The Caucus

The Caucus Forum where views and opinions are shared critical issues on Science, Technology, Climate Change, Environment and Women Empowerment.


Pomme D'éléphant
Chalta or Elephant apple is native to India and the south eatern regions of Asia but now is widely distributed across the tropical world. The fruit is appreciated by elephants and this would explain its common name. Also the animal helps to disperse the seeds.


Unearthing Fortunes for Mental Well-being Segment in the Disbalanced Society
No dearth of distress and agony resides in the world. Each and every person everyday fight against heavy odds in order to acquire that one tinch of happiness. The level of these not-so-desired emotions escalated after the enforced hiatus of a long period which occurred due to the Wuhan virus. But, the tables can be turned if the world works for it altogether.


One Change Leading To Another
Studies have demonstrated that the more awkwardly hot the temperature, the more probable urban communities are to encounter spikes in close to home attacks and hostility. People, it appears, react inadequately to warm all in all.


Chalta or Elephant apple is native to India and the south eatern regions of Asia but now is widely distributed across the tropical world. The fruit is appreciated by elephants and this would explain its common name. Also the animal helps to disperse the seeds.


Africa Passport
This week, on The African Passport we look at the inspiring life of the 6th President of Mauritius, H.E. Dr. Bibi Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim.


The Roselle or Karkade is native to the African continent most probably from the region of Angola but is now present in almost all tropical countries with distribution extending from India to Malaysia.


La Roselle
La Roselle ou Karkade est originaire du continent africain, très probablement de la région de l'Angola mais elle est maintenant présente dans presque tous les pays tropicaux avec une distribution s'étendant de l'Inde à la Malaisie.


The Baobab is called the Tree of Life for the many ecosystem services that it renders. It provides food, water, medicine and even habitat for animals and humans. It is mired in history and superstition in as much as in some countries, the dead is buried within the root system. In its shade, social problems get resolved and would explain why it is called the ‘Palaver tree’!.


Africa and its Walk on the Path of Peace and Harmony #2
The Baobab is called the Tree of Life for the many ecosystem services that it renders. It provides food, water, medicine and even habitat for animals and humans. It is mired in history and superstition in as much as in some countries, the dead is buried within the root system. In its shade, social problems get resolved and would explain why it is called the ‘Palaver tree’!.


Well-being Diplomacy Needs to be the Next Universal Objective
Well-being can be achieved with strong partnerships, better policies & initiatives. When all these will come from different geographical and within the minds of different players then the results and programs will be much more improved and diversified. Further, universal access to primary sources of healthcare should be followed practically as it is a fundamental aspect and surrounded by humanitarian grounds. National and international discussions and programs are required to get fabricated to improve the well-being or governance of health systems.


Africa and its Walk on the Path of Peace and Harmony
People celebrate harmony and tranquillity every day. There is no denying the fact that Africa has always been rich in resources. But, citizens residing over there have been exploited a lot, as a result, a broad section of the society still stays below the poverty line. Nevertheless, I don’t feel this factor has affected their desire to acquire education and especially mental peace. People over there don't believe in violence and the breaking down of society.


Basé sur les fondamentaux d’une gouvernance d’entreprise, le Mentoring RSE démontrera l’ambition affichée des Grandes entreprises à promouvoir un tissu fort de PME locales.


En adoptant une Communication Responsable, les entreprises sortiront la RSE de la dictature de l’image pour l’inscrire dans un temps long qui, de manière certaine, augmentera leur capital confiance dans les imaginaires collectifs.


Dr.Ameenah Firdaus, former president of Mauritius explains contributions made by the islamic civilization during her speech at the “ ” Internati...

Women need to be leaders in addressing climate change challenges, say leaders in Asia and the PacificWomen and girls nee...

Women need to be leaders in addressing climate change challenges, say leaders in Asia and the Pacific
Women and girls need to be better represented in all aspects of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy and programme processes, from the leadership and decision-making spaces, data collection and analysis, to policy formulation, programme design, and all the way through to implementation on the ground, as well as the monitoring and evaluating of these efforts.

Women and girls need to be better represented in all aspects of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy and programme processes, from the leadership and decision-making spaces, data collection and analysis, to policy formulation, programme design, and all the way throu...

Civil society activists and international leaders highlight the triple threat of climate crises, conflict, and gender in...

Civil society activists and international leaders highlight the triple threat of climate crises, conflict, and gender inequality and call for women-centered commitments
“The situation is especially acute in settings already experiencing conflict and humanitarian needs, Afghanistan and the Sahel being two of the most prominent examples,” said Selwin Hart, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary General for the Climate Action Team, in his opening remarks, noting that disaster-related displacement has quadrupled since the 1970s and more than 800 million persons were undernourished in 2020, a number that has been aggravated due to the combined shocks of COVID-19 and the climate crisis.

