Courtney Schultz

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Courtney Schultz We don’t share the messy, middle parts of our stories enough- we usually only showcase the pretty, filtered endings.

Come hang with us as we navigate through messy seasons together!


Such a raw, emotional and REAL conversation on today’s episode. Alison was a teen mom that was determined to be successful. She talks about overcoming shame, how the church can hurt and how to prevent it, the importance of mental health, and chasing dreams. There is laughter, tears and growth all in one episode!

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In today’s episode we talked to the owner of Carpenter Farmhouse about how she went from high-school drop out and living...

In today’s episode we talked to the owner of Carpenter Farmhouse about how she went from high-school drop out and living on food stamps to building a wildly successful business.

Niki Carpenter shares her journey through a miscarriage, having debilitating anxiety which lead to her dropping out of high school in 10th grade, giving birth to her first born child while her husband was deployed in Afghanistan, barely surviving on credit cards and food stamps- to building an empire.

Carpenter Farmhouse was born through Niki’s desperation to survive. When she couldn’t afford a dining room table, she figured out how to build one. When she couldn’t afford to decorate her home, she began making wood signs. And Carpenter Farmhouse was born.

Today, Carpenter Farmhouse has 10 employees and over 140,000 followers. She has gone from living on credit cards and food stamps, to debt free and wildly successful.

Listen here:

The world tries to tell me to focus on ME. The world makes me long for the approvals of others. But I don’t need to gain...

The world tries to tell me to focus on ME. The world makes me long for the approvals of others.

But I don’t need to gain the world’s attention because the creator of the world has already chosen me.


We’ve got Mackenzie Edwards from Teen Mom on the podcast today!!! Reality TV is not always reality. This episode allows you to look into the real life of Mackenzie.

In this episode, we discuss:

•What life is like for Mackenzie after Teen Mom. She shares her side of the story- raw and unedited.

• Mackenzie and Ryan's real-life journey through addiction and how they were able to overcome it.

• How to handle change when the life you were planning suddenly takes an unexpected turn.

• Being bold enough to pray big, scary prayers.

In this episode, you will fall in love with Mackenzie and the side of her you didn't get to see on Teen Mom.

I am so greateful to God for these amazing doors opening and friendships being made that never could have happened without me being obedient to God and going where he calls me to go…even in my mess! ❤️❤️

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Listen to the episode below:

I’ve felt so naked this week. So unfiltered and on display for anyone to see. Releasing something into the world you’ve ...

I’ve felt so naked this week. So unfiltered and on display for anyone to see. Releasing something into the world you’ve poured so much of yourself into is terrifying.

It’s so scary because there’s no filter, nothing to hide behind. You’re giving the world access to intimate pieces of yourself when you put your heart into something.

You’re opening the door for hate, judgement, failure.

But you’re also opening the door for connections, friendships, healing and ministry.

Don’t allow fear of failure or other’s opinions to hold you back.

Monday I shared a part of myself I’ve always felt shame for. As I listened back to the recording I became paralyzed with fear of what people would think.

“They’re going to think I’m a horrible mom”
“They’re going to make fun of me for my imperfections in speaking”
“I suck at this, why am I even doing this?”

Then it happened.

Messages started coming in from women who felt the same things as me, women who thought they were alone.

Suddenly isolation turned into community.

Shame came falling down.

Hope was born.

There’s so much waiting for you on the other side of your fears!

Show up messy. That’s where the magic is!

How Lindsay Cummings went from immobile with a chronic illness to a  #1 NYT Best Selling Author... “Growing up, I always...

How Lindsay Cummings went from immobile with a chronic illness to a #1 NYT Best Selling Author...

“Growing up, I always wanted to be a musician. High school graduation came and I was auditioning for different music programs and I was so excited about the idea that I had in my head of my future- becoming this famous musician. That was my life plan, everything was going in that direction.

But God had other plans.

I ended up getting sick and diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My body was so physically exhausted that I couldn’t do the basic daily things, like walking from my house to the mailbox. I would be so exhausted and dizzy just from that short walk to the mailbox that I would have to take a nap. Just reaching up to wash my hair felt like my arms were going to fall off. Trying to stay awake and focused and carry-on conversations with people was impossible. I had several surgeries and lost my scholarships because of it.

I had this stand still moment where I realized every single plan I had for my life had just fallen apart.

What am I supposed to do now?

