Do you buy to use or buy to keep? Don’t accumulate stuff. #consumerism #SmartBuy #unmetneeds #enjoymentchallenge #repurposed #dailylife
What kind of seeds that parents sow will seek to grow and manifest in our children’s consciousness? #parenting #consciousparenting #sowingseeds #FutureLeaders
Meet people where they are ☺️ #change #timingiskey #letthembe #plantingseeds #influence
Have you been experiencing people asking you “Haven’t seen you around before..” or “Are you new around here?” even though you honestly feel you have remotely “known” them for a while in the same community or equivalent? In other words, you notice them but they don’t notice you? Remind yourself this first if you have been questioning your visibility around people responding to such interactions. #visibility #visibilitychallenge #visibilitymatters #socialskills #justdifferent
Here’s an analogy: Would you give your best when you have got only one shot to make it right? #portraitart #pensketch #creativeprocess #oneshot
🌹Process all emotions, say NO to victimhood and practice wholesome self-care…watch how your life changes in a positive way. 🎉#emotionalintelligence #introspection #innerwisdom #novictimmentality
Remember, choose to respond and not react. See it for what it is…and don’t take things too personally. 😊#laughitoff #dontbesoserious #humanbehavior #respondnotreact #relationshipsmatter
Here are the four things to help you keep your commitment doing something beyond your comfort zone. #stretchyourself #CommittedToExcellence #comfortzone #keepgoingforward
When old habit dies hard, let this be your gentle reminder. #indecisive #Indecision #oldhabitsdiehard #successminded #attitudes
RTT Part 7a | There is nothing wrong with you, just a matter of correcting the perception of things. The sooner you address them, the sooner you get to experience the new lease of life unencumbered. #petpeeve #therapyworks #hypnotherapy #changeperspective
RTT Part 6c | Changing The Focus Towards Positive Images and Meaning #fearlessliving #positiveimages #newmeaning #FearNot #powerofmind
RTT Part 5c | Follow-up and Commitment or Discipline on your part. #habitformation #habitforming #subconsciousmind #subconsciousreprogramming #GoAllIn #commitmentiskey
RTT Part 3 | As with any options you explore, this also rings true for RTT. It works as far as you work it.😉 #rttworks #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #innerchildhealing #innerstrength #accountability #healingprocess
RTT Part 2 | Personal Story: Shedding light on personal inner child problems or so-called "unfinished business". #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork #innerchildwounds #limitingbelief #unfinishedbusiness #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #rttworks #innerfreedom #healingprocess
RTT Part 1 | Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and heightened consciousness, during which you are more open for suggestions that will help you. #hypnosis #rttworks #hypnotherapy #innerfreedom #healingprocess #innerchild #innerchildhealing #therapeutic
It is just a perspective of things, that will change as new information enters. Don't jump too soon to conclusion, keep an open mind. #assumptions #JumpingToConclusions #communicationiskey #misunderstanding #conflictresolution #narrative #dontknow
When you change the meaning, it changes everything. #meaning #lifeevents #noguilt #Selfdiscoveryjourney
Free yourself from the victimhood mentality and embrace the higher purpose that comes with the experience. #BeVictorious #higherpurpose #selfdiscovery
Embrace your own truth and respect others for theirs, be more fascinated rather than feel inhibited. #discernment #createyourreality
Love is all around us, you just need to take notice of it. It starts with you ❤️ #loveisallaround #giveandreceive #wherefocusgoesenergyflows