecting this apartheid tendency and neocolonialism being disguised as patriotism.

Obasi Sunday (Obasi S. Obasi Prof)


Shout out to our newest followers! We are excited to have you onboard! Chieke Glory Ebere, Saidul Islam, S K Depok Borma...

Shout out to our newest followers!

We are excited to have you onboard!

Chieke Glory Ebere, Saidul Islam, S K Depok Borman, King Stanley, Eric Eze Nwuba, Okorie Blessed Man, Chinedu Kingsley Paul, NA Gabah Masaya, Izuchukwu Eze, Prosper Pakeke, Atwor Alam, Nnamdi Onyinyechi, Aloye Blocks Industri, Sher Muhammad


Yesterday, 18th January 2024, in accordance with INEC Timetable, public campaign officially opens for the Ebonyi South Sentorial bye-election.

It's a public knowledge that Hon. Linus Abaa Okorie roundly won the 2023 Senatorial election but was robbed of that mandate through electoral manipulations.

We supported Hon. Okorie because we're convinced he's the best fitted for the Job; that going to the Senate as a ranking Legislator will undoubtedly bring immense dividends to the Senatorial District.

We're back at it again and good enough, Hon. Linus has secured the ticket of Labour Party. Our conviction about him has not changed, he remains the best Candidate in the contest.

Far above all gimmicks out there, Ebonyi South deserve a ranking Senator. At least, many of us have the first hand knowledge to know that the benefits that come with experience and ranking in the Senate is enormous and we can not trade it for anything.

With Hon. Linus, we have the opportunity to position Ebonyi South for a measurable socio-economic growth starting from February 3rd 2024.

As usual, this contest will not be a contest of g¥ns and Cutlasses as some will dwell upon, but that of quality, experience, equity, fairness and justice. God Himself will give Hon. Linus the victory and the gate of enemies will not prevail against it.

Let's do it again !

SHE-KAGO Graduate 😂🤣😂

SHE-KAGO Graduate 😂🤣😂


We read the Press Release of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) the other day wherein they accused the Ugwulangwu Development Centre (DC) Coordinator named Okorie Ernest (a.k.a Okey Black) for the attacks carried out on their supporters in Ugwulangwu, a community in Ohaozara

Ohaozara Watchdog is also aware that APGA proceeded to make entries in various appropriate security quarters about the case and alleged perpetrators.

We had waited to read a rebuttal or any form of refusal from the Coordinator and none has been made. This is a clear case of 'silence means acceptance'.

It's established that there are other pockets attacks on opposition that had occured in Ugwulangwu community and plans are now unveiled that the ruling party through their various representatives in Ugwulangwu under the Leadership of same Okey Black are still planning to launch further attacks on opposition elements in Ugwulangwu.

While we are not advising Okey Black (and in extension APC Leaders in Ugwulangwu) to desist from their plans since it seems v!olence is their only plan to winning the coming election, we're alerting every Son and Daughter of Ugwulangwu Ezeokechima in particular and Ohaozara Local Government to be aware of this planned bridge of social peace in Ugwulangwu by agents of the ruling party in Ugwulangwu.

The Ohaozara Watchdog urges the Patriotic Ugwulangwu Ezeokechima people to be aware that there are persons in their community working on the directives of an outsider to undermine and truncate the peace they enjoy in the community and they should be advised to desist forthwith.

We're yet to see manifest development some of these persons have brought to their Ugwulangwu community, aside devoting their energies as willing tools to fight their Brothers and Sister in the Community while those who sent them enjoy relative peace in their various communities.

Ohaozara Watchdog has maintained that method of politicking at this 21st Century should be far above this crude and pedestal method. It should be politics of ideology and intelligent schemmings and not that of thuggery and intimidation.

As a people, it's our collective responsible to resist these people with our votes. In the coming election, we should vote out those who slavishly feeds on thuggery and rancor. We should enthrone good and newer faces into the system to restore our glory.

As a concerned indigene of the community, a voice of freedom and a contestant in the coming election, we enjoined other voices of freedom in the community to use all forms of legitimate and legal means to reject the antics of the ruling APC representatives in their various communitiez by voting them off outrightly.

Ohaozara Watchdog will continue to watch behind the scene and report in defence of our nascent democracy.


Press Release


We received the ugly news of the deadly attack on the Labour Candidate for Onicha East State Constituency - Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba and members of his Media team by Onicha Local Government Area Chairman - Hon. Chidiebere Uzor (a.k.a Obosi) and his men of Ebube-Agu in Oshiri Community yesterday, Sunday 27th November, 2022.

We wish to keep the public fully informed of the situation as follows;

1. Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba and his Media team members were in a Wedding event when his brother - Mr Benjamin Igwe (a.k.a Aboki China) informed him that the Micky's Football Competition would soon start and Ogba promised to meet him in his house for brotherly conviviality before heading for the match commences. On getting to the residence of Mr Benjamin, the Onicha Local Government Chairman - Hon. Chidiebere Uzor also known as Obosi with his men of Ebube-Agu numbering over 15 were already seated there. They joined in the mild celebration going on attack the place which was in preparation for the finals of Micky's Community football competition.