I’m supposed to be healthy. I’m young. I have all this energy and drive, but I have absolutely no way to use it.

That’s when I looked at the life my dad had and everything changed.

My dad went to college on a soccer scholarship and shortly after starting his first year, he got bacterial meningitis and lost both of his legs from the knees down within 24 hours.

His entire life plan was totally taken from him at 18 years old. The same age as me when I got sick.

My dad’s way of coping with that was writing. He wrote constantly in a journal and when I got sick he gave me that journal to show me I could still do something with my life. I read through the whole thing and I was amazed by his positivity and his passion to use the gifts God gave him, regardless of where he was or what the situation looked like.

He showed me you can be in a palace or you can be in a prison, but you can choose to worship God in either place.

And, suddenly, I started writing…”

Listen to the full conversation here:

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Listen to The Messy Middle with Courtney Schultz on Spotify. We don’t share the messy, middle parts of our stories enough- we usually only showcase the pretty, filtered endings. When you’re in a messy season, it’s easy to lose faith and feel abandoned by God. This is for the girl that’s in t...

Our seasons of suffering can either be spent in misery or on a mission. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to sit...

Our seasons of suffering can either be spent in misery or on a mission. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to sit in misery when God allowed whatever happened to happen in order to propel me on a mission! 🔥

You don’t need to know the reason it happened, you just need a revelation- and the revelation is that God can use your suffering to help others and spread His glory! It’s not about you- it’s about HIM! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

This didn’t happen bc of anything you did, God is not punishing you.

Paul suffered GREATLY and yet he was the most faithful apostle. It was BECAUSE of his times of suffering that the gospel was written and God’s glory was shared!

BECAUSE of the things that bring you to your knees, BECAUSE of the heartbrakes and losses and mistakes and terrible events in your story- BECAUSE of all that pain- His glory can be spread!

Will you choose to bite back when the enemy attacks? Will you choose to praise him even in the midst of your sorrows? Will you choose to show everyone watching you that God is still good EVEN IF?

Or will you drown in your sorrows and let this time of suffering define your entire life on Earth? Will you allow this terrible thing to ruin God’s purpose for your life?

I pray not. I pray you get up and allow God to use your story to help others and break generational chains. I pray you believe this can be used for good EVEN IF!!

We live in a time where we unfollow, cancel and mock people simply because we disagree on something. How can we minister...

We live in a time where we unfollow, cancel and mock people simply because we disagree on something.

How can we minister to anyone if we’re too busy unfollowing and mocking?

How can we help anyone if we don’t take time to listen and understand them?

We can’t expect people to care about the Jesus we talk about if the same mouth we speak Jesus from is also mocking and cancelling them.

Before you minister, listen.

Before you minister, love.

Loving people that act, talk and think just like you is easy.

Loving people that act, talk and think differently than you takes Jesus.

…And isn’t needing and relying on Jesus the whole point?

Go talk to that person you don’t understand. Ask Jesus to give you His heart for them.

That’s where miracles are produced. In those moments we rely on Jesus.

And loving people who disagree with us is a great place to allow God to produce a miracle ❤️

Follow my christian podcast on IG:

God doesn’t want you to be broke.Let’s   the statement that if you are wealthy you’re doomed for hell. Many quote Mark 1...

God doesn’t want you to be broke.

Let’s the statement that if you are wealthy you’re doomed for hell. Many quote Mark 10:25 when arguing this, which says “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

This is just one sentence of the conversation Jesus was having. But isn’t that just like the world we currently live in?

We take one image or one statement and plaster it all over social media and the news, manipulating what was actually fact in order to persuade people in one direction on a topic.

Unfortunately, that’s what I believe many have done through the years with this verse, which has made us so afraid of success and so afraid of chasing the passions in our hearts.

Do you know what else Jesus said in the verses before and right after that one?

If you read the entire chapter, you’ll see that a very wealthy man had just asked Jesus how to enter heaven. Jesus replied to sell everything and give it to the poor. But the wealthy man’s face fell and he walked away.

Because of the man’s love for his money and possessions he didn’t want to serve God.

His wealth had become his God.

A few sentences later, the disciples said they were giving up everything to follow Jesus. And you know what Jesus said?

He told them he would bless them 100 TIMES MORE than what they had given up for him. (Mark 10:29-31)

He wasn’t telling us money will send you to hell. He wasn’t telling us he wants us to sit around broke and barely making ends meet.

