
TechAvisa 👨🏻‍💻| Social Media Trainer
🎯| We aim to boost your Sales
📢| Facebook Ads Practition


What is Webinar Funnel?
A webinar funnel is like a typical sales funnel in which a webinar essentially acts as a lead magnet and also as a way to convert your leads. It starts with driving traffic to your webinar landing page.
That is where you need to collect information from your visitors so that they can become your leads. The webinar acts as a lead magnet.
People who’re interested in attending your webinar will register for it and become your leads. You can collect their email addresses and other details. This is the second step of your webinar funnel.
Once they give you their information, you’ll direct them to a thank you page. After that, you’ll send out information about the webinar to get them to attend it. This is the third step of the webinar funnel.
The next step of the webinar funnel involves the webinar itself. You need to ensure that the attendees remain engaged throughout the webinar.
With an on-demand webinar, it could have another step, which is that of rewatching the webinar.
Lastly, the webinar funnel ends with the purchase of your product or service by the attendees. This way, they end up converting.
The Average rate of Leads to Attendees is 35-50% & Attendees to Enrolled Members are 5-15%.
But this totally depends on all the factors like Targeted Traffic, Funnel, Landing Page Design, Copywriting & Webinar Script.
We have literally optimized our client’s scripts and entire funnel more than 10 Times to get Good results.

- Techavisa



24 POWERFUL QUESTIONS to ask while creating a copy for Sales Page and Identifying your Target Audience:

1)What is the MAJOR benefit of your product service...what does it help your customers to do?

2) Who is your product / service aimed at and who is your ideal target customer?

3) Do you have a proof of income/traffic/anything quantifiable to prove how amazing your product / service is? The more - the better!

4) What promoted you to create this product/service? What was the problem your product / service is designed to solve?

5) How will your product solve your target
audience’s problem?

6) What does the product actually do? (Please be as technical and specific as you like, and I will endeavour to translate and ‘sex it up’!)

7) What makes your product / service stand out from the competition and what features does it have that your competitors products / services don’t?

8) If your product is broken into modules, OR it has a plethora of fantastic features, list them here!

9) Why would I choose your product over a competitor’s product?

10) Write here a little bit about yourself or the product creator and share any information about yourself / the product creator that you would like your potential buyers to know.

11) What is the price of your product?

12) Are you offering any bonuses or special incentives in your offer? If so, please detail them here.

13) Are there any selling points or features that you particularly want to be highlighted in your sales letter? (Try and make these features as eye-catching as possible for you!)

14) Please provide some testimonials to prove how invaluable your product is? Two different kinds of testimonials would be perfect - A mix of emotion-based testimonials AND Results numbers/proof-based testimonials.

15) Describe your niche? Who are they? What demographics are they in? What do they think about themselves?

16) What’s their current situation?

17) Why is their current situation PAINFUL? How would they describe it?

18) What is their DESIRED situation?

19) Why do they want to move to their desired situation?

20) Why can’t they achieve their desired situation on their own?

21) What lies or limiting beliefs they are believing?

22) Why do they believe the above things?

23) What’s your offer? How does it help people move to desired situation?

24) What results will the solution provide?


How to Optimize Conversions for Ads?
Here are some tips to optimize conversions for ads.

Before you try to convert anyone you should have a clear sense of what action you want people to take after seeing your ad.
Types of conversions supported by Facebook include viewing content, adding to the wishlist, initiating checkout, and purchasing. You can also create custom conversion events if you have other goals in mind.
Don’t expect one ad to serve all of your conversion goals. Create separate ads for each goal, consider where these goals fit into the consumer journey, and target accordingly.

An ad is only as good as its landing page. When you’re determining where you’d like the conversion to happen, make sure you have everything in place to deliver on your ad’s promise.

It takes only 2.6 seconds for a user’s eye to choose where to land on a webpage. The use of eye-catching imagery increases the chances their eyeballs will land on your ad. Most first impressions are informed by design, so treat visuals as you would a handshake.

Crisp copy is often the second element of a strong ad, but if there’s too much, a user might not even bother to read it.
● Get personal. Using personal pronouns like you and you suggest a relationship between brand and audience. But be careful with “we.” A recent study found “we” is better used with returning customers.
● Avoid jargon. Speak in your audience’s language, not a technical vernacular no one will understand.
● Keep it brief. Too much text can be intimidating, so focus on the essentials and scrap the rest.

