Lynne Stokes

Lynne Stokes Storytelling | Branding | Mixology

The corporate playing field ain't fair.Once or twice a year, executives would do a "thank you" tour around the various d...

The corporate playing field ain't fair.

Once or twice a year, executives would do a "thank you" tour around the various departments of the company.

One of the VPs would come and spend an afternoon in our department - finding out about what we were doing, thanking us for our contributions, and telling us their story.

None of them ever looked like me.
And their stories were usually the same...
Worked at the company for a gazillion years,
Rising through the ranks to leadership.

Until one day, when VP "Joe" came through.
He had been with the company close to 40 years.
Our team gathered to hear his story
And he said one thing that I will never forget:

"I've never interviewed for a job here."

Huh, what?

"Yeah, someone would tap me on my shoulder."
"Put me in a position."
"I didn't know anything about some of the departments."
"I just figured it out along the way."
"And kept getting tapped and promoted."

As he talked, I looked around at my teammates...
All of us with our proverbial jaws on the floor...
At the ease of which his privilege flowed from his mouth.

I knew the playing field wasn't fair.
But, hearing it and seeing it right in front of you?
It does something to you.

You do good work.
You try and be a team player.
You post for jobs.
You smile when the job goes to someone else.
You wait for the next time to do it all over again.

It eats at you.
It eats away at you.
But, you keep going.

Sound familiar?

I'm not sure how to make the playing field fair.
But, I chose to leave corporate for the path I'm on now.
And leave the VP "Joes" behind.

Now I'm helping midlife professionals,
Who are professionally accomplished, but feel unfulfilled
And crave a more meaningful and satisfying life.

Your brand.
Your story.
Your dreams.
Your playing field.
Your rules.

Ready to play a new game?


Let's work on your "what's next" while working your "what's now".
You could be 90 days away from being quenched.
DM and let's talk to see if we're a fit.

Once upon a time, I had AirPods that worked. Every day-ish, I go for a morning walk. I get dressed, put my AirPods in my...

Once upon a time, I had AirPods that worked.

Every day-ish, I go for a morning walk.

I get dressed, put my AirPods in my ears, and head out the door;

Listening to a podcast, music playlist, or chatting with a friend.

But, a few months ago, there was silence from the left AirPod.

0% charge…after pulling it directly from the charging case.

I was already out the door, so decided to keep going for my walk.

But I was thrown off…

Just listening from one ear…ugh!

So, after the walk, I put them back in the charging case.

And the next time…

They both worked fine. And continued to work fine.

Until the left one went silent again.

I cleaned them. I cleaned the charging case.

And the next time…

They both worked fine. And continued to work fine.

Until the left one went silent again.

So, I wondered if maybe it was time to replace them.

I looked up my order history, and realized I ordered them on…

July 16, 2019.

5 years ago?!?!

Then, I googled the average life of a pair of AirPods: 2-3 years.

And, just like that, my frustration with broken AirPods changed to gratitude for them lasting as long as they did.

So, here are some life lessons for you, my friends.

1. Stop settling for 50%. You are deserving of all, not half.
2. Don’t underestimate dependability. Things around you should work as designed.
3. Nothing lasts forever. It may be time for a replacement.

I’m now in the market for wireless earbuds. Any suggestions?


I help professionally accomplished, but unfulfilled midlifers who crave a more meaningful and satisfying life. Your dreams are waiting. Contact me to get quenched!

Yesterday, hubby and I got back from a 7-day vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.Here's a few reminders for you...Visit ...

Yesterday, hubby and I got back from a 7-day vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Here's a few reminders for you...

Visit another country.
Take all of your PTO.
Travel with friends.
Get on a plane.
Try local foods.
Use sunscreen.
Stay up late.
Do nothing.
Sleep in.

Plan your next trip.


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“People are still doing THAT?”Last week, I went to get a mani/pedi. Joy (my nail tech) asked me what color. I said white...

“People are still doing THAT?”

Last week, I went to get a mani/pedi. Joy (my nail tech) asked me what color.

I said white.

A customer sitting next to me, asked “are people still doing that? That was a trend YEARS ago.”

Now, I know she didn’t mean any harm.

So I paused before answering in my full chest voice.

“Doesn’t matter if it was a trend years ago or not.

I don’t worry about trends.

I know what I want.”

Then, Joy proceeded to paint my nails OPI Alpine Snow.