He’s actually telling us the opposite! He’s telling us that when we partner with him in our work and passions and life, he will bless us 100 fold for it!

He was warning us to not be like the wealthy man that walked away from him.
He desires to bless us more than we can imagine. But first, he needs us to surrender to His will. And simply put, that means to allow Him to guide our decisions in both work and personal life.

Don’t get overwhelmed trying to figure out His will for your life. Start trying things and see what you like and what you’re good at. And watch how he will guide you, open up doors, and bless you 100 fold! 💯 💫

What did God create me to do? I have so many passions but none seem to ever work out for me. He keeps closing doors on m...

What did God create me to do?

I have so many passions but none seem to ever work out for me.

He keeps closing doors on me.

I’m so lost, confused, and defeated.

Do any of those statements resonate with you? Are you constantly spinning your wheels trying to figure out the purpose for your life?

Are you kind of all over the place trying to freakin’ figure out where you’re supposed to be?

If you answered yes, fantastic! You’re in good company. Because, well, me too 🙋🏼‍♀️

Which is why I want to blow your mind and tell you what shifted things for me.

Partnering with God instead of boxing him into an hour on Sundays. Going to God with an open heart and telling him “I want to do this with my life for YOUR glory.”

That’s when things began to shift.

When you invite Christ into your dreams instead of trying to figure it all out on your own, you’ll find that He can do so much more through you. Because you’ve now become a team instead of opponents.

When you’re spinning your wheels trying to figure out life all on your own, instead of allowing the one who created you to help- you’re truly causing yourself unnecessary pain and dead ends.

And that’s not God’s purpose for you. He needs you to tag him in and allow him to work WITH YOU as you walk into your passions.

Don’t box him into a church building once or twice a week and separate him from your job and passions.

When we team up with God, we become a light that shines for the world to find what they are searching for.

“We do not become culturally relevant when we become like the culture, but rather when we model what the culture hungers to become.” - Bill Johnson.

What is the biggest pain point for you as you’re trying to find your purpose? Send me a DM and let’s chat it out together. I’d love to help you in anyway I can or simply pray for you today.

Leave me a 🤎 if this helped you today.

📸: Amanda Shirah Creative


Chad Schultz 🦸‍♂️💙


I didn’t expect him to knock his sister over 😭😭 Dads are superheroes 🦸‍♂️ Tag the superhero in your life and tell him how thankful you are for all of his long days spent working to provide for his family 🤎

Monday will mark one year since I walked into a hospital room and held my lifeless dad and told him goodbye. One entire ...

Monday will mark one year since I walked into a hospital room and held my lifeless dad and told him goodbye.

One entire year of processing my reality and it still does not feel real. Extreme anger is surfacing. And it ain’t pretty.

At all.

There’s a popular term for moms called “mama bear”. We use this term to describe a mother who is protecting her child from some type of danger or mistreatment.

I’ve felt like “daughter bear” the last few days.

My sadness and guilt has turned to anger this week. I am so very angry for many different reasons.

Some of this anger is probably not justified, but right now I don’t care. Being completely honest.

I’m angry and I’d do anything to be able to scream my head off with God and my dad. I found myself thinking today “I just wish I could unload all of this on you, dad! I just want to tell you how angry I am!!”

And this is a part of grief we don’t talk about enough.

It made me wonder how many other people are walking past me in the grocery store with a smile on their face but a rage in their soul.

How many people are beating themselves up for feeling so much anger.

How many people are trying to vent to others about this anger just to be told to “let it go” and “Jesus wouldn’t want you having so much anger”.

So if you’re feeling anger in the midst of any kind of grief- maybe you’re grieving a loved one or maybe you’re grieving a relationship, a job, a dream that didn’t happen- say this prayer with me:

I don’t want to have anger in my heart, Lord, but I do. Forgive me. My anger has turned into a fire that I can’t put out. I need you to put this out for me, Lord. Comfort me in my anger today and help me remember you are in control and you are for me, not against me. I surrender this anger and I give it to you. Help me to release my grip on this anger. I fear if I let go of this anger than it just makes the things I’m angry about okay. Remind me that just because i surrender it to you does not mean you don’t care about my feelings. But you want better for me than to be consumed by this anger. It’s too heavy for me to carry, so please carry this anger for me.

Leave me a heart emoji if you prayed this prayer so I know who to be praying for today as well.

