Amal N. Daou

Amal N. Daou I help every day people from all walks of life to build a successful online business.

In 2020 I learned the hard way that Job Security is a Huge Myth...So I was on a mission to find a way to create a second...

In 2020 I learned the hard way that Job Security is a Huge Myth...

So I was on a mission to find a way to create a second stream of income that I control. I find my solution in the digital space, and landed on a business opportunity that checked off all the boxes for me:

✅Create my own schedule
✅Work from anywhere I chose
✅No pushy sales or bugging friends and family
✅Easy to follow video tutorials, so I didn’t need to be tech savvy

My learning journey is continuing, as my business and I grow, I get to share this with others who are interested in making a change in the way they earn and live.

I am so grateful for all the lessons, the people I met, and the friendships along the way...

Are you on similar path? Let us connect, I would love to share this with you too 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏

✨Our life was NOT meant to be lived sitting at a desk and lacking passion!We are hearing so many stories lately of coura...

✨Our life was NOT meant to be lived sitting at a desk and lacking passion!

We are hearing so many stories lately of courageous people who are FED UP with being treated poorly by their employers.

Teachers, doctors, nurses, and service providers of all different kinds are READY to be appreciated for their work.

There is more than one way to provide for your community, educate, and support in a meaningful way.

It IS possible to have the freedom to explore all your potential and have more room to grow.

Ask me how I did it?

We are constantly trying to earn enough money to buy things we are too busy to enjoy.Balance came when I looked at my li...

We are constantly trying to earn enough money to buy things we are too busy to enjoy.

Balance came when I looked at my life and assessed the things I genuinely wanted for myself and my family and became incredibly intentional about where my energy was spent in achieving those goals.

My goals involved having time and financial freedom. I chose to work smarter and live more. I chose to work for myself and partnered with a global community and create something bigger than myself, that no one can take away from me.

Success to me is making a difference for others while having the time and freedom to enjoy what I've worked for.

Message me to see if my opportunity and community is a good fit for your future goals.

نحاول باستمرار كسب ما يكفي من المال لشراء الأشياء التي نحن مشغولون جدًا للاستمتاع بها.

جاء التوازن عندما نظرت إلى حياتي وقمت بتقييم الأشياء التي أردتها حقًا لنفسي ولعائلتي وأصبحت نية لا يصدق بشأن كيفية إنفاق طاقتي في تحقيق تلك الأهداف.

كانت أهدافي تتضمن الحصول على الحرية الزمنية والمالية. اخترت العمل بذكاء والعيش بشكل أكبر. اخترت العمل لنفسي وشراكة مع مجتمع عالمي وخلق شيء أكبر من نفسي ، لا يمكن لأحد أن يسلبه مني.

النجاح بالنسبة لي هو أن أكون صانع فارق للآخرين مع وجود الوقت والحرية للاستمتاع بما عملت من أجله.

راسلني لمعرفة ما إذا كانت الفرصة والمجتمع مناسبين لأهدافك المستقبلية

Read that again ✌️

Read that again ✌️

I hear stories like this all the time… 😰You don’t have to build your own thing. 👷‍♀️But almost every job is disposable… ...

I hear stories like this all the time… 😰

You don’t have to build your own thing. 👷‍♀️

But almost every job is disposable… 🗑️

That’s why a back up plan is so critical! 💻

I found my way and I can show you how to start building your own economy too 📲

Who decide how we spend our time daily?🧳Is it the job you are stuck in, because it pays the bills?😓 Is it the shop or sm...

Who decide how we spend our time daily?

🧳Is it the job you are stuck in, because it pays the bills?

😓 Is it the shop or small business that is taking all your days and nights?

📲Is it the aimlessly scrolling on social media?

In a world where access to knowledge is at our fingertips, I believe it is choice we all make on how we spend our time.

We decide to follow the crowds, we decide the priorities, and we decide how we spend our time.

☀️On an on-boarding call with my latest team member☀️From my backyard, under the sun…..the possibilities are endless ☕️

☀️On an on-boarding call with my latest team member☀️

From my backyard, under the sun…..the possibilities are endless ☕️


كان لي السرور أن أكون ضيفًا في حلقة صديقي مع هؤلاء السيدات المهنيات المذهلات. قمنا بمشاركة قصصنا وكيف قمنا بالانتقال إلى الفضاء الإلكتروني من خلال بدء أعمالنا الخاصة.

