Quick update! I have closed out the GoFundMe and am considering the startup funded! With personal funds I was able to pull together since the startup began, as well as some other private donations I've received (outside of GoFundMe) all of the basic equipment I need to get started with the channel has been funded! Thank you to everyone who helped! Right now, I'm awaiting a tripod and microphone to be delivered, and as soon as I receive them and do some test shooting to get familiar with the gear I'll be making more videos for the channel.
In the mean time I removed the New Year's Resolution video due to the quality issues and I'm scripting out future videos while I continue to work on fulfilling the backer perks, some of which have been delivered already.
It's been a delayed start with many uncertain factors involved but soon things will be well underway and I'll be posting videos on a regular schedule. My goal is to release one video per week, but it may be once every other week until I have enough of them made to keep up with that pace.
Once I can be certain of a premiere date for the first "real" video for the channel, I will announce it and share it here. Keep an eye out!