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"I was Dumb Enough!"

"I was Dumb Enough!"

"Family, Friends'...MORE ABUNDANT LIFE...''

"Family, Friends'...MORE ABUNDANT LIFE...''

"Faith Is Nothing Seen!"

"Faith Is Nothing Seen!"

"Faith is Something Not Seen..."

"Faith is Something Not Seen..."

"Make Plans & Believe!"

"Make Plans & Believe!"

Imagination is Everything!

Imagination is Everything!

It Sunny Here...Attitude!-Willie Bradley

It Sunny Here...Attitude!
-Willie Bradley


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Voices to Be Heard!

Is that Hot are what?

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👉🎯15 Challenge!!!🎯👈

I come here everyday to spread knowledge and gain knowledge.Willie

I come here everyday to spread knowledge and gain knowledge.

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Passive Income With Willie. đŸŽ„Subscribe for more:

Silence Your Inner Critic by Staying Busy and Making Progress \n\nYour inner critic is loud. That internal voice sure ca...

Silence Your Inner Critic by Staying Busy and Making Progress \n\nYour inner critic is loud. That internal voice sure can tend to drown out every other message you send yourself or receive from those around you. During this challenge, we’ve discussed several ways to quiet your negative self-talk. It’s my belief that the more tools you have at your disposal, the more likely it is you’ll be successful in overcoming negative messaging. Plus, there will naturally be some methods you gravitate toward or that work better with your personality. So, today I’d like to share with you another trick to silence your inner critic. It’s as simple as staying busy and making progress. Take a look at what I mean. \n\nKeep Your Mind Occupied\n\nIt’s hard to hear your inner critic if your mind is busy thinking about other things. By keeping yourself busy with meaningful tasks, you’ll have a lot going on to occupy your brain. You’ll soon find that you’re too busy being productive to be bothered by negative self-talk. The key here is that your tasks should have substance. Staying busy for the sake of being busy is not sufficient for our purposes. The tasks you choose should have purpose. They should stimulate your mind and lead to a sense of fulfillment. Work on steps that will lead to your goals such as researching career training options, cleaning out one room as you take on a new minimalism routine, or spending time with your family to increase bonds. \n\nNotice Your Progress\n\nAs you find projects to help you work toward your goals, you’ll begin to notice the strides you’re making. It’s satisfying to be making real progress instead of remaining stagnant. You’ll no longer be wishing good things would happen for you; you’ll be making them happen. And it only takes one small step at a time. Be sure to write down real actionable steps you can take toward overcoming insecurity in order to pursue your dreams. Then, check each one off the list as you complete it. \n\nKeep the Momentum Going\n\nThis progress will keep your momentum going. You’ll be eager to move onto the next thing. Staying busy with tasks that meet your objectives allows you to quiet that inner critic. While you may still fall into old habits, it will be much more difficult to find fault with yourself when you’re so busy making real progress in your life. In addition, taking concrete actions gives you proof that you’re capable and worthy. This type of evidence is critical to eliminating self-doubt. \n\nStaying busy isn’t just a coping mechanism for stress or grief. It can be a strategic tool for taking charge of your goals and silencing your inner critic. Just remember the activities you choose should be meaningful and have purpose. Keep these tips in mind as you continue your journey.

Boost Your Confidence by Exploring What You’ve Already Accomplished \n\nWhen your inner critic beats you down over and o...