هل أنت من الأشخاص الذين يسعون لتحقيق نجاح في حياتهم المهنية ويتساءلون عن طريقة لإنشاء دخل إضافي أثناء الالتزام بوظيفتهم الحالية؟ هذا الفيديو مخصص لك ✅

My view for today 📲💻What a great start of the week ✨

My view for today 📲💻

What a great start of the week ✨

My office for the day 💻

My office for the day 💻

✨Sometimes a simple change like a glass shades 💛 make us see things from a different perspective, gives us a brighter lo...

✨Sometimes a simple change like a glass shades 💛 make us see things from a different perspective, gives us a brighter look on what might be 👓

Try it out if in doubt 🧐


Detailed explanation about this online business platform that we use.

✨Welcome to my online world Jawhara ✨Jawhara a testament of hard working mother who immigrated from Lebanon in pursuit o...

✨Welcome to my online world Jawhara ✨

Jawhara a testament of hard working mother who immigrated from Lebanon in pursuit of a better life for her and her family.

With time she realized that she was providing a good living for the family however she is missing on life itself and being present in her kids life.

We connected through a ad she saw on Instagram and started talking, after couple of the meetings, she decided to start her own journey and start creating her own economy.

I cannot wait to witness your journey Jawahara and cheer you up along the way.

Anything in our lives that require us to get out of our comfort zone, weather it is a friendship, or a new business, or ...

Anything in our lives that require us to get out of our comfort zone, weather it is a friendship, or a new business, or a career change require an internal decision first, and a realization that this might take more than one try.

However when we keep going and find that courage every time to start again, we will get to the final line and when that happens, it is the sweetest feeling ever.


Do you have the courage to start over? ✨

✨How does a day look like in a digital business owner life?✔️wake up at 5 AM - Meditation, Quiet time, Me time✔️7 AM wak...

✨How does a day look like in a digital business owner life?

✔️wake up at 5 AM - Meditation, Quiet time, Me time
✔️7 AM wake up the kids and start getting ready for school
✔️7: 30 AM walk Apolo
✔️8: 30 AM Drop the kids to school
✔️9:30 AM 1 on 1 call with my latest team member
✔️11 AM running errands
✔️ 1 pm cooking and catching up with team questions
✔️ 2 pm checking emails, getting back to leads and prospects, clarity calls, social media posts, ads management
✔️ 5 pm gym and kids activities
✔️7 pm team zoom, brainstorming, catching up on ongoing
projects, creations sessions.

⁉️Are you too looking for time flexibility while building your own economy?
⁉️Wondering how you can be more present in your kids life while still providing income to your household?
⁉️Are you curious how are we leveraging the social media?

Let us talk 📲

✨✨اليوم أرغب في التحدث عن تعريف الانضباط حسب مدرب اللياقة البدنية الذي جلبه هذا الأسبوع في إحدى جلساتنا."إنه اختيار بين ...

✨✨اليوم أرغب في التحدث عن تعريف الانضباط حسب مدرب اللياقة البدنية الذي جلبه هذا الأسبوع في إحدى جلساتنا.

"إنه اختيار بين ما تريده الآن وما تريده في الغالب".

إنه قرار يومي نتخذه طوال رحلة حياتنا.

أياً كان ما نحاول بدءه أو إنشاؤه أو تغييره أو تحقيقه ، يجب أن نتمكن من التعرف على الجوانب الإيجابية والسلبية لخياراتنا.

آراء الآخرين حول نجاحاتنا أو فشلنا لا تهم. ما يهم حقًا هو علاقتنا بذاتنا الحقيقية. كن لطيفًا ولكن كن صادقًا مع نفسك سواء كنت تعيش حياة الانضباط أو الرضا الفوري.

Today I want to talk about the definition of D I S C I P L I N E ✨✨according to my fitness coach who brought it up this week in one of our session.

"It is choosing between what you want now and what you want most."

It is basically a daily decision that we make throughout our life journey.

Whatever we are trying to start, create, change, or achieve we must be able to recognize both the good and bad sides of our choices.

Others opinions of our successes or failures don't matter. What really counts is our relationship with our true self. Be gentle yet honest with yourself whether you live a life of discipline or instant gratification.


📹I had the pleasure to be on my friend Zara weekly show where she highlights the journey of different individuals in the online space, and how the shift impacted their lives.

كان لي السرور أن أكون في برنامج صديقتي زارا الأسبوعي حيث تسلط💻 الضوء على رحلة أفراد مختلفين في المجال الإلكتروني، وكيف أثر التحول على حياتهم.


‎الاستقرار هو خيار واحد. العيش حسب شروطنا الخاصة شيء مختلف تمامًا ✨

I've had the pleasure of being reminded lately of the importance in embracing change and being open to the unexpected.Th...

