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Japanese currency reaches level that triggered September 2022 intervention


जापानमा अध्ययनरत बिधार्थीहरुका लागी ..
IHNO schoolarship आबेदन दिन आवस्यक कुराहरु
क्षात्रबृती सन्ख्या = 60 जना
क्षात्रबृती रकम = प्रत्यक महिना 3 मान
आबेदन दाखिला गर्न अन्तिम मिति = 1月27日 सम्म
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अर्थिक बर्ष २०७९/ ८० को मौद्रिक नीति

Budget in the picture...

Budget in the picture...

❗️Important to know:_If the hubs are sold out, then no new people can participate in minting with the hub . so hurry now...

❗️Important to know:_
If the hubs are sold out, then no new people can participate in minting with the hub . so hurry now and buy your hub!

❗️Important to know:_If the hubs are sold out, then no new people can participate in minting with the hub, less than 75,...

❗️Important to know:_
If the hubs are sold out, then no new people can participate in minting with the hub, less than 75,000 left...so hurry now and buy your hub!

ZENIQ will become the most popular portal for digital investments in a few years and will be one of the top exchanges in...

ZENIQ will become the most popular portal for digital investments in a few years and will be one of the top exchanges in the world with the decentralized ZENIQ Exchange.


Everyday minting up to 19 yrs


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कसरी हुन्छ आईपीओमा सेयर बाँडाफाँड ?

आईपीओमार्फत जारी हुने सेयर बाँडफाँड गर्दा प्रारम्भिक बाँडफाँड तालिकाअनुसार सबैभन्दा पहिला सबै आवेदकलाई १० कित्ताका दरले बाँडफाँड गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। सबै आवेदकलाई १० कित्ता बाँड्न अपुग हुने अवस्थामा न्यूनतम १० कित्ता पाउने गरी गोला प्रथाबाट आवेदक छनोट गरिन्छ।

गोलाप्रथाबाट बाँडफाँड गर्दा सबै आवेदकहरुमा निष्पक्ष रुपमा बाँडफाँड गर्ने जिम्मेवारी धितोपत्र निष्काशन तथा बिक्री प्रबन्धकको रहेको हुन्छ।

यसरी गोलाप्रथाबाट बाँडफाँड गर्नुपर्ने भएमा सबैभन्दा पहिला सबै भेरिफाइड आवेदकहरुको तथ्याङ्कलाई नेपाल धितोपत्र बोर्डबाट जारी निर्देशिकाबमोजिम तयार गरिएको बाँडफाँड सफ्टवेयरमा राखेर जस्तो क्रममा आवेदन आएको छ त्यही क्रममा नम्बरिङ गरिन्छ। त्यसरी गरिएको नम्बरिङमा आवेदनको संख्या १० लाखभन्दा कम भएको खण्डमा ६ वटा डिजिटमा र १० लाखभन्दा माथि भएको खण्डमा ७ वटा डिजिटमा रुपान्तरण गरिन्छ।

यसरी रुपान्तरण गर्दा माथि कायम भएको क्रममा अगाडिपट्टी आवश्यकताअनुसारले शुन्य थप्दै अंकलाई ६ वा ७ डिजिटको बनाइन्छ। उदाहरणका लागि १० लाखभन्दा बढी आवेदन छ भने त्यो अवस्थामा १ देखि ९ सम्मको क्रममा अगाडि ६ वटा शुन्य राखिन्छ भने २ डिजिट अर्थात १० देखि ९९ सम्मको क्रममा अगाडि ५ वटा र एवं तरिकाले शुन्य राखेर सबै योग्य आवेदनलाई ७ वटा डिजिटमा रुपान्तरण गरिन्छ।

यसरी सातवटा डिजिटमा रुपान्तरण गरिएको क्रमलाई फेरि रिभर्स गरेर नयाँ क्रम सिर्जना गरिन्छ। यसरी गर्दा पहिले १० लाखको क्रममा हुनेको क्रम अब १ हुन्छ भने पहिले १ मा रहने अब १० लाखको नयाँ क्रममा पुग्दछ। यसरी रिभर्स गरिसकेपछि आएको अंकलाई एसेण्डिङ क्रम अर्थात् सानोबाट ठूलो क्रममा लगिन्छ र अब प्राप्त क्रमलाई इण्डेक्सिङ गरेर नयाँ युनिक सिरियल नम्बर प्रदान गरिन्छ। यो सबै कार्यका लागि बाँडफाँड सफट्वेयर प्रयोग गरिएको हुन्छ। यसरी आएको युनिक सिरियल नम्बरमा कुन नम्बर कसको हो भन्ने कुरा कसैलाई पनि थाहा हुँदैन।

तपाईंहरुले आईपीओमा गोलाप्रथा गर्दा बल तानेको देख्नु भएको होला। यो बल तान्नुको खास उद्देश्य कुन युनिक नम्बरबाट आईपीओ बाँडफाँडको शुरुवात गर्ने हो भनेर पत्ता लगाउनु हो।