In life, we are often faced with someone else challenging our decisions.

We have 2 options.

❌ We can give in to the pressure and live life on someone else’s terms.

✅ Or we can stand firm and move forward in what we really truly want.

The key difference is knowing what you truly want…and going after it.

So, what about you?

Are you following the trends?

Or are you living life on your terms?

…and picking the white nail polish.

My nails look good, don’t they?


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Once upon a time (actually a few weeks ago)...• I got my annual mammogram.• Scheduled it on line a few weeks earlier.• A...

Once upon a time (actually a few weeks ago)...

• I got my annual mammogram.
• Scheduled it on line a few weeks earlier.
• Arrived 10 minutes early and checked in.
• Changed into the ill-fitting pink robe thing.
• Made small talk with the tech while my b***s got squished. (IYKYK)
• Changed back into my street clothes.
• Back in my car in less than 30 minutes.

I know what you're thinking...

"Why in the heck is she putting this on social media?"

Yeah - I debated about it long and hard...

But, then I thought about a few reasons why I should.

1. This could be a reminder for someone else to schedule theirs - mammograms aren't just for October.

2. Good hair day and lighting in the changing room at the Imaging Center - why should this picture just sit in my phone with all the other thousands that no one will ever see?

3. I'm a storyteller and I'm on a mission to encourage everyone - especially those midlifers, GenXers, and anyone else over the age of 45 - to tell theirs, too.

• You can craft a story from any experience.
• Telling your story isn't hard, but it may take a bit of courage.
• Someone is interested in what you know, what you've done, and what you do.

Your stories are all around you.
Your stories contribute to your personal brand.
Your stories could motivate someone to take action in their lives.

Who knows where your "once upon a time" can lead you?


If you need help telling your story - to advance your career, start a business, or monetize your life experiences, I would love to help you achieve it this year. Join others who have completed my 12-week 1:1 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵 coaching program. Book a discovery call today and let’s chat!

You played by the rules.Went from college degreeto entry level job.Went from one companyto a better company.Went from in...

You played by the rules.

Went from college degree
to entry level job.

Went from one company
to a better company.

Went from individual contributor
to managing a whole department.

Went from 2 weeks vacation
to unlimited PTO.

Went from 3% raises
to 20% promotions
to options and equity.

Went from "excited to go to work"
to "is it Friday yet"?

Went from "planning for the future"
to "where did the time go"?

Went from dream job
to nightmare role.

Went from knowing what you want
to not having a clue.

Went from wanting it all
to just wanting peace and freedom.

You played the game.

Now the game is playing you.

It's halftime.

There's still time to win.


If this resonates with you, I'm coaching midlife professionals on how to dream again and start living their ideal life. Let's talk.

One thing I know for sure...Everyone has a story. Which means...YOU have a story. (Actually, you have many stories...)Bu...

One thing I know for sure...

Everyone has a story.

Which means...

YOU have a story.

(Actually, you have many stories...)

But, what you may not know,
is that your story is...


Do you know your story?
Are you sharing your story?
Could your story be the key to changing your life?

Working together, we can craft your story so you can be confident in going after...

The promotion.
The new job.
The starting of your own business.

The whatever's next for you.


We'll uncover your story in my 12 week personal branding program. Let's talk so we can turn your "once upon a time" into your "happily ever after".

Why midlife is a great time to start a business.There’s a Chinese proverb that says “The best time to plant a tree was 2...

Why midlife is a great time to start a business.

There’s a Chinese proverb that says “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

You may think you’re too old to start a new business, but here are 5 reasons why now is the right time!

𝟭. 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗲
You have years of work and life experience behind you, which means you have a ton on knowledge and skills that can be valuable in starting and running a business.

In other words, you know stuff…

𝟮. 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆
By midlife, you have had more time to get your finances in order, so you have more resources to invest in your new business venture.

In other words, you’ve saved up some of that bonus money and 3% raises…

𝟯. 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗻𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀
The connections you have built over all these years of adulting can be a game changer when it comes to finding customers, advisors, etc.

In other words, you know people who know people...

𝟰. 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲
At midlife, you may be on a quest for a new purpose and fulfillment; starting a business can be the thrilling new challenge that makes you excited to jump out of bed each day.

In other words, you’re tired of the B.S., and are desperate for something new…

𝟱. 𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
Your business isn’t about you; it’s about building something that will make your mark on the world and last for generations.

