
Glimpse Glimpse from the Past. The forgotten history and nature.

❗️18+ In the Sverdlovsk region, a 12-year-old schoolboy r***d a 9-year-old girl. He is not in danger of punishmentIn Kra...

In the Sverdlovsk region, a 12-year-old schoolboy r***d a 9-year-old girl. He is not in danger of punishment

In Krasnoturinsk at the end of April, 3 schoolboy brothers and their friend persuaded a 9-year-old girl to go into the forest to light a fire.

There, a 12-year-old older brother stripped his girlfriend and r***d her. Everyone else was watching. After the incident, the victim came to her mother at work and told her everything. The girl was taken to the hospital.

Three brothers are raised by a single mother who works as a milkmaid, the family is poor. Now the ra**st is under house arrest, he does not face criminal punishment due to his age.

Keep your eyes at yosur children.

The entrance to the Vishwakarma Cave (Barabar Peshers), 3rd century B.C.This is the oldest surviving cave in India, carv...

The entrance to the Vishwakarma Cave (Barabar Peshers), 3rd century B.C.
This is the oldest surviving cave in India, carved into the rock. Why build from rocks when you can just carve the right room?

The cave boasts smooth faces and excellent sanding, which is far from easy and very time and effort consuming. It was easier to build with bricks before Christ than to sand the cave walls. Although, looking at the Barabar caves as a whole, one gets the impression that the Indians had no problems with it. Maybe we don't attribute a hammer and chisel to them for nothing?

This is a geometry textbook with volumetric details from 1570. Descartes, the creator of geometry himself, would not be born until 26 years after this textbook was published


❗️18+ "I just climbed on them and pulled down my pants. If I could not drink before work, then nothing would have happen...

"I just climbed on them and pulled down my pants. If I could not drink before work, then nothing would have happened."

This is a quote from Kenneth Douglas, a morgue worker who sexually abused almost a hundred co**ses from 1976 to 1992.

The crimes were discovered after traces of Douglas' DNA were found on the co**se of a 19-year-old girl in 2008

A History of Murderers

A descendant of the giants, 1925.This photograph was taken by Martin Chambi Jimenez, one of the first known indigenous p...

A descendant of the giants, 1925.

This photograph was taken by Martin Chambi Jimenez, one of the first known indigenous photographers of Latin America.
He was recognized for the profound historical and ethnic documentary value of his photographs.

The photo shows a tall man, a native of the southern highlands of the province of Paruro, and the photographer himself. This race of tall people, inhabited parts of the Amazon forests no more than a few centuries ago.

The skeletons found in those places "show no signs of diseases, such as growth hormone problems, which are common in most cases of gigantism. On all the skeletons, the joints were healthy and the lung cavity was large. Most of the skeletons have all the hallmarks of old age and natural death from old age," British anthropologist Russell Dement. ⠀ ⠀

This is a geometry textbook with volumetric details from 1570. Descartes, the creator of geometry himself, would not be born until 26 years after this textbook was published


The Obelisk of Aswan, Egypt.It is almost 42 meters long! Its date of manufacture is unknown. There are no signs or inscr...

The Obelisk of Aswan, Egypt.

It is almost 42 meters long! Its date of manufacture is unknown. There are no signs or inscriptions on it. It feels like it wasn't finished in time. The block is hollowed out completely in the rock, and the marks on it look very much like a giant chisel. But can you imagine a chisel with a working edge of 30 centimeters, cutting granite like plasticine?


Scientists believe that most of the Earth's surface layers were deposited slowly over millions of years. But there are m...

Scientists believe that most of the Earth's surface layers were deposited slowly over millions of years. But there are many examples on Earth of fossilized trees vertically passing through stone.

The point is that the trees must have either been quickly covered by the earth, or rotted away. In other words, these layers could NEVER have been deposited slowly over millions of years.

The only explanation is that the tree was quickly swept up by the soft soil and hardened along with it. Hence the question, what catastrophe caused tens of meters of earth to fall out all over the world? And most importantly, why are scientists silent about this catastrophe?


British Museum.Egyptologists assure us that this stone pottery is handmade with stone and copper tools.Is it conceivable...

British Museum.

Egyptologists assure us that this stone pottery is handmade with stone and copper tools.
Is it conceivable?

They date from the time of the first dynasties of the pharaohs.


Timgad is a lost Roman city on the edge of the Sahara Desert, hidden under the sand for almost a thousand years. The are...

Timgad is a lost Roman city on the edge of the Sahara Desert, hidden under the sand for almost a thousand years. The area now belongs to Algeria, but the first mentions of Timgad date back to the 18th century. Although at that time, no one believed in a Roman city lost in the sands of the North African desert.