यसक्रममा निष्पक्ष ढंगबाट तयार गरिएको १ देखि ९ नम्बरसम्मको बललाई एउटा भाँडोमा राखिएको हुन्छ र त्यो भाँडोबाट जो कसैलाई सो बाँडफाँडका क्रममा बल निकाल्न दिन सकिन्छ वा दिइन्छ। यसरी निकाल्दा पहिले जुन नम्बर निस्किन्छ सो नम्बरको युनिक सिरियलमा भएको डिम्याटलाई पहिलो आईपीओ पर्दछ र त्यसपछि सफ्टवेयरमा गोलाप्रथाबाट निकालिएको बलको नम्बर र स्किप नम्बर राखिन्छ र क्रमशः सफ्टवेयरले अन्य युनिक सिरियल नम्बर छनोट गर्दै जान्छ।

उदाहरणका लागि यदि पहिलो बल तान्दा ६ नम्बरको युनिक सिरियल नम्बर आयो भने सबैभन्दा पहिलो आईपीओ ६ नम्बरमा रहेको डिम्याट होल्डरलाई १० कित्ता पर्दछ। त्यसपछि ६ मा अगाडि निकालिएको स्किप नम्बर चार जोड्दा हुने १० नम्बरको सिरियल नम्बरमा रहने डिम्याट होल्डरलाई र एवं तरिकाले थप अरु पाँच लाखवटा युनिक नम्बर सफ्टवेयर निकाल्दै गएर अन्तिममा प्रोसेसिङ्ग गरी गोलाप्रथा विधिबाट छनोट भएका युनिक नम्बर तथा सोसँग जोडिएको डिम्याट नम्बरलाई प्राप्त हुन्छ।

यो सबै काम धितोपत्र बाँडफाँड कार्यस्थलमै इन्टरनेटको सहायताबिना एउटै ल्यापटपमा रहेर सम्पन्न गरिएको हुन्छ। तसर्थ यसमा यो सबै प्रक्रियाहरु पारदर्शी र निष्पक्ष रहको हुन्छ। यसरी गोलाप्रथा गरेपछि सबै तथ्यांकहरु प्रशोधन भएर अन्तिम बाँडफाँडको नतिजा आउन तथ्यांकको संख्याको आधारमा करिब तीनदेखि चार घण्टा लाग्छ। यसरी आईपीओमार्फत जारी सेयरको बाँडफाँड गरिन्छ।


Exemplar Companies, PBC is proud to announce that Sagoon has engaged Exemplar Consulting, LLC as a strategic partner for their next phase of growth.

Immigration मार्फत जारी भैसकेका वा हुने COE (CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY ) बारे अपडेटः जापान अध्यागमनको वेवसाइटमा हालसालै...

Immigration मार्फत जारी भैसकेका वा हुने COE (CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY ) बारे अपडेटः

जापान अध्यागमनको वेवसाइटमा हालसालै प्रकाशित सूचना अनुसार गतबर्ष २०२० जनवरी १ तारिकदेखि २०२१ सालको जुलाई ३१ सम्म अध्यागमनले जारी गरेका COE हरुको म्याद थप भई २०२२ को जनवरी ३१ सम्म पुगेको छ ।
त्यस्तै यही बर्ष २०२१ अगस्त १ तारिकदेखि २०२२ जनवरी ३१ सम्म जारी हुने COE को म्याद पहिलेझै ६ महिना कायम रहने सूचनामा उल्लेख छ ।
थप जानकारीका लागि तलको सूचना हेर्नुहोला । (अंग्रेजी वा नेपालीमा उपलब्ध भैसकेको छैन, भएमा अपडेट गर्नेछौं । )


धितोपत्र कारोबार गर्दा धितोपत्रमा निहित जोखिम मूल्यांकन गरी कारोबार गर्ने सम्बन्धमा जारी गरिएको प्रेश विज्ञप्ती।


काठमाडौं । सिजी इन्टरनेटले बजार मूल्यभन्दा आधा सस्तोमा दोब्बर स्पिडको इन्टरनेट दिन सुरु गरेसँगै नेपालको इन्टरन...

सियाकुस्यो कुयाकुस्यो बाट तपाई हरुको घरमा अब यस्तो पत्र आउन सक्छ | यो कोरोना खोप लगाउने सम्बन्धि महत्वपूर्ण पत्र हो | प्...

सियाकुस्यो कुयाकुस्यो बाट तपाई हरुको घरमा अब यस्तो पत्र आउन सक्छ | यो कोरोना खोप लगाउने सम्बन्धि महत्वपूर्ण पत्र हो | प्राय हामी सियाकुस्यो कुयाकुस्यो बाट केहि आउने बित्तिकै फेरी डाम्नाले ट्याक्स पठायो भनि पहिल्यै तर्सिएर गोमि बाकस तिर मिल्काईदिने गर्दछौ 🤣😂😄 तर यस्तो पत्र आयो भने गोमि बाकस तिर नमिल्काउनु होला | सिटी अनुसार पत्रको आकार रंग केहि फरक हुन सक्छ | गुन्मा केनको केहि सिटीको पत्रको नमुना |


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https://reg.solargroup.pro/ciy627For entrepreneurs  � = You want to have residual income for life.  � = Business inherit...