Boost Your Confidence by Exploring What You’ve Already Accomplished \n\nWhen your inner critic beats you down over and over again with negative messages or when life throws you multiple curveballs, it’s easy to lose faith in your abilities. You may feel like you can’t do anything right or that you don’t have the competency to succeed. It’s hard to overcome this mindset when you’ve hit a wall of negativity. One surprising trick can help, though. Taking time to remember your past accomplishments is a quick way to boost your confidence, increase motivation, and silence your inner critic. Take a look at the reasons why it works. \n\nOvercome Fear\n\nWhen you hit a period of bad fortune or continue to be bombarded by negative self-talk, you can easily get stuck in a cycle of fear. You feel overwhelmed, and taking any steps to change your situation may seem impossible. You can break this spell by reminding yourself of a time in your past when you overcame an obstacle or accomplished something difficult. Being able to recall something you were personally able to achieve can break you out of that cycle of fear, allowing you to take steps to change your current circumstance. \n\nIncrease Confidence\n\nPlus, remembering past successes is simply empowering. You’ll get a renewed sense of self-confidence when you recall the steps you once took to do great things. You can relive that sense of pride and use it to remind yourself of all the talent, knowledge, and skill you possess. Confidence can help to get you out of a funk and can provide the motivation you need to keep going.\n\nRaise Your Spirit\n\nTaking time to reflect on things you’ve done well in your life can simply make you feel better. Constant stress and negative messages break your spirit down, sometimes even leading to anxiety or depression. This one small action can lift you up and help you to feel more optimistic once again. You’ll recognize your true capabilities when you look back and see all the things you were able to do before. Why wouldn’t you be able to do them again? Your motivation will also increase with this self-reflection. \n\nGain Momentum\n\nFinally, the combination of all these effects can lead you to gain momentum to move toward reaching your goals. Once you’ve busted through the noise of your inner critic and realized all you’re capable of, there will be no stopping you. Use this momentum to take the necessary steps toward improving your circumstances and doing the thing you most desire right now. \n\nGive this exercise a try. By simply taking a few moments to reflect on your past accomplishments, you can gain so much.

Stop, Drop, & Roll – Don’t Allow Your Negative Thoughts to Spiral Out of Control You now know that self-criticism can ea...

Stop, Drop, & Roll – Don’t Allow Your Negative Thoughts to Spiral Out of Control

You now know that self-criticism can easily become a habit that feeds upon itself. Once you start telling yourself negative things, it’s hard to stop. Fortunately, as I’ve shared in previous posts, there are a number of ways to recognize and counter the mean things you tell yourself. Today, I’d like to teach you another technique that is incredibly effective in managing negative self-talk. It’s called the stop, drop, and roll method. Yes, much like the strategy you learned as a kid to extinguish flames from clothing, this tool works to put out the flame of disruptive thoughts that can threaten to keep you off course. Keep reading to learn how it works.


The first step is to stop. That seems pretty straight forward and obvious. Stopping can be difficult, though, until you learn to be aware of the thoughts that erode your confidence. Hopefully, you’ve had time along our journey to assess your own negative self-talk and to practice turning it around. With this technique, stop and address the mean words that are playing in your head the minute you notice they’ve invaded. Tell yourself that you’re in charge of your thinking and that you’re going to change this unhealthy pattern right now.


Next, you’ll drop that thought. Recognize that it’s unhealthy and isn’t helping you in any way. Understand that you have the power to change your thinking and to frame it in a way that benefits you. If you’re having trouble discarding it, you can try a couple different tactics to refocus yourself. Take a deep breath, inhale slowly, and then let it out. You can even imagine you’re blowing away the awful thought and letting it go. Counting to 10 also works wonders when you need to re-center and get control of your emotions. Once your head is clear, it will be easier to move onto the next step.


Now it’s time to roll with some new, positive, and helpful thinking. Instead of holding onto the old thought that tears you down, drop it and roll on with a new version that has the potential to truly motivate you. Self-criticism isn’t meant to build you up. This “tough love” approach rarely works, with others or with ourselves. So, take the last step of this process and come up with a better thought. This can be hard to do on the run. That’s why you took the time with the drop to breathe and relax. Now that your mind is clear, you can find a more positive take on negative self-talk your inner critic was dishing out.

The stop, drop, and roll method of managing your inner critic is merely a way to force you to slow down so that you don’t keep fanning the flames that are harming you. You’re able to catch your breath and make decisions to stop your own mean voices from taking over and spiraling out of control.

Refute Your Inner Critic by Taking Action Sometimes the best thing you can do to silence your inner critic is to take ac...

Refute Your Inner Critic by Taking Action

Sometimes the best thing you can do to silence your inner critic is to take action. As Nike says, “Just do it.” I realize it’s not that simple, but taking some proactive steps or making the slightest change can be the catalyst you need to break free of your mean inner dialogue. When you physically or mentally make a change, it disrupts the negative pattern. Take a look at some practical ways you can do this.

Take One Small Step

Just one small step toward completing the thing your inner critic says you can’t might just be the push you need to keep going. When you tell yourself you’ll never finish the job, think of one thing you can do as soon as possible toward getting started. If you’re afraid to try for a promotion at work, take just one action to move toward that position. It can be talking to a friend to get some insight or working on improving your resume. One small step is at least something, and it’s often enough to shut your inner critic up for a little while.

