Q: With the 5 Steps, I'm really grateful that we went over them with the second gentleman that came up about the 5 Steps, and the lady, the first woman that came up here, we were talking about - she was saying between 4 and 5. There are a lot of people here that it's their first workshop, and I was wondering if you'd be gracious enough to go over the 5 Steps, and specifically, I'm interested in knowing how...I feel like I'm really...let me give an example: I used to get mad at myself about things, and I've learned to allow myself to laugh at it instead of being angry about something. Specifically, getting upset about myself not living up to perfectionism, which I know I don't want to do any more - I just want to allow the process and enjoy the pleasantries of creating or allowing, meditating or napping. And with the 5th Step, falling back and recognizing the contrast.
A: And enjoying it.
Q: And enjoying the contrast and seeing those, and the momentum of them being answered. Can we go over the 5 Steps? Because there are so many people here I think would really benefit from understanding why it's important.
A: We want to do this, and it's not like going back over it, it's like discussing it from our new current now vantage point.
Q: Thank you.
A: So, in every moment there is variety, which means in every moment there is contrast. And contrast could mean resistance, but it doesn't need to. When you go to a buffet and you say "I would like some of that and that and that," that's entirely different than saying "I don't eat that and I don't eat that and I don't eat that, and I don't even know why you put that out." (Fun) And the person behind the counter might say "Well, why does that bother you?" "I'm afraid that it's going to accidentally get on my plate." Well no, it's not going to jump on your plate - nothing jumps on your plate that you don't give your attention to, so just choose what you want.
And so, contrast is so helpful, and it is present everywhere and at all times. So Step 1 is exploring contrast, and from it, coming to personal preferences. Now, sometimes that preference is as simple as I'd prefer this, and it's often from past experience, it might just look good, it doesn't matter - I'm choosing this. But you get more and more sophisticated as you move through life experience of knowing what you do prefer.
And so, at all levels of your being you are offering preferences, and those preferences are emanating from you vibrationally - we call it like a rocket of desire - and are being received by your Inner Being. Your Inner Being is aware of your sifting process and is standing by, ready to receive your conclusions about your sifting. So you're fulfilling your intention of being out on the Leading Edge, maybe exposing yourself to the potential of resistance, but your Inner Being exposes itself to no potential of resistance - your Inner Being waits for you to choose and then lines up with what you've chosen.
So Step 1 happened and now Step 2 is happening, where your Inner Being receives your rockets of desire. Now, that's not all that happens in Step 2. In Step 2, the other thing that happens is you've launched a rocket, your Inner Being is now focusing upon that rocket, and now the Law of Attraction is responding to that powerful point of focus, which means all cooperative components are now being attracted to your Inner Being's point of focus, which is on your behalf. Does that make sense to you? So the vibrational You, to your words earlier, expanded as a result of your living of this life experience.
So, Step 2 happened, and now there is a Vibrational Reality. It's a Vibrational Reality that will turn to things, but its turning to things, since you are the creator of it, is contingent upon you being a cooperative component, because you created it, and so you're the one that's going to turn it into things. But meanwhile, it's just this Vibrational Reality that you want to call potential - you might even want to call it future creating - and we want to call it now; we want to call it current tense, we want to call it what's going on right now.
So, Step 1 happened - you sorted and sifted and asked, whether you knew it or not. Step 2 happened - your Inner Being focused and the Law of Attraction gathered the cooperative components. Now you have the opportunity of moving in the direction of your desire - which is, in effect, Step 3 - or holding yourself in opposition to your desire. Well, a lot of people, without meaning to, hold themselves in opposition to their desire because they keep looking at what is. What is is the enemy of what's more, because if you are so focused upon your current state of financial affairs, even though you've put so much into your Vortex that is ready to be delivered to your bank account, you don't let it in, because what is, in terms of manifestation, is active instead of what is in terms of Vibrational Reality. They're both is, they're both current tense, they both have a point of attraction, and your Inner Being is taking care of the Vibrational Reality and you're taking care of the manifestation.