2. Few moment later, in what looked like a designed process, Hon. Chidiebere Uzor whispered to the ear of one of the men of Ebube-Agu and immediately him and few others of the militia group launched an attack on one of Hon. Ogba's Aide called Johnson Njoku. They started hitting him all over his face with the head of their Guns and throwing punches all over his face.

3. Hon. Ogba, sighting the horrible situation of his Aide, Johnson, rose and asked Obosi to order his Ebube-Agu militia men to stop this inhumanity. Immediately, Obosi pulled out AK-47 from his Mercedes Benz, launched the gun's head on Ogba's forehead, started shooting sporadically into the air. He invited other men of Ebube-Agu who joined in pounding Hon. Ogba to a pop, leaving him half-dead. Obosi boastfully told Hon. Ogba that his campaign office that was destroyed a week ago was done by him and there's nothing he could do about it.

4. The incidence and the unceasing shootings attracted other supporters and Aides of Hon. Ogba in the compound. On sighting any of them, Obosi would point them out and ordered for their own unfair share of the beatings. All of them were thoroughly beaten to pop, and some got their eyes severely damage. While these were on, bullets from the guns of Ebube-Agu men rented the air heavily. At a point their guns got exhausted of Bullets, and Obosi went into his Mercedes Benz and pulled out packages of bullets and handed over to them for a reload of their guns.

5. At a point when there was no longer recorded body movement of Hon. Ogba nor any of his Aides, Obosi must have concluded that they are all dead, he ordered his militia group that it was time to leave the scene and they zoomed off with all the Smart Phones (9 Mobile Phones) of their victims and Four Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira (N480,000) cash picked from the Pocket of Hon.Ogba
It was then that the Neighbours and passersby were able to gain access into the compound and found Hon. Ogba and his Aides completely immobile and bloodied on the floor and rushed them to the Hospital.

6. We note that the intention of Obosi and his Ebube-Agu militia group were to kill the Labour Party Candidate Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba and his Aides at the spot and label them criminals. Since the selection of Hon. Chidiebere Uzor as Onicha LGA Chairman, he has remained notorious, barbaric and evil in all intentions and it's time the security agency looked into his illegitimate and criminal activities in the Onicha Local Government.

7. It's on record that same Hon. Chidiebere Uzor masterminded the criminal abduction and torture of Hon. Linus Okorie, the Labour party Senatorial Candidate for Ebonyi South on the directive of Governor David Umahi. Hon Okorie is still in the detention illegally, over trumped up charges. It was same Chidiebere Uzor who was allegedly and criminally abducted his best friend, one Nwigwe Chibueze Uzo (a.k.a Omni) from Ugwulangwu Ezeokechima, which took the intervention of friends to get him released. Same Obosi who recently led Ebube-Agu militia group to attack his own brother - Comrade Kingsley Maga from Okpoma-Onicha and later connived with the Ebonyi State Commissioner of Police to trump up frivolous charges and sent him to prison.

8. We called on the Inspector-General of Police, the Director General of the Department of Security Services (DSS) to immediately wade into the illegal possession of AK-47 automatic guns by a common Local Government Chairman - Hon. Chidiebere Uzor, his unwarranted, unprovoked attempted murder in collaboration with the illegal Ebube-Agu militia group on Innocent citizens. It's high time the notorious activities of Hon. Uzor is investigated and curbed. This should be immediately done to secure the lives of his future planned victims.

9. As campaign team and supporters of Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba, the Labour Party Candidate for Onicha East State Constituency, we're hopeful that nothing happens to our Candidate and his Aides as a result of his senseless attacks on them. Should they be anatomically deformed or suffer fatality, Hon. Chidiebere Uzor, the noted men of Ebube-Agu militia and their collaborators will be roundly held responsible.
While we encourage our members, and supporters of Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba to be peaceful in their conduct, as we wait for the police to immediately arrest Hon. Chidiebere Uzor (Obosi), retrieve the 9 Smart Phones, cash and other belongings of Hon. Ogba and his Aides and immediately prosecute him(Obosi) for this attempted murder and other sundry crimes he's committed against innocent citizens of Ebonyi State.


•Hon. Ifeanyi Ogba Campaign Council.

The S-M-A-R-T AgendaThe ManifestoS -  Sustainable developmentM –Measurable growthA – AcountabilityR – Responsive represe...

The S-M-A-R-T Agenda

The Manifesto

S - Sustainable development
M –Measurable growth
A – Acountability
R – Responsive representation
T – Transparent leadership

The S-M-A-R-T Agenda is a well thought out all-round developmental plan for Ohaozara East Constituency (Okposi and Ugwulangwu).

I believe and I’m convinced that united, Ndi Ohaozara East Constituency will take our rightful place of pride, not just in Ohaozara, but the entire Ebonyi State. I believe we can, and under my representation, we will make it happen.

