CBT Price Update:
Price continues to go down now that no further updates are being made into the game.
However, some promising updates are said to be launched within few weeks that may make the economy active as ever. These are the updates that are mentioned within the Game's Official discord server :
1. Removing of the 5 day mentoring cool down within the "Genesis Mentoring (breeding) phase
- "Mentoring" or the game's breeding function will have no cool down making it really easy to expand the game's population at cost of massive CBT (Cyblock Battery Token) burn.
2. Removing of Cyloans 24 hour recall time clock.
- We have seen that once a Cybloc owner decided to take back his/her own Cybloc from lease, there will be a 24 hour cooldown period before the same Cybloc becomes available to be borrowed/rented again. During the Genesis Mentoring Phase, this function will be removed and therefore:
+ it'll be easier to build/try team compositions.
+ recalling cyblocs that are subjected for mentoring will be quick and efficient.
+ Puting Cyblocs for lease right after its mentoring is still possible.
3. Remove of level resets
- Everytime a Cybloc is recalled from being leased , its level will automatically reset. This function will be removed during the Genesis Mentoring phase and therefore, it will still be possible for Scholars to retain their progress on their Cyblocs even tho it will be recalled for the Mentoring Phase.
Note: All of these changes will ONLY LAST FOR 5 DAYS and will start at March 22 and will end at March 27. Meaning, after these 5 days, all the said changes will be reinstalled back in the game's overall mechanics.
Tip: It will be easier to find scholarships within this 5 Day event 😉