Perhaps the most impressive are the photographs of Timgad from above. Because the blocks resemble quite modern and recognizable floor plans. Let's just say that the modern principles of urban design are not so modern. As you can see, the Romans built exactly the same way. Today it is considered one of the oldest examples of such urban planning.

The Cult of DeathThe Church of All Saints is quite an ordinary Catholic church in the Czech town of Kutna Hora. But only...

The Cult of Death

The Church of All Saints is quite an ordinary Catholic church in the Czech town of Kutna Hora. But only from the outside. Inside is one of the largest repositories of human bones in the world.

The decoration of the temple is full of them. Wherever you look, parts of people who have left us for a long time will meet your gaze everywhere.

Think about this figure: the interior has absorbed more than 40,000 bones. The chandelier in the first photo contains every bone in the human body, and we have about 206 of them.


Studying the map of Daniel Cellarius Ferimontanus in 1590 the Pyramids were found near the river Tartarus and the city o...

Studying the map of Daniel Cellarius Ferimontanus in 1590 the Pyramids were found near the river Tartarus and the city of Tartarus.

And already in our days researchers started to talk about these pyramids: "Among the mountains of Altai a sensational find was discovered. In the North-Western part, were found at an altitude of 800 meters pyramid-shaped mountains, most likely of artificial origin, this explains the accuracy of the faces and the geometric structure of the pyramids ... on the walls were found writing, resembling the Scandinavian runes, namely several runes identical to the High Futhark".

Only 400 years had passed between the map and the "sensation". Anything new is the thoroughly forgotten old.

This is a geometry textbook with volumetric details from 1570. Descartes, the creator of geometry himself, would not be born until 26 years after this textbook was published.

Glimpse #

This is a geometry textbook with volumetric details from 1570.  Descartes, the creator of geometry himself, would not be...

This is a geometry textbook with volumetric details from 1570. Descartes, the creator of geometry himself, would not be born until 26 years after this textbook was published


Slave owners in the United States liked to convert slaves to Christianity, but the places in the Bible where slavery was...

Slave owners in the United States liked to convert slaves to Christianity, but the places in the Bible where slavery was condemned were not worth seeing for slaves. The slave traders found a way around this: 10% of the Old Testament and 50% of the New Testament were left of the canonical text. As a result, the "Slave Bible" was born.

The Book of Exodus, how Moses led the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery, was completely eliminated, but the story of Joseph's captivity and enslavement was preserved, apparently as a useful example of humility.

There is no apostle Peter's letter to the Galatians, the phrase "There is neither slave nor free ... for you are all one in Christ" might have led the slaves to the wrong thoughts and conclusions.

But there is Paul's letter to the Ephesians, because "Servants shall be obedient to their masters" fit the general line perfectly.

Don't like the story? Cut it out!


The engraving on the left is of Queen Anne (1765-1814) of England, who succeeded William of Orange. And the engraving on...

The engraving on the left is of Queen Anne (1765-1814) of England, who succeeded William of Orange. And the engraving on the right is of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna. One face, a striking resemblance.

In Dessau, 50 kilometers from Berlin, stands a recognizable monument - mustache, triangle, camisole, and star of St. Andrews in the right place. Only this is not Peter, but a certain Prince Leopold. Who, like Peter, took Anne as his wife, took part in the anti-Swedish campaign in Pomerania, often in the same battles as Peter; in 1712 he received the title of field marshal from the hands of Friedrich in Berlin at the very moment when Peter was at a reception of the latter.

Forbidden History

Another refutation of the myth of Russian drunkenness - the most powerful anti-alcohol riots, which no other country in ...

Another refutation of the myth of Russian drunkenness - the most powerful anti-alcohol riots, which no other country in the world knew.

In 1858-1859 anti-drinking revolt covered 32 provinces (including Saratov), more than 2,000 villages and hamlets rose against the forcible drinking of the nation.

People smashed drinking establishments, breweries and wineries, refused free vodka. The people demanded that "the taverns should be closed and they should not be seduced." The tsarist government dealt with the rebels in the cruelest manner. In prisons on "drinking affairs" went 111 thousand peasants, about 800 were brutally beaten with spitzrutens and exiled to Siberia.

From July 24 to 26, 37 drinking houses were broken up in Volsky County, and for each of them the peasants were charged heavy fines to rebuild the taverns.

Chapter from the book "Do You Respect Me?" by Vladimir Ilyich Vardugin, a Saratov local historian and member of the Russian Writers' Union.


A clock? Do we often see such bas-reliefs of the Sumerians? And this, by the way, is several thousand years BC.Forbidden...

A clock?

Do we often see such bas-reliefs of the Sumerians? And this, by the way, is several thousand years BC.

Forbidden History

The mystery of a bathhouse heated by a single candle. Isfahan. IranThe bathhouse was built by a Bahai Sheikh in the 16th...