In other words, you don’t want to die with nothing to show for it…

If you're thinking about all the reasons you can't, let these be a reminder of all the reasons you can. I would love to help you get started.


Those dreams you've been dreaming?
Isn't it about time to make some of them come true?
Let's work on your "what's next" while working your "what's now".
You could be 90 days away from being quenched.
DM and let's talk to see if we're a fit.

"We thought we had you."Huh? What?I was on my way to the break room at work.A few days earlier, I had given my resignati...

"We thought we had you."

Huh? What?

I was on my way to the break room at work.

A few days earlier, I had given my resignation after 12 years at the organization.

They didn't see it coming.

So, one of my co-workers said that to me.

I took it in stride (we should stop doing that),
but, inside, it ticked me off.

I cannot be had.

And I definitely cannot be had by you.

And who is "we"?

Glad to know my "I'm outta here" letter was the talk of the water cooler.

Employers, please realize that any (or all) of your "stable, ain't going anywhere" employees may be plotting their exit plan right now.

You don't have them.
You just have them right now.

And friends...
Know that in this league,
You are a free agent.

You can negotiate deals,
find a new team,
or build your own biz on the side....
..and they don't have to know.

They'll think they have you...

Until they don't.


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. Let's start working on your what's "next" while you're working your what's "now".

Tomorrow, you'll think aboutwhat you should have done today.Next week, you'll think aboutwhat you should have done this ...

Tomorrow, you'll think about
what you should have done today.

Next week, you'll think about
what you should have done this week.

Next month, you'll think about
what you should have done this month.

Next year, you'll think about
what you should have done this year.

Get the point?

Now, get to work.


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Why you should stop dreaming big.We are always told to "dream big" and have "big dreams". But, here's what's wrong with ...

Why you should stop dreaming big.

We are always told to "dream big" and have "big dreams".

But, here's what's wrong with that...

Dreaming big alone does not guarantee achievement.
→ You have to do the work.

Dreaming big overshadows small victories.
→ You minimize the wins along the way.

Dreaming big invites inadequacy and comparison.
→ You are told you're not dreaming big enough.

I'm not saying don't have dreams.
In fact, you need to have them.
But, I am suggesting something slightly different.

We should be dreaming 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮.

Our dreams should be:

Untouchable, but within reach.
Hard to obtain, but not impossible.
Concrete, but open to spontaneity and change.

So, maybe the focus shouldn't be
on the size of the dream;
but, on what we're doing to achieve it.

Because dreaming without doing is like...

Wanting to retire early,
→ and never saving a penny.

Wanting a 7-figure business,
→ and never selling a thing.

Wanting to travel the world,
→ and never getting a passport.

Wanting to have a New York Times bestseller,
→ and never writing a word.

What are you doing today
to make your realistic dreams
come true tomorrow?


Those dreams you've been dreaming?
Isn't it about time to make some of them come true?
I can help you go from dreaming to doing.
You could be 90 days away from being quenched.
DM and let's talk to see if we're a fit.

It's been a while since I've introduced myself...Hi, I'm Lynne (with an "e")!FIRST STEPS- Born and raised in Louisville,...

It's been a while since I've introduced myself...

Hi, I'm Lynne (with an "e")!

- Born and raised in Louisville, KY
- Baby of the family (have an older sister)
- Loved math and science (still do)
- Had "Perfect Attendance" from K-12th grade

- Mechanical Engineering degree + MBA
- Climbed the ladder at several Fortune 100 companies
- Started a marketing consultancy in my early 30s
- Closed it and went back to corporate
- After 12 years, I decided to disrupt the routine

- Hired a life coach who set me on a new path
- Got clear on my values
- Went to bartending school
- Found my dream job 600 miles away
- Dream job became less dreamy
- Quit it to heal from years of workplace trauma
- Started personal branding and mixology class biz
- Enjoying a life of control and freedom

Your path to your "freedom" may be closer than you think. Let me help you find it!


Those dreams you've been dreaming?
Isn't it about time to make some of them come true?
Let's work on your "what's next" while working your "what's now".
You could be 90 days away from being quenched.
DM and let's talk to see if we're a fit.

A message to white creators...(Why? Because it's still Black History Month.)We follow you. And, by "we", I mean...Black ...

A message to white creators...

(Why? Because it's still Black History Month.)

We follow you.

