I also do game reviews and I also plan to host chill streams where I try my hands at art. Don't mind the mess, everything is still a work in progress in this gaming channel. Slowly but surely, I'll have everything set up, complete with mic audio and face cam. (I guess)
This is our gaming channel where we'll be playing games for fun and entertainment. Most of the games I play are roguelites, 4Xs,
simulations, sandbox, or RPGs. Hopefully in the near future, I get to set up a decent mic audio so that I get to talk and connect with you guys. I'll be streaming mostly in English, but in streams where I'll be playing with friends, you'll most likely hear me talking in Tagalog. Feel free to drop by and say hi on the chat during the livestreams and also leave suggestions for games that you'd like us to play - just no horror games, please. You might also catch livestreams of me not playing, but just messing around with Photoshop, Blender, or MagicaVoxel, trying to come up with something that could be considered as *ahrt*. If everything goes well and as the channel grows, I may also do collabs with other creators. I also plan to do episodic playthroughs of games that I like, especially for roguelites that offer tons of replayability, and on 4Xs that can go for hours on end. With that said, I do plan to et up my channel on the other platforms, whichever will work best for my plans. Of course, gaming memes are welcome. I hope that this channel grows into a fun community. Stay tuned for more gaming content and also, I'll be posting the channel's STEP GOALS FOR GROWTH soon. I have something planned by the latter part of 2021, but for now, baby steps.