That's the clearest we've ever said it, thank you very much. And when you become a vibrational match to that, feel your power; imagine what it's like when you release your resistance and now you're in harmony with this. So that's Step 3. Step 4 is being so aware of this process that once you discover Step 3 and you like the sweet taste of alignment, you begin to focus because of the way you want to feel on a steadier, more consistent, chronic basis, until you've mastered within yourself an awareness and a desire to feel that. And that's what we call Step 4 - Step 4 is just being really good at Step 3, but it's being so good at it that it's just your second nature; it's your natural impulse. When you're like that, people say “That's an optimistic person.” When you are like that, people say “That's a forward looking person.” And so, Step 4 is just being really good at Step 3.
Then Step 5 is, you're hanging around in Step 4 most of the time, but the contrast still surrounds you because every time you know what you don't want and know what you do want and then line up with it, you accomplish something - it manifests. But you also get a whole new set of contrasting experiences which cause the process to start up again. So there's never a time when you're not aware and launching new rockets, and Step 5 embraces that knowledge. Step 5 is me in my human form understanding that I'm going to always be asking for more - for new, for improved, for more - and so, as I'm launching that more, now I'm so appreciative of the contrast that was essential for the more that the contrast doesn't strike me at all as an obstacle or a bad thing, or something that I have to overcome, or something that I should regret. Instead, I understand it as the power that causes the clarity that causes the point of attraction.
One time years ago, Esther was dusting an étagère in their house, and it was a glass étagère. They had bought it at a department store - it was actually a display case and it was magnificent, and Esther talked them into selling it to her. And so she has this beautiful display case in her living room. And it has little pegs sticking out from these chrome shelves and glass sitting on top of the pegs, and without realizing it, each time she was dusting it, the glass was moving a little closer to the edge. And one day she put her cloth on it and the top shelf just collapsed into the next, which collapsed into the next, and everything on the shelf was broken - the little lovelies that they had gathered for quite a while. Jerry heard the crash from the other room and hollered at Esther "Don't move," because he knew she had bare feet. He came in and shards of glass were actually sticking in the floor - these were big shelves. Esther was unhurt and Jerry said "Oh good, something to buy." (Fun) And he meant it; he meant it. "Oh good, something to buy." Esther thought "Yeah, a lot of things. (Fun) A lot of those - a whole lot of things to buy."
So that's what Step 5 feels like - you're back in contrast, but you're looking at it from Broader Perspective, which is about realizing more, and having more experience and more pleasure. Jerry knows for sure that Esther had way more pleasure finding those things than she did dusting them.(Fun) And so, that's Step 5. Step 5 is you're new in every moment, which means your contrast is different in this moment than it's ever been before, which means your contrast has the potential of promoting or creating something that is new unto the Universe and new unto you. Oh, the potential of that newness, that's what Step 5 is - standing in readiness to realize the impulse that allows this vibration to evolve.
You are out here on the Leading Edge, and you are physical beings who can see and hear and smell and taste and touch, which means you see manifestation, you hear manifestation, you smell manifestation, you taste manifestation, you touch manifestation, so you have physical senses for the purpose of savoring your creation. You don't create through those physical senses, they are meant to be the savoring tools to savor your environment. And that's what makes so many humans misunderstand, because they want to savor it, which to them means they need to see it before they can savor it. And we want you to savor with your emotions; we want you to savor the feeling rather than what you're seeing. We want you to savor in anticipation of the meal you're going to eat, not just with the taste buds when it's actually moving across your tongue.
And so, here you are, always in a new moment in time with all kinds of levels of attraction happening to you. Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5 - all important to the whole, and each step something to be savoring. Helpful?
Q: Yes, very helpful.
A: Did you hear the new pieces? Because you've been hearing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for a while.
Q: Right, right. That's correct. And I feel better about...
A: Do you want to know what Step 6 is?
Q: Yes, ma'am.
A: That's when you're dead. (Fun)
Q: Bring it on.
A: There is no dead, but Step 6 is that place of non-resisted thought. And in Step 6, there is still contrast but it is not discernible from your human perspective. That's how refined the contrast is, but it's still delicious. And Step 6 includes Nonphysical (that's all of us) awareness of you all. It is a savoring beyond physical description. It's what you would call love if you ever really felt it.
Q: It's what I feel like right now in the Hot Seat. Thank you so much.
A: Yeah. Really good. Really good.
~Abraham speaking in Chicago, IL on September 7, 2019
VIDEO of 6 Steps: https://youtu.be/m2lXJcFHxW8