Since conversions are all about motivating actions, a strong call to action is essential. Strong verbs like start, discover, find, and explore are great if your conversion goal is to have users visit a product page or learn about your company.
If your goal is to drive purchases or subscriptions, be direct with phrases like “buy now” or “sign up.”


Why are Sales Funnels important?
Understanding the concept of sales funnels is important because it's a useful model for visualizing the customer journey from initial awareness all the way through conversion.

The sales funnel provides a useful framework through which you can analyze your business and identify areas for improvement.

Sales funnels allow companies to visualize each step that prospects take on the path to conversion.

Each step is a micro-conversion that can be optimized to increase conversions in the end; if one of these steps shows a higher-than-expected drop-off rate, it can be analyzed to see what’s wrong and test out possible improvements.

Funnel tools like Google Analytics help you visualize the flow of customers across your funnel and spot pages with high drop-off rates, displaying how many visitors exit the funnel at each step.

For example,
An eCommerce site might model their visitors in a funnel, and identify that there is a large drop-off in users between visiting the shopping cart and actually completing the transaction.

Using this data, the company can then form a hypothesis as to why this is the case and test ideas for improving conversion rate, such as reducing form fields, establishing trust with sales, making CTAs more prominent, or offering limited-time offers.

By testing these ideas through controlled A/B tests, the company can work to reduce their shopping cart abandonment and increase the percentage of visitors who make it through the funnel.


How to Build a Sales Funnel?

Creating a sales funnel is essential for moving prospects from initial contact to the final sale. You can then track the level of behavior and engagement at each stage to see where the prospect is in the sales funnel and determine how well it is working.

There are many ways to create a sales funnel, and different businesses and industries have their own types of sales funnels.

Follow these steps to create a sales funnel for your business:

1. Create a landing page.
The landing page is often the first opportunity for a prospect to learn about your business and its products and services. Users will arrive at your landing page in different ways; they might click an ad or link on a social media page, download an e-book, or up for a webinar

2. Offer something valuable.
For a prospect to provide their email address, you must give them something in return. For example, you might offer a free e-book or whitepaper with useful and informative content.

3. Nurture the prospect.
Now that the prospect has shown enough interest to provide their email address, nurture the prospect with content that educates them about your product or service. You'll want to stay in touch with them regularly (once or twice a week) but not so frequently that they get bored or turned off by all the content.

Make sure the content addresses their key needs and overcomes any potential objections.

4. Close the deal.
Make your best offer – one that is difficult for the prospect to ignore or turn down – to close the deal. For example, you could provide a product demonstration, a free trial, or a special discount code.

5. Keep the process going.
At this point in the sales funnel, the prospect has either become a customer or decided not to make the purchase. In either case, you should continue the communication and relationship-building process.

If the prospect becomes a customer, continue to build the relationship by educating them about your products or services, engaging them regularly to build loyalty, and offering them great service to retain them as valued customers.

If the prospect does not make a purchase, stay in touch with them through regular emails. Continue to work on converting them into customers by using different email nurturing series.

6. Optimize your sales funnel.
Even though you've created a sales funnel, your work is never done. You should continually look for ways to improve and optimize your sales funnel, and determine where you are losing prospects.
Focus on the areas where prospects move from one stage of the sales funnel to the next.

Thanks for reading till here. Let me know in the comments do you have a Sales Funnel?


Why Facebook Ads are effective?
What makes Facebook ads really effective is the level of audience targeting, the number of users on the platform, and the level of analytics and insights.
These advantages combined with a great strategy are why Facebook ads work for so many types of businesses.
Here are Facebook Ads 6 best practices.

Audience quality is more important than size because, with Facebook advertising, the goal is engagement and/or conversions. Casting a wide net to individuals who are not your target audience will tank your relevance scores and give you bad data to work from.

The good news is that Facebook's targeting capabilities are more robust than any other platform, including demographics, interests, location, and even behavior. That means you can get far more specific on who you want to see your ads. For example, you don't have to settle for "women between ages 25 and 45" when you can target "women between ages 25 and 45 who like reading and whose favorite author is Suzanne Collins."

By getting granular, you end up excluding users who are not your target market, showing ads to only those who will find it most relevant and who are most likely to convert.

Relevance is critical for success when using Facebook advertising. Remember, you are spending money when someone views or clicks on your ad (depending on the settings you use). If you're showing ads that aren't relevant to your target audience, you're wasting your time and money and will likely not see success with any kind of advertising.

