Welcome to.my.Art page! Not alot to see here right now but I welcome you to join me as I improve my art simply out of spite!
I don't exactly have a price sheet just yet but Pm me and I'm sure we can work something out! Just keep in mind my art isn't exactly professional quality, I'm still learning after all and haven't perfected everything.
What I will draw. Tactical s**z and Feminine Characters are my go to but throw me a curve ball! I need the practice.
What I will not draw: The normal stuff like feral anything super fetishy and or deplorable morally or ethically. Wonderbread(that means you murrlogic!)
Anyway that's enough straining your retinas, enjoy my mediocre art!
Hi! I'm a fledgling artist who is still mediocre at best! I practice often and may be open for comms!