And, by "we", I mean...

Black people...

But, that also means, a whole lot of other people that don't look like you probably follow you, too.

A few days ago, I purchased a LinkedIn video course from a white male creator with a humungolous following. (Yeah, I made that word up, but it means really "BIG").

I went through half of it on the first day. The second half on the next day.

The content was good. I learned some stuff. Going to start implementing it.

But, I was bothered...
Make that all caps...

In a few modules, he shared profile examples of "what to do" vs. "what not to do".

In all the "what to do" - the examples featured white people.

But in 2 of the "what not to do" - the examples featured a Black man and a Hispanic man.

Subtle? Yes.
Accidental? Possibly.
Bothersome? Most definitely.

Once again (cause this type of stuff happens quite a bit), I decided to let it slide.

And, once again, I couldn't.

So, I searched for a way to privately reach out to him, but with humungolous creators, you can't simply send them a DM.

But, I found an email address for his support person and fired off an email.

Will he see it? I don't know.
Will I get a response? I don't know.
Will it make a difference? I don't know.

But, I do know that I have a voice and a non-humungolous platform.

So, I'll share this with whomever will see it.

Be careful of the examples you share.
Because you are setting the example for others to follow.

I see you. See me, too.

🧡🧡 🧡

I know you don't want to admit it, but...Navigating midlife often comes with its own set of challenges and realizations....

I know you don't want to admit it, but...

Navigating midlife often comes with its own set of challenges and realizations.

Here are some truths that may be difficult to admit, but are important to acknowledge.

✅ Time is ticking and it's not sitting idly by waiting on you.
As we get older, it seems the hours just speed up. So, get real about your dreams and priorities, make a list of what truly matters, and get to work.

✅ Comfort zone or jail cell?
Whether it's in your personal or professional life, staying within the comfort zone can prevent you from living the life you've always dreamed about. Challenge yourself to do something that scares you every week.

✅ Dwelling on the "what ifs" doesn't change a thing.
Everyone has regrets about missed opportunities or different choices we wish we had made. Acknowledge them. Learn from them. Kiss them goodbye. Move on.

✅ You aren't the same you.
Look at yourself now vs. 10 years ago. I would bet your identity and purpose has evolved. And, it will continue to evolve. Embrace the changing you - try out new hobbies, explore a different career path, and see where it takes you.

✅ Self-compassion is a form of self-love.
We're all human and it's normal to feel uncertain or unfulfilled at times. It's ok if you don't have it all figured out by now or measure up to someone else's expectations. You're doing great. Pat yourself on the back and keep it moving!

Which one of these did you need to hear?
Tell the truth and let us know in the comments!


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What you're looking for may be in the palm of your hand...Literally.Rewind back to fall 1993, I landed in grad school in...

What you're looking for may be in the palm of your hand...


Rewind back to fall 1993, I landed in grad school in Cincinnati.

When classes started, I quickly found my tribe.

One of them, Dee, had just graduated with her Bachelor's degree, and like me, immediately jumped into the MBA program.

She was 18 years older than I, going back to school after raising her daughter, who was a few years younger than I was.

I immediately bonded with her - as a study partner, a university navigator (she went there for undergrad), a big sister, a motherly advice-giver, and most of all - a close friend.

We were a part of each other's daily life for 2 years, and after graduation, we all went our separate ways.

But, we kept in touch with each other.

Until life got in the way, and we lost touch.

I hadn't spoken to Dee in over 12 years, and thought about her often.

Was she well?
Was she still in Kansas?
Was she happy and living her dreams?

And then, a few weeks ago, I got a Facebook friend request from an unfamiliar person with a familiar name.

It was Dee's daughter.

I quickly accepted the friend request, scanned her page, saw recent pictures of Dee, and sent her a DM, asking her to pass along my phone number so I could catch up with her mom.

She responded a short while later, saying her Mom had been talking about me. She decided to see if she could find me for her mom, and there I was.

Within a few short minutes, my phone rang.

Dee's name and number popped up.
Dee's name and number popped up.
Dee's name and number popped up.

She was in my Contacts all these years.
Her number had never changed.
She was there all the time.

We caught up on each other's lives for close to 2 hours.

She is well.
She isn't in Kansas anymore.
She is retired and living her dreams.

And we vowed not to fall out of touch again.

The moral of this story:

If there's someone from your past, that you've thought about over the years; check your Contacts...they may be right in the palm of your hand.