Back in February 2015, Facebook launched a feature in the Facebook advertising platform that rates your ads and gives you a relevance score, similar to Ad Rank in Google Ads. The more relevant your ad image, ad copy, and destination page is to your audience, the higher your score is — and the more favorably Facebook will treat your ads.

Visual content is not only treated more favorably in the Facebook algorithm, but it's also more likely to be shared and remembered than written content. The lesson for Facebook marketers? No matter what type of ad you create, your image needs to be visually appealing.

Check out this blog post for a detailed guide to image sizes for various ad units on Facebook along with some tips on posting visual content.

Let's say you're running an ad for astrological jewelry. You're targeting people who like astrology and whose birthday is coming up.

You could use generic "buy a bracelet with your astrology sign" copy paired with an image/video of all the jewelry.

A better strategy, however, would be to target those whose birthdays are coming up and create a more specific ad targeting that astrological sign (e.g., "All you Geminis out there will love this" paired with a video of a specific Gemini product).

Aligning copy and visuals in a way that's relevant to the targeted audience provides a feeling of personalization which increases the likelihood of engagement and/or conversion. You'll also see better ad performance due to higher relevance scores.

A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see your website?
Your value proposition should be believable. For example, saying you have the greatest sandwiches in the world will not make people come to your business's Page, but maybe offering 20% off will. Or, perhaps adding social proof will help — something like, "Sandwiches loved by over one million people every year! Come try yours today and get 20% off your order with this coupon."

A beautiful and relevant ad is great, but without a call-to-action (CTA), your viewer might not know what to do next. Add a CTA like “Buy now and save X%,” or “Offer ends soon” and add a sense of urgency to your viewer. Your CTA should encourage people to click on your ad now.

If you spent $500 on a campaign that generated 10 leads, your average CPL would be $50. That’s the figure you’re paying ...

If you spent $500 on a campaign that generated 10 leads, your average CPL would be $50. That’s the figure you’re paying for each individual lead.

Understanding your CPL can have a huge knock-on effect on other financial metrics you’re calculating.

So, how do you know whether your CPL is “good”? Along with comparing it to your customer lifetime value, you can judge your success on the average CPL for a Facebook ad, which falls between the $0-$25 mark.

15 Simple Ways to Lower Your CPL with Facebook Ads
1. Set your campaign goal to lead generation
2. Limit the number of form fields
3. Narrow your target audience
4. But don't go too niche
5. Limit your ad placements
6. Target people in the middle of the funnel
7. Run retargeting campaigns
8. Use a lookalike audience
9. Boost organic Facebook posts
10. Use audience targeting to craft ad copy.
11. Take advantage of customer testimonials
12. Write engaging headlines
13. Direct people to a giveaway.
14. Improve your page's load speed
15. Run A/B tests

3 Funnels to Sell Coaching Programmes/ Course1. Lead Magnet FunnelWe suggest Lead Magnet Funnel when you have a Coaching...

3 Funnels to Sell Coaching Programmes/ Course

1. Lead Magnet Funnel
We suggest Lead Magnet Funnel when you have a Coaching Programme of $100-$200.
It's often hard to sell High Priced Course directly on a Landing Page. Your Visitor should be very aware of what you are selling.

2. Webinar Funnel
Webinar Funnels are best when your Course Price starts from $300-$2000.
Often people avoid webinars because it requires a lot of effort. We suggest our clients do 20 Webinars Manually and we Automate the Best 1 out of 20.

3. Lead Magnet + Webinar
This is a custom funnel.
It looks like -
Lead Magnet Opt-in >> Thankyou + Webinar Registration >> Webinar Thankyou.
This is often Pre Frames your visitors that we have a Free Lead Magnet & then a Webinar. Lead magnet will impact credibility on your audience and Webinar will add cheese on Pizza.

If you are a Course Creator/ Coach and want to implement this system in your business, DM us!

Lead Generation Page for DentistMany Dentists who do Digital Marketing Invest thousands of dollars on Ads but don't buil...

Lead Generation Page for Dentist

Many Dentists who do Digital Marketing Invest thousands of dollars on Ads but don't build the landing pages that get Leads or Appointments for their Clinic.

It is said that 90% of Dentists don't have an Online Appointment System that gets them online Leads.
We build this Landing page for my client which helped him to get 50+ Extra appointments per Week. Basically $5000+ Extra Revenue per week.

DM us to get this done for your Clinic as well!

📢Your Business Requires Right Systems in place that will Lead to Business Growth.Using 'TFP' Formula Scale your Business...