“The situation is especially acute in settings already experiencing conflict and humanitarian needs, Afghanistan and the Sahel being two of the most prominent examples,” said Selwin Hart, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary General for the Climate A...

This is why fighting Climate Change is so URGENTWe humans are the ones who burn fossil fuels and chop down forests, caus...

This is why fighting Climate Change is so URGENT
We humans are the ones who burn fossil fuels and chop down forests, causing average temperatures to rise worldwide. That global warming trend is increasingly disrupting our climate — the average weather over many years.
Earth has already warmed by about 1 degree Celsius, or 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, since the 19th century, before industry started to boom.
While we experience the effects, we’re on our way toward 1.5 degrees C (2.7 F) by as early as 2030.

We humans are the ones who burn fossil fuels and chop down forests, causing average temperatures to rise worldwide. That global warming trend is increasingly disrupting our climate — the average weather over many years. Earth has already warmed by about 1 degree Celsius, or 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit,...

Australia's 'greatest threat' is climate change, warn officialsAustralians have slammed the government's slow response t...

Australia's 'greatest threat' is climate change, warn officials
Australians have slammed the government's slow response to the devastation from floods this March
Climate change represents the "greatest threat to the future and security" of Australia, former defense and security officials wrote in an open letter to the Australian government on Wednesday.
In the letter, former defense officials said they have witnessed up-close the devastation from war and crisis but climate change was the greatest "danger" facing Australians.

Australians have slammed the government's slow response to the devastation from floods this March Climate change represents the "greatest threat to the future and security" of Australia, former defense and security officials wrote in an open letter to the Australian government on Wednesday. In the l...

Climate Change: Everything You Need to KnowClimate change is actually not a new phenomenon. Scientists have been studyin...

Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know
Climate change is actually not a new phenomenon. Scientists have been studying the connection between human activity and the effect on the climate since the 1800s, although it took until the 1950s to find evidence suggesting a link.
Since then, the amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases) in the atmosphere have steadily increased, taking a sharp jump in the late 1980s when the summer of 1988 became the warmest on record. (There have been many records broken since then.) But climate change is not a synonym for global warming.

Climate change is actually not a new phenomenon. Scientists have been studying the connection between human activity and the effect on the climate since the 1800s, although it took until the 1950s to find evidence suggesting a link. Since then, the amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane...

‘Improve climate data’ to tackle water securityWater availability and quality will increasingly be impacted by climate c...

‘Improve climate data’ to tackle water security
Water availability and quality will increasingly be impacted by climate change, putting vulnerable communities at risk, unless steps are taken now to build resilience, researchers warn.
Improving access to local climate information and measuring the impact of weather on water supply is essential for advancing water security as global temperatures rise, according to The Water Security for Climate Resilience Report, released this month by the University of Oxford-led REACH research programme.
It says that while the effect of climate on droughts and floods is well-known, the impacts on lives and livelihoods at community level are often bypassed.

Water availability and quality will increasingly be impacted by climate change, putting vulnerable communities at risk, unless steps are taken now to build resilience, researchers warn. Improving access to local climate information and measuring the impact of weather on water supply is essential for...

‘Grave threat to life’: UN climate chief issues warning for MENAAbout 600 million people, or 50 percent of MENA’s popula...

‘Grave threat to life’: UN climate chief issues warning for MENA
About 600 million people, or 50 percent of MENA’s population, may be exposed to “super-extreme” weather events by 2100 at current projections, raising questions about “human survivability” in some areas.
While promises have been made to transition to renewable energy and green technologies, there are many urgent steps that need to be taken focusing on adaptation to extreme heat, water scarcity, and declining food production, among other ominous repercussions.
The following is an interview with Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, who will be in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Monday for the start of the conference.

About 600 million people, or 50 percent of MENA’s population, may be exposed to “super-extreme” weather events by 2100 at current projections, raising questions about “human survivability” in some areas. While promises have been made to transition to renewable energy and green technologies...

Complex Models Now Gauge the Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Production. The Results Are ‘Alarming’Rosenzweig ha...

Complex Models Now Gauge the Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Production. The Results Are ‘Alarming’
Rosenzweig has worked at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University since the 1980s, when researchers were delving deeper into the growing science demonstrating that human activity is warming the planet. But as her colleagues were focused on fossil fuel use or the impact of global warming on sea level rise, Rosenzweig, an agronomist by training, started to wonder what the changing climate would do to crops.
Among those thousands of stashed pages are copies of her first published work, a seemingly esoteric paper showing that higher levels of carbon dioxide would push wheat growing regions in North America farther north. The paper made Rosenzweig a pioneer, one of the first researchers to use simulation models to look at the specific impacts of climate change on agriculture.