Everyone has a story. Let me help you tell yours and build your personal brand. Send me a DM and let's talk.

Ever thought about how you want to live your life?I think about it a lot, especially when I'm in seasons of discontent.I...

Ever thought about how you want to live your life?

I think about it a lot, especially when I'm in seasons of discontent.

I figured it out a few years ago; how I want to FEEL living my life.

And I summed it up in this simple sentence.

I want to live my life like I'm on vacation every day.

Specifically, a beach vacation (my happy place).

Here are a few attributes of my ideal life:

- Travel light: only carry the essentials.
- Open to exploration: excited about learning.
- Slow living: no hustle; alarm clocks be damned.
- Room with a view: my environment renews me daily.
- Travel companions: best trips are shared with others.
- Money isn't a worry: smart spending on joyful things.

Now, I'm not there yet - but I do seek out these things in my daily life, on my way to building this "vacation every day" life.

What about you?

What's your ideal life?

What are you doing today to make that idea a reality?

(Image: me relaxing on a beach in Mexico; May 2023)


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Life lesson: return the Cheetos.I went for an extended visit to see my mom for the holidays. I flew back home in early J...

Life lesson: return the Cheetos.

I went for an extended visit to see my mom for the holidays. I flew back home in early January. Hubby had been home alone for almost 4 weeks.

So, I knew the pantry would be stocked with snacks.

There was an open bag of crunchy Cheetos - I pulled off the chip clip, unrolled the bag, grabbed a few, and took a bite.


They were extra "hard" crunchy.
And they tasted stale.

I checked the date - expiration was weeks away. As a lifelong snack girl, I know what they should taste like. And, as a food marketer with time spent in product innovation, I was pretty sure that this was just a bad batch off the manufacturing line (it happens).

I yelled to hubby. He had just bought them a few days earlier, and thought the same thing. They didn't taste good and he said we should throw them away.

No. I'm going to take them back to the store. And I did just that.

Here's why you should return your Cheetos, too. ("Cheetos" are a metaphor for any less-than experience in your life).

You know they're bad. When you have had a track record of good experiences, and then they turn sour, don't doubt yourself. It may be time for a change.

You paid for them. Aim for the highest return you can get on any investment. If you paid for it - with money, time, or sweat - you owe it to yourself to get the maximum return of more money, time, or enjoyment. Don't just throw it all away.

You have a solution. For me, it was a quick exchange at the Customer Service counter, and I got my $4.59 back easily. You may have to brainstorm, get some help, or jump through a hoop, but I'm pretty sure - the problem can be solved.

You deserve the best. It's time to stop settling. You've gone through half an adult life, accepting mediocre. No more. If you're giving your best, you need to get it in return. This applies to your relationships, your job, and your Cheetos.

And, in case you were wondering what I did with the $4.59 I got back? I bought a bag of...

Fritos. 😂


I'm on a mission to help unfulfilled midlife professionals go from dreaming to doing and get quenched. Send me a DM and let's talk. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I haven't met many happy midlife professionals.Despite having the experience and skills to pursue their passions, most m...

I haven't met many happy midlife professionals.

Despite having the experience and skills to pursue their passions, most midlife professionals aren't satisfied with their careers. They are trapped in roles that no longer inspire them. They fear the uncertainty that comes with change.

Quite simply, they aren't prioritizing personal fulfillment.

How did they get here?

They don't know what they love.
From a professional perspective, many have just rafted down the "lazy river" of corporate, taking traditional routes of promotions and job changes. Personally, they have spent their adult life taking care of everyone else. They haven't spent any time or reflection in what it is they really want to do.

They don't want to start over.
Fear of the unknown is a big reason for staying stuck in their current space. By midlife, they may have climbed the ladder and the thought of going back to the bottom rung is daunting. But, in reality, they have amassed transferrable skills that likely puts them ahead of the learning curve when doing something new.

They don't want to disappoint others.
Many professionals are in careers that have been dictated by external expectations, whether from family, leaders, peers, etc. They find themselves walking a path that has been carved out by others, and not true to their desires. Opening up their network to new mentors and resources can build a supportive environment that values individual fulfillment.

Addressing these reasons with tailored solutions can empower midlife professionals to pursue careers aligned with their passions and purpose.


If I'm talking to you - then let's talk. Send me a message and let's get you moving from dreaming to doing.