📢Your Business Requires Right Systems in place that will Lead to Business Growth.

Using 'TFP' Formula Scale your Business even if you are a:
1. Coach or Consultant
2. Realtor
3. Chiropractor
4. Networker
5. Dog Trainer
6. Small Business Owner
7. Dentist
8. Interior Designer
9. Yoga Trainer
10. Fitness Trainer
11. Dietician
12. Restaurant Owner
and even if you are from any field. We know how tou leverage your Business.

Get in touch with us!
And Get Unfair Advantage of Business Growth

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Attention Realtors!📣❌Stop Relying on Social Media❌Quick tips for Realtors :- Build Email List- Nurture your List on Dail...

Attention Realtors!📣

❌Stop Relying on Social Media❌

Quick tips for Realtors :
- Build Email List
- Nurture your List on Daily Basis
- Stop Relying on Social Media to get Clients

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You worked so hard to get the potential customer to visit your website, subscribe to your email list, and check out your...

You worked so hard to get the potential customer to visit your website, subscribe to your email list, and check out your sales page.

And it paid off. They're ready to buy your product. But did you know that this moment presents the best opportunity to increase the lifetime value of that customer?

All you have to do is offer them a better version of the product they have already decided to purchase... And that's called

Here's how to create an irresistible one-click upsell!

#1. Focus on Providing Value

#2. Offer an Amazing Deal

#3. Consider Adding Scarcity

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3 Most Popular UpsellsThis will Skyrocket your Average Cart Value🚀1. Offer Subscription2. Increase Quantity3. Extra Feat...

3 Most Popular Upsells

This will Skyrocket your Average Cart Value🚀

1. Offer Subscription

2. Increase Quantity

3. Extra Features

This simple Upsells can literally Double the worth of Sales from the Front End.

You are just one Good Funnel Away❤

Comment which Upsell you have in your business👇

How to Sell High Ticket Product through Funnels🤔High Ticket Sells requires HOT LEADS which converts easily & that can be...

How to Sell High Ticket Product through Funnels🤔

High Ticket Sells requires HOT LEADS which converts easily & that can be done by Building Trust before selling.

Think from a Human Psychology no one will buy $1000+ worth product in first Interaction.

😎Here are 2 ways to sell High Ticket Product:

1. Simple Sales Funnel:
Lead Magnet (FREE) >> Tripwire ($10-50) >> High Ticket Product

2. Evergreen Webinar Funnel:
Free Webinar/Workshop >> Pitching in Webinar

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7 Reasons why landing page is Important? You might be wondering why you need to create separate, distinct pages that web...

7 Reasons why landing page is Important?

You might be wondering why you need to create separate, distinct pages that web visitors will be redirected to when they click on calls to action.

1. Generate Leads
At its core, your website really only has three objectives. First, to tell your story in a disruptive, compelling and emotional way. Next to attract new visitors to your business and finally to convert those visitors into leads

2. Collect Prospect Demographics
The idea of the landing page is that your visitors must “pay” you in information in order to get access to an offer. On the landing page, visitors must fill out a form. Though the information you request will vary, most of it will encompass contact information and demographics.

3. Tracking Data
Data from landing pages can be tracked, and this can help you understand just how engaged your prospects are. You’ll get to know if a prospect has downloaded multiple offers and signed up for several webinars, for example. This indicates the prospect is highly engaged and ready to purchase soon

4. Remove Distraction
Why is a landing page important? Because it inspires specific action from your prospects and visitors. If you were to send your visitors to your website’s home page, they could take a wide variety of actions, from checking out your blog to reading about your history.

5. Test and Optimize
Just like landing page data can be tracked and analyzes for your benefit, the landing pages themselves can also be tested and Optimized.

6. Pay Attention To The Form
The form is a major component of almost every landing page. Some people get greedy, asking visitors to provide a long list of information on the form. Rest assured, the more you ask for the less conversions you'll get

7. Use Social Proof
Misery loves company. Its true with landing pages too.
Include testimonials, videos, names, pictures and titles of people who have received your content and loved it.

Make it part of your ongoing and regular conversion rate optimization and website improvement initiatives


3 Hacks to Grow 1k Followers1.) Consistency - Create a lot of content in a day or two and schedule it for 15 days to 20 ...

3 Hacks to Grow 1k Followers

1.) Consistency - Create a lot of content in a day or two and schedule it for 15 days to 20 days. You can also hire someone who can be consistent enough.