We’ve sat with our anger long enough, friends. Let’s give it to the one that can handle it.

I love you all! 🤎


tetelestai • The last word Jesus spoke on the cross. It means “it is finished”

The world may be in chaos.
The news may be scary to watch.
The future may be filled with unknowns.
Darkness may surround us.

But he has already won this war.

It is finished. No matter what things look like. He already paid the price.

He will prevail.


John 19:30

Someone once told me I’d never amount to anything. She asked my why anyone would ever care to read my words or why anyon...

Someone once told me I’d never amount to anything.

She asked my why anyone would ever care to read my words or why anyone would ever take me seriously.

She said my story wasn’t clean enough to be used by God.

She said I didn’t have a big enough story.

She told me I had no place trying to write a book in the christian space because I wasn’t a very good christian and I wasn’t even that close to God.

She said I was probably wasting my time with all this writing because it’ll just be another average project that doesn’t take me anywhere.

Can you believe someone said all of those nasty things to me?

Can you believe the person that said all of that to me was ME?

We are are biggest enemies. The space in between our ears is Satan’s playground.

He knows if he can strip your courage, if he can steal your identity and worthiness, he can prevent you from becoming who God created you to be.

Don’t listen to what your thoughts say about you.

Listen to what Christ says about you.

He didn’t give you that passion, those gifts, that story- just for you to sit on it. You have a divine purpose and the more Satan tries to convince you that you’re not enough, the more he fears you.

And to be feared by Satan is the highest compliment a christian can receive 🤎

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Tag someone that needs to be encouraged today and reminded of their worth. Comment below if you are going to remind Satan who Christ says you are the next time he gets in your head 🙌🏽🤎

Do you find this whole faith journey lonely and isolating at times? Is your walk with Christ causing you to long for a c...

Do you find this whole faith journey lonely and isolating at times? Is your walk with Christ causing you to long for a community of other Christian women? Are you stuck in your journey, trying to piece together what you’re supposed to be doing next in your life?

I have been there! Because of that, I went into a season of surrender. During my time of prayer and being in His word, I’ve gotten SO much clarity. He has spoken to me through His word and He has clarified things so much for me.

If you are wanting answers, longing for friendships, needing direction in your life- I highly encourage you to seek him. With all of your heart. Not just 5 minutes a day. Chase after him like you would a guy you want to date- chase him hard. Stage five clinger hard. Get to know him. Tell him about the deepest, darkest places in your heart. I promise you that as you chase him, He will also chase you.

I’m currently praying about an opportunity to host a women’s retreat. A time to bring together women of all ages to overcome past hurts, begin the process of breaking chains in our lives, praising and worshiping, laughter and tears. Finding your tribe of Christ loving women to walk alongside you in this journey. A few days spent together hearing from speakers and being poured into and loved on and refreshed- a retreat meant to help you overcome your “even if” moments and give you the tools and friendships you need on your journey of chasing Christ!

Please pray with me as I continue to surrender and ask God to lead me and show me if this is something in His will for me to host. I’d love your prayers! I’d also love your feedback and if you’d be interested in coming on a retreat like this. Leave me your thoughts in the comments and I challenge you to surrender to Christ this week and watch as He begins to lead you and reveal things to you!

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Our seasons of suffering can either be spent in misery or on a mission. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to sit...

Our seasons of suffering can either be spent in misery or on a mission. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to sit in misery when God allowed whatever happened to happen in order to propel me on a mission! 🔥 You don’t need to know the reason it happened, you just need a revelation- and the revelation is that God can use your suffering to help others and spread His glory! It’s not about you- it’s about HIM! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Don’t sit in misery any longer, sweet girl reading this. Whatever happened that has brought you to a season of suffering you never imagined you’d face- it had to happen. God may not have done it, but he did allow it. And because of that, he WILL use this suffering for His GOOD! He IS still good. This didn’t happen bc of anything you did, God is not punishing you. Paul suffered GREATLY and yet he was the most faithful apostle. It was BECAUSE of his times of suffering that the gospel was written and God’s glory was shared! •

Let me share with you scripture that spoke LIFE into my circumstance today.

“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:12-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

BECAUSE of the things that bring you to your knees, BECAUSE of the heartbrakes and losses and mistakes and terrible events in your story- BECAUSE of all that pain- His glory can be spread! Will you choose to bite back when the enemy attacks? Will you choose to praise him even in the midst of your sorrows? Will you choose to show everyone watching you that God is still good EVEN IF? Or will you drown in your sorrows and let this time of suffering define your entire life on Earth? Will you allow this terrible thing to ruin God’s purpose in your life?

