我们带着演唱会应援集资进度的消息来啦! 目前为止我们集资的数目为RM2175.37~ 截至9月24号,距离第一目标还未能完全解锁🔓
作为二巡演唱会的第一站,相信各位贝壳们都希望给兴宝留下最美好的回忆吧? 所以,我们诚心的希望每一位海内外贝壳都可以出一份微薄之力。无论多少都好,我们一直相信积少成多这个道理~💪🏻💪🏻
我们相信大家做为张艺兴最强后盾 钢铁贝壳的实力~ 让我们一起再加把劲! 努力努力再努力! ! !💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
期待大家的踊跃参与~ 谢谢每一位付出的贝壳💜 好人一生平安⚘
Attention to all Xbacks!
Here's the progress of our fundraising! So far we have collected RM 2,175.37, which we have yet to reach our goal that is closing this 24th September.
Being the very first stop of the second tour, everyone would hope that this concert will give Lay wonderful memories right? We sincerely hope that each and everyone here could help out in this project. As the proverb goes, many a little makes a mickle! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Gather round all Xbacks in every nook and cranny! Thank you and awaiting your support always ❤️