2.) Shareable Content - The more number of shares the more number of reach you will get. Don't just rely on hashtags

3.) Using Right Strategies - Using right strategies for your business. Every theme page is different create a strategy which works for you.

I hope you liked our content.
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Start Affiliate Marketing without any Investment. 40 mins Training Video which reveals. => Overview of Affiliate Marketi...

Start Affiliate Marketing without any Investment.

40 mins Training Video which reveals.
=> Overview of Affiliate Marketing
=> Finding the Best Products
=> Finding Right Offer
=> Writing a Review
=> Publishing on Free Website

Grab the Training Video in just ₹399 +
3 Additional Bonuses
=> Affiliate Marketing checklist
=> Traffic Generation
=> Techavisa Community


How to Grow as an Affiliate Marketer1. Leveraging social media presence (social media marketing)2. Blogging with the pow...

How to Grow as an Affiliate Marketer

1. Leveraging social media presence (social media marketing)

2. Blogging with the power of search engine optimization and content marketing

3. Search Engine Marketing

4. Paid online advertising (Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube)

5. Email Marketing

6. Leveraging professional and personal networks

The Best Friend of Every Marketer is   Whenever you have a information based doubt always go with Google or YouTube beca...

The Best Friend of Every Marketer is

Whenever you have a information based doubt always go with Google or YouTube because there are solutions in the form of blogs and YouTube Videos on every single doubt you have on your mind🤔..
On the other side

If doubts are to be solved by experience or strategy you always should be relying on the experts and coaches in the industry.

Whenever you have any doubt regarding Internet Marketing.
Feel Free to ask us👉 ..

Don't underestimate yourself.Just like how there will never be another me.....there will also never be another you.Your ...

Don't underestimate yourself.

Just like how there will never be another me...
..there will also never be another you.

Your unique personality, life experiences, and way of seeing the world are your hidden strengths.

There are amazing projects and business ideas that only you can dream to life.

Apart from finances, know that YOU are your greatest asset.

You have so much to give the world and you don't even

know it yet.

So, never ever underestimate yourself.

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There's so much information out there about lead generation that it can make your head spin!You just want to know what w...

There's so much information out there about lead generation that it can make your head spin!

You just want to know what works best, apply it in your business, and get results.. and that's where we come in

Here are the three best lead generation techniques!

Want to learn how to get more leads for your business? Shoot us a DM!

A Thank You page does more than just say “thanks”, it has the potential to improve your bottom line! 👀⠀SWIPE 👉 to find o...

A Thank You page does more than just say “thanks”, it has the potential to improve your bottom line! 👀

SWIPE 👉 to find out what a Thank You page is!

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You can make your squeeze page more persuasive by adding these additional elements! 🤩
⠀Adding these elements to your squ...

You can make your squeeze page more persuasive by adding these additional elements! 🤩

Adding these elements to your squeeze page doesn’t take much time but it can substantially increase its conversion rate. It’s well worth the effort 😉

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You caught the potential customer's attention, you got them to download your lead magnet, and you made your sales pitch....

You caught the potential customer's attention, you got them to download your lead magnet, and you made your sales pitch.

But they decided that they aren't interested. What should you do?

You could accept the loss and move on... or you could present them with a downsell😎

SWIPE👉🏻to find out what a downsell is!

To learn more about downsells and how they could help your business, visit the link in our bio📲


3 Best Funnel Builders1. Click Funnels - Russel Brunson Click funnels are giant in the market it has a lot of features i...

3 Best Funnel Builders

1. Click Funnels - Russel Brunson
Click funnels are giant in the market it has a lot of features including landing pages, funnel logics, membership area & many more. But it seems a little costly according to Indian Market.

2. Flexi Funnels - Saurabh Bhatnagar
Flexi Funnels is India’s first funnel builder with a lot of advanced options. It has advanced funnel logics, autoresponder integration, 500 DFY templates, and a lot of things included in it. It is expected to be launched in October.

3. Groove Funnels - Mike Filsaime
Groove Funnels is again a good software for beginners, we personally have’nt used it yet. But one can go for it.

How many of you want us to come with a cousre of building funnels, Type ‘1’ in the comment box

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This is the secret you have been waiting for...😍And, there is no secret. If you want to make your content more snackable...

This is the secret you have been waiting for...😍

And, there is no secret. If you want to make your content more snackable you need to pick a simple idea and build enough curiosity around it

When you make that happen, you will create the urge to swipe and keep watching your carousels

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