I pray not. I pray you get up and allow God to use your story to help others and break generational chains. I pray you believe this can be used for good EVEN IF!!

Stuck like chuck. We getting this couch out of here EVEN IF it don’t want to leave 🤣🤣 Chad Schultz  Kristin Benton

Stuck like chuck. We getting this couch out of here EVEN IF it don’t want to leave 🤣🤣 Chad Schultz Kristin Benton

To the girl that’s missing a parent this Christmas.

To the girl that’s missing a parent this Christmas.

To the girl that’s missing a parent this Christmas. I assume if you’re reading this, you’re just like me- grieving a parent this Christmas. I assume you’re already annoyed at how everyone in your f…

A beautiful woman sent me this message after receiving her Even If order...and it blew me away. THIS is what this moveme...

A beautiful woman sent me this message after receiving her Even If order...and it blew me away. THIS is what this movement is about. Spreading the hope we have in Christ, EVEN IF our circumstances seem hopeless at times.

“I’ve been working on this. Your site said you wanted us to share our even if stories. Here’s mine.

Even If you begin as a rainbow baby, are moved from your nest at a young age to be raised by a mom whose best leaves you empty for years. Even if the new family God brought you turned out to be as solid as jello in their love and care for you, and you had to grow up, losing your best friend far too early.

Even if you tried so hard but were never good enough, and you made so many mistakes and took so many wrong turns along your journey as you searched to love and be loved. Even if, you made amends where possible, tried to remain strong and fight for your own happiness only to continue to struggle along the way.

Even if you still play sunshine moment by moment as you fight to maintain self. Through it all, He is there. He provides. He knows the plans He has for you, and you trust you will prosper. He is your constant loving Father, with hands that dry your tears and carry you through.

Even if, no matter what, He is.”

Share this and spread hope today. You never know who needs to hear this Even If story today.

You know that feeling you get when you walk into your house and it’s a mess, and you get so overwhelmed that you don’t k...

You know that feeling you get when you walk into your house and it’s a mess, and you get so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to begin and suddenly you’re overcome with anxiety? •

I feel you. Clutter drives me INSANE. Yet, my house seems to have so much of it. Closets are overflowing, I’ve got more “junk drawers” than just regular drawers, and I’ve got my under drawers sitting in laundry baskets begging to be put away most days. 🤣 And don’t even get me started on the bathrooms or kid’s rooms. When I start looking around and trying to tackle it all I get so overwhelmed that I end up doing nothing. Or I start at the kitchen junk drawer, then end up in the kid’s room before I complete the kitchen. And four hours later I still have junk in my drawers and a few partially started bedrooms. •

Am I alone in this? I don’t want to believe I am 🤣 In fact, I have a feeling I’m more than not alone. I have a feeling many women reading this are giving me the nods and the “mmm hmmms” and the praise hands right now. And if that’s you, you are my people! 🙌🏽👯‍♀️ And guess what?

I’m creating an e-guide to walk you through goals for the next year. Whether it be cleaning and organizing your home or cleaning out your body of extra pounds, or cleaning up your budget to pay off debt. Whatever is bogging you down with anxiety- it’s gotsta go in 2020, girl! We are doing a clean out! We are gonna throw all that ish away! •

Wanna hold hands and run through 2020 together, crushing our goals and planting seeds to make 2021 a year of extreme growth? Yes, I said 2021. If you can spend 2020 learning to become disciplined and laser focused on your goals, then you can spend 2021 reaping the rewards of all your hard work in 2020. Let this year be your year of intention and discipline so that next year can be your year of growth and blessings!

I know you’re fed up with the things that stress you out. I know you’re ready to make small changes in order to get you closer to your goals. You just need the tools, and I am creating an entire toolbox! 😉 •

I cannot wait to give you the tools you need to take control of your life. To get your life back. You can do this, EVEN IF!

Is there something you would love to do but you’re too afraid of what Brittany from high school would think of you if yo...

Is there something you would love to do but you’re too afraid of what Brittany from high school would think of you if you tried?

“What if I start that business and Brittany from high school thinks I’m stupid and makes fun of me?”

“What if I share my story on social media and Jessica from work judges me and talks about me to others?”