Why 2024 Will Be the Year You Do "It" 🧡Everyone has an "it" - that something that has been on your wish list or to-do li...

Why 2024 Will Be the Year You Do "It" 🧡

Everyone has an "it" - that something that has been on your wish list or to-do list for weeks, months, or even years.

That "it" could be finding a job you love, starting a business, learning a new hobby, etc.

Life be life-ing, you say you're going to get around to doing it, January turns into December, yet you never do "it".

I believe this year will be different.

Here are 3 reasons why this will be the year you do "it".

1. 𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲: Check the calendar. You're a year older than you were this time last year. And, sorry to be the bearer of sobering news, but average life expectancy in the US is 76. You don't have as much time as you think. Do the math. Then get to work.

2. 𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲: Others have done your "it". Others are doing your "it". And, as you cheer them on, you're growing more and more frustrated that they're doing the thing you want to do. You're tired of feeling "left behind". Just remember, the race is yours. Stretch, lace up, and get to moving.

3. 𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀: I know you have your reasons, and they're usually the big ones: time, money, uncertainty. But, all of these are excuses. You have to create the time. There are plenty of free resources to help. Unsure of where to start - get a guide or a coach.

Let 2024 be the year you finally do "it", and let me know if I can help!


If you need help telling your story - to advance your career, start a business, or monetize your life experiences, I would love to help you achieve it. I have a small number of openings for my 12-week 1:1 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵 coaching program. DM “STORY” and let’s chat!

We're too busy doing the opposite.Living empty...No joyNo restNo peaceNo dreamsNo fulfillmentDying full...Goals unmetWor...

We're too busy doing the opposite.

Living empty...

No joy
No rest
No peace
No dreams
No fulfillment

Dying full...

Goals unmet
Words unsaid
Ideas untouched
People uninspired
Dreams unrealized

Just a reminder,
Live full. Die empty.


Looking for some midlife motivation and inspiration? I'm launching my e-newsletter, Quench, very soon. Sign up (link in bio) to get actionable tips delivered to your inbox today!

8-year olds at birthday parties aren't the only ones that can eat confetti cake.A marketing and motivation story:Yesterd...

8-year olds at birthday parties aren't the only ones that can eat confetti cake.

A marketing and motivation story:

Yesterday, hubby texted me that
he was going to
after work and did I need anything.

I texted him a few things from the ever present
"Grocery" list in my Notes app on my phone...
When he got home, he yelled out - "I got our cake"!

"Our" cake started a few months ago in September.
As a member of their loyalty program, Club Publix,
I got to pick a treat for my birthday.

Felt a bit festive and didn't want ice cream,
So stopped by the Bakery
And picked up a Confetti bar cake.

Never had one before.
But, I'm a sucker for buttercream.
And who couldn't use some sprinkles in their life?

After dinner, we had a slice of cake.
It was good...
And it put us in a good mood.

So, one shopping trip in October,
Bar cakes were on sale,
And I picked up another one.

After dinner, we had a slice of cake.
It was good...
And it put us in a good mood.

So, when hubby came home
With a confetti cake yesterday,
I immediately knew what would happen.

After dinner, we had a slice of cake.
It was good...
And it put us in a good mood.

✅ Marketing lesson:
Loyalty programs work.
Free perks work.
Publix customer for life.

✅ Motivation lesson:
You're never too old
And you don't need a reason
To eat confetti cake!

Wishing you sprinkles
And the joys of an 8-year old
This weekend!


Looking for some midlife motivation and inspiration? I'm launching my e-newsletter, Quench, very soon. Sign up (link in bio) to get actionable tips delivered to your inbox today!

This is my why.I appreciate these kind wordsthat showed up in my inbox this week.This is why I go hard onevery midlife p...

This is my why.

I appreciate these kind words
that showed up in my inbox this week.

This is why I go hard on
every midlife professional
working on their "what's next"
while working their "what's now".

If you need clarity,
DM "STORY" and
let's talk about it.


Today, I start the Milestone Circles program at the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center Milestone Circles is a 12-week virtual...

Today, I start the Milestone Circles program at the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center

Milestone Circles is a 12-week virtual program that provides women entrepreneurs with the access, resources, and knowledge they need to grow.

Over the next 12 months, Milestone Circles will support thousands of women and their businesses! This program remains free for entrepreneurs. To apply or learn more, visit





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