If you haven’t noticed by now, IMAR released new music! This video shows the behind the scenes of recording some of his music videos, climbing fun and a spontaneous live show that kept us on our toes. Un día en la vida de los locos de ¿QueShow?
Consejo no solicitado: la vida que quieres esa a una decisión de tenerla. Es cuestión de tomarla. En otras palabras, túmbate el rollo con las excusas.
More adventures to come, see y’all later ✌🏼
#musicvideo #livemusic #vlog
What would you do if your partner gave you a dog for a present? #queshow #podcast #love #teamwork
Queremos saber cuales han sido los mejores regalos que han dado o recibido el 14 de Febrero #queshow #regalos #elamorsiexiste #podcast
February is here and this is a gentle reminder to not give up on your New Year's resolution! Here's a clip about what might be making it harder for you to pursue your goal/s 🤠 animo raza!
link to full episodes in bio
#podcast #resistance #goals #podcastlatino
HELP NEEDED! We need 6 goals to accomplish during the next six months (examples provided in this clip). Send us your suggestions in the comments or DM 😬
#goals #podcast #podcastlatino
¿se aprende mas facil de joven? ¿por que? ¿es igual y la hacemos de pedo? ¿el Jorge se ve mas fuertote en este clip? ¿que opinan sobre la motivacion de aprender algo nuevo?
#learning #podcast #goalsetting #motivation #discipline #podcastlatino
How to get motivated
What motivates you? Is it enough to accomplish your goals or do you pair that motivation with a strategy?
#podcast #motivation #nyresolution #podcastlatino #positivevibes
What's your struggle? #podcast #struggle #disiplina #discipline #queshow
Do you think having expectations leads to disappointment?
#podcast #expectations #CBT ##somethingtothinkon
Do you take responsibility when things go wrong?... Should you?🤔 #GivingTuesday #podcast #RightOrWrong
Pónganse trucha raza! Se viene nuevo episodio ⚠️🍺🎙#queshow #comingsoon #beready
¿Crees que todos los muertos se hacen fantasmas?
#ghost #Halloween #Halloween2021 #spooky #spookyszn #miedo #podcast #podcasting #podcastlatino #podcastenespañol #podcastshow
¿cual es tu cheve favorita?
#oktoberfest #oktoberfestbier #podcast #podcasts #podcastenespañol #podcastlatino #Halloween
Mi abuelo es fantasma
¿Crees en fantasmas o te freseas?
¿Sí o no con Spooky Season?
¿Por qué usas disfraces en Halloween?
Parasailing in Florida
Florida has some of best beaches in the world. Being able to see the 1000+ miles of coastline 500 feet in the air is defenitly a site to see. Here is that story.
Have you been parasailing? If so, how was your experience?
If not, would you consider doing it??