Remember Your Assets

When that voice starts telling you all the bad things about you, get out a pen and paper. Your computer’s word processing program or even your phone’s notes section will do. Just find a way to put out into the world all the positive things about you, your personality, your intelligence, and your skills. Doing this will be a reminder for you and will help to refute your inner critic.

Turn That Frown Upside Down

It may seem simplistic, but sometimes it just helps to smile. Yes, the simple act of smiling can improve your mood. Smiling has actually been shown to release endorphins and serotonin into your brain. The same is true for exercise. These feel-good neurochemicals can really perk up your mood, leading you to feel better. Remember, thinking and feeling go hand in hand. It’s easier to shut up your inner critic when you’re feeling happier.

Consider the Opposite

When you think about the worst-case scenario, I want you to immediately try to switch it around. Visualize the opposite of your negative picture. Instead, create an outcome in which you succeed and you’re able to achieve the goal that scares you. Consider what it will feel like to reach success and think about the ways in which it will improve your life. This can be a powerful motivator for turning your inner dialogue around. Plus, visualization can actually help make your dreams a reality. You can trick your brain into faking it until you make it.

Use these tips to make changes in your thinking. Then keep going with the momentum you gain. Each action you take will propel you closer to your goals, and soon you’ll be wondering just why you ever listened to that inner critic anyway.

The Importance of Paying Attention to Your Inner DialogueAs you’ve learned so far, your inner critic can really hold you...

The Importance of Paying Attention to Your Inner Dialogue

As you’ve learned so far, your inner critic can really hold you back. Once you start to internalize the messages your fear and doubt give you, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of avoiding anything that seems too difficult or scary. You truly can break this pattern. The key lies in learning to manage your inner dialogue. Keep reading to learn more about the connection between what you think and what you feel. You’ll discover tips for taking control of conversation and turning the dialogue around in your favor.

What You Tell Yourself Matters

The words you tell yourself really can have an influence on how you feel and behave. This internal dialogue can spiral into an incessant pattern of negative messages if you’re not careful. These words feed upon each other, and you end up telling yourself things that make you feel bad. While it’s true this can hold you back from trying new things or reaching specific goals, it can also have a negative effect on your daily mood. When you tell yourself something long enough, you start to believe it. Internal dialogue is powerful. It can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Often, what you tell yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and your words become truth.

How to Take Control of the Conversation

There is good news, though. As we’ve discussed, once you recognize the negative pattern of words, you can start to turn them around. Just as negative messages can make you feel bad, positive ones can improve your outlook. When you think more positively, you’ll start to feel more optimistic. Your actions will also reflect this positivity. So, take time to listen to the things you’re saying to yourself. Take notes of the common threads. Put a positive spin on things when you catch yourself saying mean things. Look for the reality and find ways to address the problem. Pay attention to how you feel when you turn your negative thoughts into more realistic and positive ones. Chances are you’ll immediately feel a little better. Use that feeling to guide future internal conversations.

Learning New Patterns Takes Time

Affirmations can be powerful. Once you start giving yourself pep talks and turning things around, it’s likely things will get better. You know the real person you are. Reminding yourself of your strengths can make it easier to shut your inner dialogue up. However, these things can take time. You’ve probably been telling yourself these things and tearing yourself down for a lifetime. Learning new habits requires repetition in order to put them in place. So, be gentle with yourself if you backslide. That’s to be expected. With practice, you’ll get there. Positive self-talk will replace the bad more often than not. You’ll see.

Keep this advice in mind when your inner dialogue gets to be too much.

Refuting Critical Thoughts by Imagining the Worst-Case Scenario \n\nYour inner critic can be more than a pain. As we’ve ...

