This page is set up to inform individuals who may or may not know who this cowardly man-boy is who thinks he is providing a public service by going into government buildings, police stations, town halls to try to agitate employees under the guise that a public employee can be video taped and has no expectation of privacy, Man boy clearly does this not for the public good but to try to embarass and berate employees. He goes on to rationalize this by saying if no one confronts him, they "pass" the 1st amendment audit and if they confront him, they "fail" the audit. Make no mistake, man boy is a cowardly excuse for a human being with little or no redeeming qualities other than to belittle or bully them. Man boy complained that Channel 10, Bill Rapplye harassed him, but according to Man boys own words, there is little expectation in public. Man boy almost looked like he was going to cry when a Providence Police Captain responded to a complaint outside the US Post Office in Providence and began circling him. You'd think someone so pleased by his work would freely give his name to the Police, but again, under the guise of "Im a journalist" he would grow a backbone. Below is Man boys public arrest record which under the 1st amendment and the fact that its on a public website can be seen. Stay tuned for Man boys latest cowardly actions in the name of "journalism."