The mystery of a bathhouse heated by a single candle. Isfahan. Iran

The bathhouse was built by a Bahai Sheikh in the 16th and 17th centuries. According to legend, it was heated with just one candle. But how is that possible?

Scientists are now trying all sorts of explanations and one theory is the combustion of gases from the sewer under the bath.

But there is another theory: atomic energy. Perhaps something was emitting a glow and, from a distance, it looked like a candle. Then it makes sense, because it was forbidden to enter the room with this candle (radiation?) Hence the word radius, which first appeared in the same 16th century and meant a safe distance to the radioactive substance (to the "candle" in that room). It comes from the word radius (radiance, brilliance, radiation, ray).


The Amazon forests are a symbol of pristine, untouched nature. However, new findings change this idea: in the Colombian ...

The Amazon forests are a symbol of pristine, untouched nature. However, new findings change this idea: in the Colombian part of the Amazon, scientists found a 13-kilometer cliff painted with tens of thousands of ancient petroglyphs from the Ice Age.

To date the rock paintings was easy, there were images of extinct animal species - mammoth, a giant sloth and mastodonts. Archaeologists date the images to about 12,500 years old. The drawings are mostly in red ochre, and many of them are so high up on the rocks that researchers could only see them with drones equipped with high-resolution cameras.

The forests were not so untouched; mankind had trampled this land thoroughly in times immemorial. I would like to know how it is possible to ignore the 13 kilometers of painted rock all this time, and how to explain that some of the drawings are located where only drones can reach now.


The true age of the Egyptian pyramids.Ostrich egg, with three pyramids painted on it, located, as it should be, on the w...

The true age of the Egyptian pyramids.

Ostrich egg, with three pyramids painted on it, located, as it should be, on the west bank of the zigzag, representing the upper part of the Nile. Besides the pyramids, the egg also has ostriches painted on it, and the historians themselves dated this egg and the images on it to the pre-dynastic period!

All this splendor is in the Nubian Museum at Aswan and eloquently testifies that at least 6 thousand years ago, the three main pyramids of Gizekh were already in place. Although, there are still about 1.5 thousand years before the arrival of the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty, who should build them...


Kidnapped Liberia (Library)It is believed that the Library of Ivan the Terrible held the treasures of the lost Library o...

Kidnapped Liberia (Library)

It is believed that the Library of Ivan the Terrible held the treasures of the lost Library of Alexandria: the True Vedas, the unknown creations of Homer and Aristotle, the real texts of the Bible and the Fifth Gospel, as well as hundreds of scientific manuscripts and books.

In 1600, the Greek Uniate Peter Arcudius, a European spy, visited Moscow in search of a library at the behest of the Vatican. Times of Troubles were beginning and the books may have been taken to Rome and hidden in the papal archives. Was it not on the knowledge stolen from Russia that the so-called technical and scientific progress of Europe in the 17th-19th centuries arose?


A post for fans of big SEALs. Peter, China, Florida, and Alexandria, flooded more than 1,000 years ago - it would seem, ...

A post for fans of big SEALs. Peter, China, Florida, and Alexandria, flooded more than 1,000 years ago - it would seem, what do they have in common? Balloon lion statues, identical except for the position of the tail and the fact that in St. Petersburg the lions are covered in cracks.

A single civilization can be united not only by technology, but also by the idea of beauty, and what could be more beautiful than a SEAL?

In completely different parts of the world people have thought of making identical lions, each holding a ball under its front paw. We can also think of the coincidence of patterns on the clothes of the Russians and on the clothes of the ancient Egyptians.


The Egyptian goddess Hathor and the image of a warrior on a plate from Ecuador. For a coincidence there are too many com...

The Egyptian goddess Hathor and the image of a warrior on a plate from Ecuador. For a coincidence there are too many common details, for the continuity of peoples a whole ocean is too great a distance.


Witnesses of the Flood.N.Trubitsyn's book "About the Russian folk songs" says: "to the extent that the post-Flood existe...

Witnesses of the Flood.

N.Trubitsyn's book "About the Russian folk songs" says: "to the extent that the post-Flood existence is with the pre-Flood existence".

V.Belinsky, in his letters of the beginning of the 19th century, says: "in the history from Rurik to Alexey, in this pre-flooded history of Russia", "This novelty is still translated in 1773... We had to resort to the antiquity, and what antiquity indeed! The pre-flooded!".

I. Goncharov wrote in the 19th century: "On election days, they put on pre-flooded tails or jackets and pantaloons of the Catherine era...".

We can conclude that the flood was indeed between the 18th and the middle of the 19th century. For example, in 1824 the largest and most destructive flood occurred in St. Petersburg. Then the water level rose more than 4 meters above the normal water level of the Neva River.





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