I have 1 eye 👁️ big the other eye 👁️ small and both of them are born with 3 colors which are
Yellow gold and black with green color on my eyes 👀
American people told me what I’m because I look like Asian and accent British American 🇺🇸
Surprise Police DepartmentPhoenix Police DepartmentSuperior Court of Arizona in Maricopa CountyMaria EsparzaMaricopa County Sheriff's OfficeAVC MedSurprise Police DepartmentPeoria Police AZGlendale Heights Police DepartmentFBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationVictoriţa ȘaptebaniFBIGilbert Police DepartmentGlendale Community CollegeGheorghe ZamfirSurprise City GovLAPD HeadquartersFederal Student AidEl Mirage Police DepartmentIvan Luna
And my other accent beside British American 🇺🇸 is Mexican from my adopted father paco