In fast, you would find some amazing events in Media City as well such as Makers Market, Lightwaves 2021, Van Gogh Alive Exhibition.
Is there any word or sentence for your living area? We would love to hear it!
今次帶大家了解曼城嘅小區係Media City!!
Media City 可以話係曼城最大嘅媒體城,係果度你可以見到好幾座唔同大型媒體公司集於一個地方: The BBC, ITV, Dock10. 而且果度都經常舉辦好多唔同活動所以周未經常都好熱鬧。Makers Market, Lightwaves 2021, Van Gogh Alive Exhibition 都曾係Media City到辦過。