Rosenzweig has worked at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University since the 1980s, when researchers were delving deeper into the growing science demonstrating that human activity is warming the planet. But as her colleagues were focused on fossil fuel use or the imp...

Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn ...

Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?
Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
The average temperature at the Earth's surface has risen about 1.1C since 1850. Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century.
These conclusions come from analyses of millions of measurements gathered in different parts of the world. The temperature readings are collected by weather stations on land, on ships and by satellites.
Multiple independent teams of scientists have reached the same result - a spike in temperatures coinciding with the onset of the industrial era.

Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. The average temperature at the Earth's surface has risen about 1.1C since 1850. Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century. These conclusio...

Investing in women’s empowerment yields major peace, prosperity dividend, Security Council hears“We have an opportunit...

Investing in women’s empowerment yields major peace, prosperity dividend, Security Council hears
“We have an opportunity to do things differently in 2022”, declared Executive Director Sima Bahous, who - addressing the Council on International Women’s Day – recalled the uptick in military spending, military coups, seizures of power by force that followed the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, erasing gender equality gains that took decades to achieve. “It is clear to me, more than ever, that we need another model of leadership.”
Describing women’s inclusion in economic recovery as “an essential element” in the pursuit of peace, she said women are more likely to spend their incomes on family needs and make a larger contribution to recovery. Yet, post-conflict reconstruction and investment are still dominated by – and overwhelmingly benefit - men.

“We have an opportunity to do things differently in 2022”, declared Executive Director Sima Bahous, who - addressing the Council on International Women’s Day – recalled the uptick in military spending, military coups, seizures of power by force that followed the onset of the COVID-19 pandemi...

Women’s Empowerment Programming is EverywhereTransforming how men and women live, relate and honor God in their relation...

Women’s Empowerment Programming is Everywhere
Transforming how men and women live, relate and honor God in their relationships is at the very heart of what we do. We recognize that women and girls don’t exist in isolation. They live, they work and they go to school in community. And only with community transformation will gender reconciliation, empowerment and transformation truly occur.

Transforming how men and women live, relate and honor God in their relationships is at the very heart of what we do. We recognize that women and girls don’t exist in isolation. They live, they work and they go to school in community. And only with community transformation will gender reconciliatio...

7 Ways We’re Breaking the BiasAt World Relief, we imagine a gender-equal world — a world where women are no longer dispr...

7 Ways We’re Breaking the Bias
At World Relief, we imagine a gender-equal world — a world where women are no longer disproportionately affected by global pandemics, and child marriage is no longer an answer to economic hardship; a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination; a world where girls have equal access to education and women’s leadership, experience and expertise are valued across all sectors of society.

At World Relief, we imagine a gender-equal world — a world where women are no longer disproportionately affected by global pandemics, and child marriage is no longer an answer to economic hardship; a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination; a world where girls have equal access to educa...

Partnering With Women Through Health Education: Q&A with Devina ShahAs a mom, I always remind myself of the individual w...

Partnering With Women Through Health Education: Q&A with Devina Shah
As a mom, I always remind myself of the individual woman giving birth in her village. As I nurse my own 16-month old baby, I think of the mama who is nursing her infant. I think of the family being worried that their child is sick or not growing well. Or of the couple who is wondering how to prevent the next pregnancy so they can focus on their current family. These realities and worries are not unique to families in the U.S. These worries are universal.

As a mom, I always remind myself of the individual woman giving birth in her village. As I nurse my own 16-month old baby, I think of the mama who is nursing her infant. I think of the family being worried that their child is sick or not growing well. Or of the couple who is wondering how to prevent...

Press release: UN Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms women's and girls’ leadership as key to address climate ch...

Press release: UN Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms women's and girls’ leadership as key to address climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction for allCivil society activists and international leaders highlight the triple threat of climate crises, conflict, and gender inequality and call for women-centered commitments
The Executive Director of UN Women, Sima Bahous, said: “The agreements reached by the Commission come at a point when the world urgently needs new and coherent solutions to the interlocking crises that impact us all. We now have a pathway with practical, specific measures for global resilience and recovery, and a shared understanding that solutions depend on bringing women and girls to the centre. Let’s capitalize on the work done here, put these agreements into immediate practice and move these decisions forward through all the major forums ahead, including COP27.”

The Executive Director of UN Women, Sima Bahous, said: “The agreements reached by the Commission come at a point when the world urgently needs new and coherent solutions to the interlocking crises that impact us all. We now have a pathway with practical, specific measures for global resilience and...



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