A responsive and transparent representation that guarantees fairness, inclusiveness, shared and equal opportunities with measurable socio-economic growth and accompanying development.

To deploy the best legislative prowess, be creative and innovative in developing solutions that will tackle the developmental challenges of Ndi Ohaozara East Constituency in a transparent and accountable manner.


Proven through my excellent services at top of bluechip organizations and experiences, I know what it takes to LEAD. I believe that leadership is all about being responsive and visionary in providing people their basic needs not their wants.

We can’t remain imprisoned in our past. I will bring new thinking, new ideas, and new COMMITMENT to you through a team work.

Through various humanitarian organizations and other sister platforms, I have positively touched the lives of over 1,000 people in our constituency in particular and Ebonyi State in general.

I have managed other leadership positions in reputable organizations and personal businesses successfully where survival decisions are made daily. I am convinced that I have the requisite experience and knowledge to effectively represent and lobby for the good of Ndi Ohaozara East Constituency. I will be there not only to make laws but to leverage on the office to develop Ohaozara East constituency.

As a Youth, I understand the challenges of the youths. I feel their heartbeats and I have the youthful energy and experience needed to deliver as a Legislator.

Technology and productivity are our future and I’m proud to say that I am at the cutting edge of the tech REVOLUTION.

We can get better at one thing, every day. My representation will compound RESULTS and DELIVER value

Those who know me can attest to the indisputable fact that when I make a promise, I do everything within the law to DELIVER and keep my words.

Ndi Ohaozara east Constituency will be able to reach me, any time, any day. I will be a TRUE LEADER serving the people first and serving myself last.

I have built relationships at the highest levels of Legislation and governance. I have done my homework, and I am ready to work FOR YOU.

My legislative efforts will not stop at passing laws, establishing the government’s budget, confirming executive appointments, ratifying treaties, investigating the executive branch, impeaching and removing from office members of the executive and judiciary, and redressing constituents’ grievances but also span into using my far-reaching contacts and connections to attract investors and partners to better the overall lots of Ndi Ohaozara East Constituency. Our campaign mantra ‘The S-M-A-R-T Agenda’ captures my inner intent towards our people. We’re not here to only make laws but leverage on the office to develop Ohaozara East Constituency.

The youths belong to my primary constituency and it’s my resolve to impact them positively. I’m aware that no matter the number of natural resources a nation has, it will remain wretched, without harnessing its youth resources and it will continually import human resources for the processing of her natural resources. In my representation, I will use my contacts and connections to attract sponsors and partners that would harness and develop the potentials of our youths.

⏹️For me, women empowerment is an economic process and poverty reduction measure. It is also a way of reducing women's vulnerability and dependency in all spheres of life.

⏹️As a house member, I will promote bills targeted at empowering women. Knowing that Women form the bulk of the electorates, with my vast contacts and connections I will attract partners that will execute women empowerment in Ohaozara East constituency.

⏹️In my tenure in office, we shall launch ‘Ohaozara East Women Development Centre (OEWDC)’ where we would kickstart all kinds of Women Development Programs and projects. This, I believe, will help solve significantly the economic neglects on our women.

⏹️ : I will stand for Bills that would promote and guarantee the Security, economic, and social welfare of our people.

⏹️ : As a professional and successful business owner, I understand the culminative results of working as a team. I will work with Ohaozara East Constituents to achieve desired results.

⏹️ : While i’m from Ugwulangwu, I understand that I would represent Okposi and Ugwulangwu. During my tenure, I will work for Okposi and Ugwulangwu communities alike and ensure equitable utilization of constituency allocations.

⏹️ : One thing not common to many Nigeria politicians is transparency. As one with unique passion for change, I will be committed to ensuring transparent representation.

⏹️ : under my representative efforts, town hall meetings with constituents will be regularized and accounting for all constituency allocations will become a custom.

⏹️ : We shall work to establish Health posts in many villages within the constituency. This will add up to the efforts of the Federal and State Government in providing adequate healthcare for our people.

⏹️ : We shall utilize our contacts to attract partners and organizations that would train and empower our people through various Agro-based value chains.

⏹️ : we shall leverage on our rich contacts to attract partners and construction companies for community development projects.

• Dr. David Ogbonna Chitah
Labour Party candidate
Ohaozara East State Constituency
Ebonyi State


Until 12th October when the final Supreme Court case is determined, Ebonyi PDP is yet to have a NASS and State Assembly members.
Don't believe me, WAIT for it


The table seems to have thumbled against our initial candidate for Ohaozara East constituency -Hon. Martha Nwankwo. The latest information we have shows that she's been replaced.


Chief Anyichuks is swimming against the tide and so have lean chances at the poll.

- Ohaozara Watchdog

Anyichuks is swimming against the tide.

Anyichuks is swimming against the tide.

We Watch Ohaozara Political, Socially and Otherwise

We Watch Ohaozara Political, Socially and Otherwise

This is a Non-Profit and Non-Governmental organization with singular mandate of promoting Education



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