If you're riding around Kilgore with drugs, you are doing it at your own risk. Our officers continue to make multiple arrests weekly for m**h and suspected Fentanyl. The Bulldog Bed & Breakfast always has a room for you. If you are a dealer expect a visit from us any day.
During a traffic stop, the driver of the vehicle consented to a search of her belongings. Officers found a baggie with m**h residue. As Officers continued their investigation they developed probable cause to believe the passenger had hidden illicit items on her person. Officers called the GCSO and had a female Deputy swing by to have a look. Unfortunately, she was unable to find the illicit items. This passenger did have some narcotic paraphernalia, so she was arrested on that charge. During a strip search at the jail by a female jailer, they found a little over 4 grams stuffed in the suspects hiney.
We appreciate KPD officers and GCSO going the extra mile to take drugs off our streets. Maybe Mike Rowe from the series Dirty Jobs should do a show on this :).
Last week, we got some comments indicating we only post certain pictures on FB. Our policy is and will be to post pictures of known dealers. Sometimes suspects also cooperate with us and we certainly wouldn't post their pics. In this case, the suspect wasn't a known dealer, so we will not post her pic. We will say she is a white female in her late 40s. Drugs don't discriminate and KPD doesn't either.
We understand we can't arrest our way out of this problem. We believe prevention and education are essential tools to solving this crisis too. That's why your city has a cutting edge drug prevention program in the MS ans HS. In fact, today, KPD is sponsoring a free movie for members of the Kilgore Bulldogs Against Drugs members. Are your students members?
Have you seen our Hope Dealer blogs?
KPD cares and wants to prevent people from ever going down the dark path of addiction.
Together, we can make an impact.