Refuting Critical Thoughts by Imagining the Worst-Case Scenario \n\nYour inner critic can be more than a pain. As we’ve discovered along our journey so far, this internal dialogue can stop you in your tracks. It often holds you back from the things you most desire. It preys upon your most terrible fears in hopes that you’ll be too insecure to move forward. But what if you forge ahead anyway? What’s the worst that could happen? That worst-case scenario is what we’re going to examine today with the hopes that you’ll discover it’s really not as bad as you think. In fact, the worst-case scenario can be your best friend against your inner critic. \n\nAbout the Worst-Case Scenario\n\nThe worst-case scenario is usually an exaggerated belief about the outcome of a situation. This scenario is where the mind goes when there is ambiguity or uncertainty. Fear of the unknown is powerful, and the worst-case scenario plays upon that fear in sneaky ways. The worst-case scenario turns every potential outcome into a catastrophe when there isn’t necessarily anything awful lurking about at all. Often, things turn out just fine or not as bad as you thought. \n\nHow It Can Help You\n\nLooking back on past experiences you’ve had with the worst-case scenario is a good exercise. It lets you know that usually the absolute most awful thing you imagined never occurred at all. You can use that knowledge in the present to use the worst-case scenario to your advantage. The worst-case scenario is usually playing in the background of your thoughts, but have you ever taken the time to confront it? Asking yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” and then exploring that question can give you some insight and perspective to help you most past fear or anxiety. It helps to stop the tape that’s playing in your brain over and over. \n\nOvercoming the Worst-Case Scenario\n\nConfronting the worst-case scenario is the first step to overcoming it. Asking this question puts you in the moment and into problem-solving mode. You begin to look at the situation analytically, rather than through the lens of fear. This gives you control that was lacking when you just let your thoughts run wild, giving in to the worst-case scenario of your imagination. Instead, you can now take time to consider things like what the odds may be of the very worst thing happening or what it would actually be like for you if that thing did happen. Once you have a handle on things, you can move forward. \n\nAs you can see, the worst-case scenario doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. You can turn things around and use it as a tool to push you forward and defeat your inner critic.

Write Down and Examine Your Most Critical Thoughts \n\nGetting a handle on your inner critic involves awareness, confide...

Write Down and Examine Your Most Critical Thoughts \n\nGetting a handle on your inner critic involves awareness, confidence, and planning. Once you become aware of your patterns of negative self-thought, you can work to turn that thinking around to something more useful. You’ll then feel better about yourself, and your confidence is likely to soar once you’re able to let go of all that self-loathing commentary. You’ll begin to develop a plan for dealing with the negativity for good. All of this is a process, though. It requires some time and organization. Check out the tips below to create your own plan for dealing with your most critical thoughts. \n\nSome Criticism is Good\n\nFirst, it’s important to understand that some criticism is good. Constructive criticism can actually help you to identify limitations and create goals to work toward. This type of critique is specific. It points out particular areas that need attention. Your inner critic isn’t helpful or wise. It’s usually just plain mean. Its messages come from emotions like fear, insecurity, doubt, and loneliness. “You’re no good at anything,” is vague and definitely doesn’t fall under the constructive type of criticism. This type of blanket statement also doesn’t give you any sort of goal or action to work toward. It doesn’t motivate you to work for your goals or to try anything new. Its purpose is to keep you in place. \n\nMake a List\n\nLists are wonderful. They allow you to organize all the information that’s floating around in your head, which can provide much-needed perspective and insight. Make a list of your most frequent self-criticisms, along with the suspected root of those messages. This will allow you to look for patterns and note your trouble spots. Once you’ve done this self-examination, go to a new page and write down specific issues that may be true or relevant among your problems. Consider which are genuinely things you can work on or that have a solution. Perhaps you are unhappy in your current career and you’re afraid you won’t be able to get a different type of job or promotion. Are there legitimate reasons why that is? Write down what’s holding you back. Lack of education or skills is something you can work on. Your fear of public speaking is also something that can be overcome. Brainstorm solutions to the problems you discover. \n\nHopefully, this exercise is empowering for you. It’s meant to show you that your inner critic is usually wrong and that you can escape the messages it gives you once you understand them. There are ways to shut your critic up and move forward. \n

Would You Talk to Your Friend Like This? \n\nThey say we’re often our own harshest critics, and this is certainly true i...