For entrepreneurs
� = You want to have residual income for life.
� = Business inheritable to your generations
� = recovery

Become a shareholder partner in this new Electrical industry.
# Eventually everything will be electric and will give good profits to the members
��More info INBOX ..

Dear like-minded people, the moment of truth is inexorably approaching!The transition to the new stage will take place o...

Dear like-minded people, the moment of truth is inexorably approaching!
The transition to the new stage will take place on June 21, 2021 at 23:59 (UTC + 3) and will be accompanied by a discount reduction in investment proposals.
Do not take this news lightly under any circumstances. You do not have much time to expand your investment portfolio.

This is why the platforms provides you with flexible investment terms in the form of installments. This allows you not only to comfortably plan your investment strategy, but also to maintain the discount of the current stage when moving to a new stage of development.

The official website of the international SkyWay Group of Companies engaged in the development and implementation of new generation transport systems - your opportunity to participate in the global business project.


Fellow Binancians, Binance has added support for the Nepalese Rupee (NPR) on the Binance Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading platform . You can now trade NPR in exchange for BTC, USDT, ETH, BNB, BUSD and...

❗️ Attention📈 On May 20, there will be an increase in the cost of WETER shares https://energy.denistiaglin.com/reg?u=Lux...

❗️ Attention
📈 On May 20, there will be an increase in the cost of WETER shares https://energy.denistiaglin.com/reg?u=Lux21

Due to the expectation of a patent in 🇯🇵 Japan, the invention has decided to increase the cost of the share on May 20

In early 2019 in the RST system (Patent Cooperation Agreement) to obtain a national patent of Japan for the invention of D. Wind power plant pull through a registered patent attorney has been submitted to the Japanese Patent Department (www.jpo.go.jp) in accordance with the requirements of Patent Act, the main regulatory act on patenting intellectual results in Japan.

In 2021, the official bulletin of the Japanese Patent Department of Application and Establishment of Convention Priority was published to determine the rejection of similar inventions submitted for registration on later applications. After expert and registration actions, the Department of Intellectual Property is expected to adopt a positive decision of the Japanese Patent Department to issue a patent form defining the regime of legal protection of intellectual property. The expiration date of the patent for inventions is 20 years, which corresponds to international practice.

As Japan is among the leaders of the global economy, the country's legislation contains a list of strict sanctions for violating patent rights. Guilty persons and companies face significant fines and criminal liability, and confiscation may apply to means of production, equipment and material reserves. Judicial protection of patent rights is carried out through the Supreme Court of Intellectual Property of Japan. For any facts of violations of the legal protection regime, protection measures are provided - submission of written claims and claims, loss or compensation through the court, early termination of the license, confiscation of counterfeit products.

📣 Hurry up to become a co-owner of the company 🌀 WETER under UNIQUE conditions



What should you know before investing in SkyWay?

What is SkyWay?

The international SkyWay project is developing a new type of elevated electric transport that runs on high-strength string rails. At present, the SkyWay transport is being tested in Belarus and the UAE for implementation in urban and intercity transport systems around the world.

Why to make investments in SkyWay?

Since 2014, the SkyWay project has been developed through a crowdfunding system. That means that anyone can make an investment (starting from $50) in the transport development and get a share in the project commensurate with their investment.

What do I get from the investment?

The process of attracting investment to the project is divided into 15 stages. Today is the penultimate, 14th stage of the project development. In case of successful completion of the 15th stage and the project’s reaching profit and self-financing, investors will receive dividends from the SkyWay project’s profits.

In the future, the project may also enter the stock exchange. Then, investors will be able to earn from the increase in the price of their assets on the stock exchange.

How is the investment formalised?

SkyWay shares are not listed securities and cannot be "bought" like shares on a stock exchange. An investment in SkyWay is registered under a convertible loan agreement.

Convertible loans are common in the venture capital start-up industry. In the US, for example, there are two special forms of such agreements: SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) and KISS (Keep It Simple Security).

What has SkyWay already achieved?

Since 2014, SkyWay has been developing faster and faster. Here are the main achievements of the project in recent years:

– Production facilities of Unitsky String Technologies Inc., a SkyWay company-developer, has reached almost 10,000 square metres.
– The Sheikh of Dubai has approved a package of projects proposed by the country’s Ministry of Transport (RTA). The projects included the SkyWay urban transport system.
– The first phase of testing of the string transport has begun at the Unitsky String Technologies R&D Centre in the Emirate of Sharjah.
– There has been shown a test model of the SkyWay high-speed transport.
– The construction of the second and fourth SkyWay heavy test tracks has started in Sharjah.

The project plans for 2021:

– Presentation of two new SkyWay heavy transport modes to be used in the first commercial projects.
– Signing of at least 3 contracts for targeted projects.
–Participation in the Expo-2021, which is due to start in Dubai on 1 October 2021.

Over 6 years, in SkyWay, there have been designed and tested 11 modes of transport which were presented at the exhibitions from Berlin to Singapore. At present, hundreds of thousands of people from 200 countries of the world have invested in the project.




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