I've had the pleasure of being reminded lately of the importance in embracing change and being open to the unexpected.

This is my reminder to YOU that sometimes it's okay and even necessary to let go of your rigid plans for yourself and trust in the journey that life has in store for you.

Life is too short to play it safe. Take the shot, go after what you want, let go of the people who are not making a space for you in their lives, and don't wait for the perfect moment... Create it 🦋


✨شو هو العامل المختلف اللي ساعدني بمسيرتي بعالم الاونلاين؟

When you graduate University with $100,000 in debt, yeah...people clap, celebrate and even hug you even though most of t...

When you graduate University with $100,000 in debt, yeah...people clap, celebrate and even hug you even though most of the time you cannot use the degree to get a job. 🎓

" I just got a loan for $900K to buy a house 🏠, yeah...people clap, even hug you.

When you get a loan to buy a $40,000 car 🚗, yeah... people clap, celebrate, and even hug you.

That is $1,1 Million dollars in debt most people are living in but they are feeling good about it because they are being celebrated for it.

Now, go tell those same people you spent a few hundreds dollar to start a business ....

"Woah are you sure? Sounds fishy, sounds like a pyramid scheme, what are you going to do if it does not work? Do you think you can get your money back?

Anything that is outside the nom or the system, most people have resistance to, because that is how we have been conditioned as a society. Go to school, get the good grades so you can get a good job.

Pay attention to who you are surrounding yourself with and who is speaking in your life.

If you want to live a life that you've never had before than you have to do something you've never done before and seek the advice of people who are living that life.

We celebrate DEBT moves....

We laugh at FINANCIAL FREEDOM and MONEY moves...

🤔Overthinking the HOW?How can I add in another task to my endless responsibilities?How can I manage the kids, the job, t...

🤔Overthinking the HOW?

How can I add in another task to my endless responsibilities?

How can I manage the kids, the job, the home, and this new project?

How can I be sure this will work?

How do I choose the best option?

⛔STOP overthinking it!⛔

Just Begin Anywhere

and the HOW will get clearer along the way...


مين الناس الموءهلين يكون عندن بزنس اونلاين؟

✨You know what makes me laugh and fires me up...It is the story of my life and probably the same for many of you.... whe...

✨You know what makes me laugh and fires me up...

It is the story of my life and probably the same for many of you.... when someone tells me "that is going to be hard, that is impossible."🤣

That reveals to me THEIR own fear of losing is greater than their own commitment to winning and finding the way to succeed. They don't know my commitment and determination.💪

There are plenty of difficult obstacles and fearful people on our path, don't become one of them.

ما يجعلني أضحك ويحفزني...

إنها قصة حياتي وربما نفس الشيء بالنسبة للكثير منكم... عندما يقول لي
شخص ما "هذا سيكون صعبًا، هذا مستحيل" 🤣

هذا يكشف لي عن خوفهم الشخصي من الخسارة الذي يفوق التزامهم الشخصي بالفوز والعثور على الطريق للنجاح. إنهم لا يعرفون التزامي وعزيمتي. 💪

هناك العديد من العقبات الصعبة والأشخاص المخيفين في طريقنا، لا تصبح واحدًا منهم.

When one door of opportunity closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the ...

When one door of opportunity closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us...

When the Universe presents you with an opportunity to rise to your potential, you are only required to have the heart to walk through it, seize it and hang on. The choice is never simple. It is never easy. It is not supposed to be.

Those who travel this path have always looked back and realized that the test was always about the heart, it's about your belief, vision, and commitment.


✨What can I do if I don't have the initial capital to start a Business?

إذا لم يكن لديك رأس مال أولي لبدء المشروع اونلاين شو هي الخيارات✨

✨You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. Mindset and Acti...

✨You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

Mindset and Action is everything 💙

So where are you headed ?

✨Surround yourself with people who celebrate you, support you, challenge you, and inspire you to be your better self.   ...

✨Surround yourself with people who celebrate you, support you, challenge you, and inspire you to be your better self.

Navigating life with my own compass 🧭

Navigating life with my own compass 🧭

🛑I refused to let the world deliver my circumstances, I chose to change the circumstances in the world by showing people...

🛑I refused to let the world deliver my circumstances, I chose to change the circumstances in the world by showing people how to take control of their lives.

You become who you surround yourself with.

12 months of hardcore focus and alignment on your goals can put you 5 years ahead in life. Don't underestimate the power of consistency and desire.

Don't wait for opportunity to fall in your lap, realize the opportunities that are right in front of you already that allow you to merge your passions with technology, harness this and change your circumstances. ⏳



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