Would You Talk to Your Friend Like This? \n\nThey say we’re often our own harshest critics, and this is certainly true in many circumstances. The inner voice that is only too happy to dole out the criticism is never very nice about it, that’s for sure. When you’re listening to your inner critic, it’s easy to lose perspective. The negative, harsh messages you receive can truly hurt, and they usually remain in place for a long time. A good way to manage that voice and turn things around is to reframe the words you tell yourself. Instead of being mean and insensitive in your messages, try to consider what you would say to a friend instead. Take a look below to see what I mean. \n\nBe Gentle \n\nTake time to break down the messages you’re sending yourself. Is there a way you can rephrase these things so that they’re gentler? That would be a great start toward overcoming the toxic effects of your inner critic. For example, pay attention to words like “never” or “always” and consider whether they’re realistic. Instead of saying, “I never do anything right”, you can say, “I’m not good at everything, but there are lots of things I do very well.” Being gentle with yourself can go a long way toward helping you to banish your inner critic once and for all. \n\nBe Constructive\n\nConstructive criticism is always appreciated over harsh words. A criticism may have a valid portion at its roots. Take time to dissect the messages you’re giving yourself. If you do think there may be a spark of truth to them, find ways to frame that bit into more helpful feedback. Instead of berating yourself for not being good enough, remind yourself that you could use some practice or study in a particular area if you want to excel. This is a much more empowering message to receive. \n\nBe Kind\n\nFinally, above all, be kind to yourself. You wouldn’t say mean things to a friend or loved one. Try to show yourself the same kind of care. Remind yourself that it’s okay to have insecurities, fears, and doubts. Be your own cheerleader and give yourself positive messages to counter your inner critic. Positivity and kindness can do wonders. If you practice this pattern long enough, you’ll start to see that your inner critic becomes a lot quieter. \n\nKeep these suggestions in mind when dealing with your inner critic. By reframing the messages it sends and treating yourself as you would a friend, you’ll make a great deal of progress toward reaching your goals and achieving great things. \n

3 Tips for Stopping Negative Thoughts from Spiraling Out of Control \n\nA big problem with your inner critic is that it ...

3 Tips for Stopping Negative Thoughts from Spiraling Out of Control \n\nA big problem with your inner critic is that it sometimes never shuts up. Once you start having intrusive thoughts, they tend to ramble on and on. In fact, these pervasive messages can feed off of each other until they become a constant barrage of criticism that leaves you doubting yourself and feeling stuck. The good news is that you have the power to stop these negative thoughts from spiraling out of control and taking over. Follow these tips to take charge of your thinking and get yourself back on track toward your goals.\n\nRecognize What Isn’t True\n\nFirst things first. You absolutely must learn to figure out what is and what isn’t true when these nagging thoughts creep in. As I’ve recommended in past articles, it’s always wise to look for patterns. If you keep telling yourself mean things over and over, chances are good that these things are rooted in your subconscious. They’re messages you’ve internalized from others or from your own self-doubt. Once you recognize the falsehoods, you can address them. \n\nChallenge Negative Thinking\n\nChallenging these negative thoughts can be difficult. One good way to do it is to think of times in your past when you’ve demonstrated the opposite of what you’re currently telling yourself. For example, if you tell yourself that you can’t do something, just think of a time when you did something that was just as difficult. If you were able to succeed in the past, there’s no solid evidence that you won’t do just fine in the present. Always try to look at these negative messages and ask yourself whether they’re realistic or if they’re rooted in something deeper like fear or self-doubt. \n\nFocus on a Solution, Not the Problem\n\nOne of the best ways to overcome stinking thinking is to focus on reframing the thoughts into something positive or to look toward a solution to a problem. If you’re feeling like you can’t do something, ask yourself if that’s realistic. Then try to think of just one small step you can take toward doing the thing that intimidates you. You can figure out additional steps toward success as you go along. When you’re able to look at things in a positive light and see a potential solution, it’s much easier to shut your inner critic up and to move toward achieving your goals. \n\nKeep these thoughts in mind when negative thoughts are taking over. Battling your inner critic is much easier when you have the right tools and weapons at your disposal. \n

Become More Aware of Your Thoughts Through Journaling \n\nRecognizing your inner critic and the factors that contribute ...

