Niyan & Mommy at Holiday Stroll in Tallahassee. Niyan's Christmas list hasn't changed, so he is so sure of what he wants for Christmas. #niyanandmommy #hludaystroll #letterstosanta #tallahasseefl
Niyan & Mommy practice identifying place values of 2 digit numbers, writing expanded form, and word form. Niyan is filling in a graphic organizer to help with understanding in more depth. Also, he completes a similar page on his own and make corrections on any errors. #niyanandmommy #placevalue #expandedform #wordform #numbers #mathematics
Niyan & Mommy at Cairo's Christmas parade. #niyanandmommy #christmasparade #cairoga #christmaslights
Niyan & Mommy at Cairo's Christmas parade. #christmasparade #cairoga #parade2024
Niyan & Mommy identifying place value of 3 digit numbers. Creating a chart or graphic organizer is a great visual to help with understanding place value. #niyanandmommy #placevalue #Numbers #digits
Niyan & Mommy describes his solar system drawing. Yesterday, Niyan woke up wanting to draw the solar system. Apparently he finished it at school by coloring them, cutting them out, and pasting them on the paper. #niyanandmommy #solarsystem #drawing #coloring #science
Niyan & Mommy full video of the large corn maze. Do you think we made it to the end? Still some great life lessons of l leading, making decisions, and being obedient. #niyanandmommy #fallactivities #cornmaze #springhillfarm #bainbridgega #southgeorgia
Niyan & Mommy full video of the small corn maze. Full of life lessons on how to lead, make decisions, and being obedient. #niyanandmommy #cornmaze #springhillfarm #bainbridgega
Niyan & Mommy very first (but definitely not last) helicopter ride! It was so much fun and refreshing! #niyanandmommy #thomasvillega #annualflyin #fallactivities
Niyan & Mommy Taco Tuesday Lunch & Snack: tortilla chips, salsa, spinach, cheese, tomato, and chicken, orange, yogurt, doritos, pickle, Gatorade, and Propel Water.
#niyanandmommy #lunchboxideas #lunchbox #tacotuesday
Niyan & Mommy make first stop for Niyan's birthday trip (Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, TN). #niyanandmommy #birthdaytrip #tennesseaquarium #chatanooga #thingstodoinchattanooga #aquarium #7yearsold #BirthdayFun
Niyan & Mommy...Niyan picked out a cool toy at the store today. It swims and sings when placed in water. #niyanandmommy #babyshark #BathTimeFun