Welkin Moon Winners - Dec 22
Congratulations to the first set of winners of the Holidays of the Welkin Moon Giveaway!
page Winners:
- Kyle Limchiu
- Catherine Patindol
Facebook Group Winner:
- Piodo Enriquez
Twitter Winner:
- zeuisu
YouTube Winners:
- Shemaiah Joy Bedoya
- ARINGO Angene Jredn Y.
And because there's one more forfeited prize from our last event, I also picked the replacement winner. Congratulations to:
- Adrian Vine Cruz
Last draw date on January 7, 2022.
REMINDERS to the winners:
1. The winner of each raffle date MUST send a private message to MQueen&Luna Page to claim the prize within 2 weeks after the date of announcement. Failing to do so means forfeiture of the prize. That's before January 5, 2022.
2. The winner should be comfortable providing his/her Genshin Impact UID and Server directly to MQueen&Luna Page through a PRIVATE message. MQueen&Luna will use the UID and Server details for the purpose of sending the prize only.
3. The prizes will be purchased through Codashop (an authorized third-party vendor for the Blessing of the Welkin Moon) and will be sent directly to the winners' accounts.
4. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
5. Facebook winners can just send me a message thru this Page to claim their prizes.
6. For Twitter and YouTube winners, please send me a message to this Page. I will send you additional instructions on how are we going to verify that you own the Twitter/YT accounts.
It's the last raffle draw for our Blessing of the Welkin Moon Giveaway Nov 2021 series.
It's supposed to be two, but one of the previous awards got forfeited. So we are giving away 3!!
Congratulations to:
- Nina Bea Balad-on
- Ivan Suazo Sahay
- Coleen Lugtu
Please send me a private message to claim your prize on or before December 21. Otherwise, your prizes will be forfeited.
REMINDERS to the winners:
1. The winner of each raffle date MUST send a private message to MQueen&Luna Page to claim the prize within 2 weeks after the date of announcement. Failing to do so means forfeiture of the prize.
2. The winner should be comfortable providing his/her Genshin Impact UID and Server directly to MQueen&Luna Page through a PRIVATE message. MQueen&Luna will use the UID and Server details for the purpose of sending the prize only.
3. The prizes will be purchased through Codashop (an authorized third-party vendor for the Blessing of the Welkin Moon) and will be sent directly to the winners' accounts.
4. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
It's the third raffle draw for our Blessing of the Welkin Moon Giveaway Nov 2021 series.
Congratulations to Mark Dave Ayuban Nazareno!
Please send me a private message to claim your prize.
Ara Almonia & Mika Kuari, please claim your prizes on or before December 4. Otherwise, your prizes will be forfeited; we will redraw new winners.
Last draw date for this giveaway series: December 4
REMINDERS to the winners:
1. The winner of each raffle date MUST send a private message to MQueen&Luna Page to claim the prize within 2 weeks after the date of announcement. Failing to do so means forfeiture of the prize.
2. The winner should be comfortable providing his/her Genshin Impact UID and Server directly to MQueen&Luna Page through a PRIVATE message. MQueen&Luna will use the UID and Server details for the purpose of sending the prize only.
3. The prizes will be purchased through Codashop (an authorized third-party vendor for the Blessing of the Welkin Moon) and will be sent directly to the winners' accounts.
4. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
Time to pick and announce the winners of the second draw date of our Blessing of the Welkin Moon Giveaway Nov 2021 series.
Yes! Winners! Because of the support that this page is getting from the community, I decided to pick 2 winners for today's draw.
Congratulations to Ara Almonia & Mika Kuari.
Please send me a private message to claim your prize.
Upcoming draw dates:
Nov 27 and Dec 4
REMINDERS to the winners:
1. The winner of each raffle date MUST send a private message to MQueen&Luna Page to claim the prize within 2 weeks after the date of announcement. Failing to do so means forfeiture of the prize.
2. The winner should be comfortable providing his/her Genshin Impact UID and Server directly to MQueen&Luna Page through a PRIVATE message. MQueen&Luna will use the UID and Server details for the purpose of sending the prize only.
3. The prizes will be purchased through Codashop (an authorized third-party vendor for the Blessing of the Welkin Moon) and will be sent directly to the winners' accounts.
4. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
Hu Tao Nuke Test (For Fun)
Someone's constantly bugging me via private message why I did not include a Hutao's Nuke Showcase in this Hutao Guide: https://youtu.be/yJ8ib5JSI8k
Because I want to show a more realistic usage of Hutao. That's all. Example, you won't really want to use Bennett with her in Spiral Abyss. In any case, for fun, here's a short Nuke Test. 🙈🙉
Congratulations to Arche Apeiron
for being the first winner of our Blessing of the Welkin Moon Giveaway Nov 2021 series.
Please send me a private message to claim your prize.
Three more winners will be announced on these dates:
Nov 20, Nov 27 and Dec 4.
REMINDERS to the winner:
1. The winner of each raffle date MUST send a private message to MQueen&Luna Page to claim the prize within 2 weeks after the date of announcement. Failing to do so means forfeiture of the prize.
2. The winner should be comfortable providing his/her Genshin Impact UID and Server directly to MQueen&Luna Page through a PRIVATE message. MQueen&Luna will use the UID and Server details for the purpose of sending the prize only.
3. The prizes will be purchased through Codashop (an authorized third-party vendor for the Blessing of the Welkin Moon) and will be sent directly to the winners' accounts.
4. Prizes are not convertible to cash.