Photographed UWF Football on campus yesterday. Huge win over Mississippi College.
I was mostly shooting atmosphere and VIPs and such but had fun with a little game coverage too. I lucked out and caught all four UWF touchdowns and even one that got called back. (I didn’t catch any Miss College TDs because they didn’t have any:)
Not that they all are great shots (except that first one:) but so much of getting key plays is being in the right spot at the right time with the right gear and yesterday I got lucky and got all four goal crossings.
Pick 6 by Kyriee Lewis is my favorite shot of the day. Scattered amongst other pics are punt return 1 by Virgil Lemons following his blockers and tumbling into the end zone. Punt return 2 by Virgil Lemons was called back but he again went head over heels into the end zone. TJ Lane walking across the line almost untouched and Jay Sharp leaping into the end zone in the fourth. He injured something going in when he landed funny and hope he’s okay but it gave a chance to show off the training staff a little.
Homecoming is next week so I’ll be doing more football next Saturday but first there’s a Homecoming concert to photograph and that makes me happy 😊