“What if I go after XYZ and I fail?”

“What if I take a step of faith and begin the process of chasing this passion and people think I’m fake or unqualified?”

“What if no one takes me seriously and I just look stupid?”

Okay. Let’s take a minute to digest these fears. Let’s take a second to breathe and stop overwhelming ourselves with the WHAT IFs. Because they are not actual things- they are what IFs. They are outcomes YOU have imagined. They are thoughts YOU have assumed others would think about you. They are all POSSIBILITIES YOU HAVE CREATED. They are not actual facts.

But, WHAT IF all of those bullet points actually became reality? What if Brittany from high school judged you and Jessica from work told everyone in the office about what you were posting and doing online? What IF people thought you were fake and didn’t take you seriously when you stepped out in faith after your passion?

WHAT IF your worst case scenarios actually became reality?

Would it really be that bad?

What keeps relentlessly pursuing you? What keeps you up at night?

What would you need to do to make that first step toward pursuing this passion?

What fear is stopping you from starting? WHAT IF those fears actually happened? Would it really be THAT BAD? WHAT IF none of those fears actually happened? WHAT IF you made the first step and God provided. WHAT IF you just stopped worrying and let God take over. WHAT IF you finally stopped worrying about what others may or may not think of you and you figured out there was an entire destiny of opportunity waiting for you on the other side of your fears?

What’s on your heart that you want to start pursuing? Share with me! I’d love to hear 💛

Do you battle depression or anxiety? Cuz girl, same! My newest design is for the girls that know what it means to be par...

Do you battle depression or anxiety? Cuz girl, same! My newest design is for the girls that know what it means to be paralyzed with depression. The girls that know how it feels to be so weighed down that you can’t even get out of bed. The girls that know all too well the highs and lows that come with anxiety. The girls that know how it feels to be so consumed with anxiety that your body shakes. The elephant that sits on your chest, but you still manage to take care of the kids and make dinner- because you’re a warrior!

The girls that deal with these demons daily but still believe in God’s goodness, EVEN IF! He is the prince of PEACE! Even if your body experiences this weight, He will bring you peace in the midst of the storm. Even if you are not sure how you will get out of bed, He will give you strength that surpasses your understanding. EVEN IF depression strikes or anxiety attacks, God is still good! There is still hope in Christ even in this battle!

Do you know a girl that needs to hear this message? Tag her in the comments so I know who to pray for this week 👯‍♀️💛

These are also available in t-shirt style as well as the tank in these pictures 💛 If you’d like one, comment below to be added to the preorder!!

IVE BEEN PRAYING AND PRAYING AND NOTHING IS HAPPENING! ••Is this your current situation? I’ve been there. Shoot, I still...


Is this your current situation? I’ve been there. Shoot, I still find myself there at times. Sometimes we pray and pray but it seems like nothing is happening. It can even feel like God isn’t listening to us.

I know there have been seasons in my life when I feel like I’m talking to a wall in my prayer life. But I’ve learned He is never the one being distant in this relationship. He isn’t fickle, he doesn’t change, he’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Many times when God seems distant it’s because I haven’t been in the word or in my prayer closet. Sometimes we have to lock ourselves in a quiet place and truly seek Him to find him.

Other times, we just can’t see what He’s doing behind the scenes, so it feels like he’s not doing anything at all. I just want to remind you that the God you serve does not abandon us, he does not break his promises, he loves you no matter WHAT you’ve done. You ARE WORTHY of his goodness. He IS listening. Did you know he knows exactly how many hairs are on your head and he knows exactly how many tears you’ve cried? The creator of this universe loves you so deep that I wish I could grab you and make you realize how much power you have inside of you. You are not inadequate. You are not forgotten. You are loved. You are sought after.

My husband spent years and years trying to find “his thing”. He prayed and he prayed that God would open the right doors for him. He felt inadequate. He felt like he wasn’t enough for his age. He felt like he should have more, be more. I watched him become depressed because he wanted better but it never seemed to go his way. I kept praying that God would help him realize he was enough, regardless of his status or financial income or whatever other ladder he felt he needed to be climbing. And after YEARS of prayer, guess what?

That door finally opened for my husband. It seeked HIM. He didn’t have to go chasing this door. The door literally jumped in front of him. That’s the kind of God we serve. He will make the moves. Keep praying. Keep seeking. He is working it out EVEN IF you can’t see it!



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