Ok, well I think it's time for a little experiment in humanity... So, here's the scenario:
I love anything creative so naturally I became a hardcore gamer, & a computer geek. Well I found a way to use my passions to give back, & now it's time to see who actually pays attention or cares...
This experiment is two-fold; I stream my gaming for a small following, but now I am actually close to making it a career... all I need are viewers. 2nd part of this experiment, is to give back where I feel the most beneficial, and one area is kids. More specifically those who suffer from cancer, but don't have to because of places like St. Jude's Children's hospital. They earned my respect for everything they do for the future of the human race, & they do it on donations, only!
So, I know you're asking what's the experiment?
Well, it's simple really... I could use the views and they could sure use the money. So for about the next year until March 2021, every stream I broadcast will be to raise a $100,00; a mere 100 grand over the course of a year! Even if you don't, can't, or won't contribute you can at least share my broadcast posts with those who will.
Now, the thesis of this will be revealed all by itself... I won't have to have me tell you that, it should be self evident. So without further adieu...
Hey everyone I'm Reaper, and I am the Leader and founder of the Sun Tzu Ghosts... a family of gamers that enjoy all things gaming. We hope you enjoy the videos, thanks for watching and as we say here in the Ghosts, LIVE FREE AND PLAY HARD... Hoorah to Ashes!!!