Become More Aware of Your Thoughts Through Journaling \n\nRecognizing your inner critic and the factors that contribute to its strength is important to defeating these negative influences that can hold you back. This is an important topic we’ve touched upon in our journey so far. However, you may still be unsure of just how to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Emotions such as self-doubt are ingrained in us from a young age. Therefore, it can be really hard to notice them when they rear their ugly heads. One way to gain insight and recognition is through journaling. Take a look at how this tool can help you to understand yourself better and to kick negative thoughts to the curb. \n\nAbout Journaling\n\nJournaling is simply taking a set amount of quiet time to write down your thoughts. This can be with a pen and paper, in a word processing program, through an app, or any other type of electronic medium. You might want to have a fancy bound journal or a particular program to keep your journal in, but neither are necessary. This journaling can be free writing, in which you jot down any thoughts that come into your head. It can also follow specific prompts or exercises meant to provide specific insight. No matter what type of writing you do or how you record your thoughts, the point is to get them out of your head.\n\nThe Benefits of Journaling\n\nThere are so many benefits of journaling, many of them contribute to gaining awareness and silencing your inner critic. Journaling helps you to connect with mindfulness. You are able to be more present and to recognize the things you’re feeling in this moment, rather than dwelling on past experiences or beliefs. Writing in a journal can also improve your chances of reaching your goals. When you write things down, you begin to see patterns. Your goals become more concrete, rather than mere ideas with no destination. Journaling leads to greater self-knowledge because it allows you to explore your emotions. All of these benefits combine to create a strong arsenal for battling your inner critic. \n\nHow to Journal\n\nThere’s no one way to journal correctly. The key is to find a routine that works for you and to do it consistently. Many enjoy journaling first thing in the morning as a way to begin their day on a good foot and to release pent-up thoughts. Another option is to do your journaling in the evening before bedtime. This provides a great way to process the day’s events and to prepare for a good night’s rest. Shooting for every day is probably a good goal, as it provides consistency and creates a habit. \n\nGive journaling a try. You may find it helps you to tame that inner critic and to get to the roots of your negative internalized beliefs. \n

Self-Doubt is a Coping Mechanism to Prevent Potential Pain and Disappointment \n\nSelf-doubt is a common issue discussed...

Self-Doubt is a Coping Mechanism to Prevent Potential Pain and Disappointment \n\nSelf-doubt is a common issue discussed by those who battle their inner critic regularly. The nagging belief that you’re not good enough or that you can’t succeed is incredibly pervasive. It can become internalized and hold you back from many of your most desired goals. It’s a self-defeating belief that can even be used as a coping mechanism to keep you from trying the things that scare you. Read on to learn more about self-doubt and what you can do to overcome it. \n\nAbout Self-Doubt\n\nSelf-doubt is a self-sabotaging and nagging voice inside your head that is repetitive and negative. While you may not hear actual words playing over and over again in your mind, you likely experience emotions related to the internal messages you are giving yourself. It’s possible, also, that others may have stoked your self-doubt. This can be a parent, spouse, teacher, or other close personal associate. When people send us signals, either out loud or through their actions, it’s easy to start to believe those messages. And it’s incredibly difficult to overcome the effects they have on you once you’ve internalized them. \n\nHow It Feeds Your Inner Critic\n\nYour inner critic doesn’t want you to succeed. It doesn’t even want you to try. Self-doubt is one of the most effective ways to convince you not to even try to achieve your goals. Self-doubt erodes your self-confidence and convinces you to give up before you even begin. It keeps you from tuning into healthier and more positive messages you may prefer to give yourself. When you give into self-doubt, you’ll notice that damaging habits like procrastination and remaining within your comfort zone can set in. Self-doubt can easily fuel anxiety and stress. Neither of these states are healthy for fueling progress. Self-doubt sets you up to fail. \n\nWays to Overcome Self-Doubt\n\nThere are lots of ways to recognize self-doubt and kick it to the curb. First, notice when you find yourself making excuses for why you can’t do something or don’t want to pursue an opportunity. Ask yourself if there is a legitimate reason that’s holding you back or if it may be self-doubt trying to sabotage you. Look for patterns in the messages you’re telling yourself. If you see a recurring thing such as belief you’re not good enough or that you’re an imposter, chances are you simply need to push self-doubt aside and take on the challenge that faces you. Look for these repetitive messages or other things that may trigger your self-doubt. When you can see these obstacles, you can overcome them. Finally, cut yourself some slack. This is especially important if you’re a perfectionist. The attempts you make don’t have to be perfect. What matters is that you try and that you take steps toward your goals. Be easy on yourself and be your own cheerleader. You can also recruit trusted friends to support you. Often, others believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. \n\nUse these tips to overcome self-doubt. That inner critic will be gone in no time once you start taking proactive measures such as these to measure it. \n



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