Ir de ordinario a extraordinario
Deja que Dios trabaje en tu vida y te ayude a conseguir la vida que deseas.
Agradecimiento a las madres.
Este año, hagamos que el día de la madre sea más especial.
Being in love is one of the most wonderful Feelings to fail. What happens when that feeling is gone? Clinck the link ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to watch the full video.
Let’s work on how to maintain the love of alive in our relationships.❤️
Como mantener el amor vivo!
Mantengamos vivo el amor en nuestro matrimonio. Dejemos que Dios continúe con Su buena obra en nosotros.
¿El orgullo está matando tu relación? ¡Ver este! GFL Ep. 49
Es una pregunta difícil, pero definitivamente vale la pena plantearnos. ¿El orgullo está matando tu relación? El orgullo es algo con lo que toda persona debe luchar durante su vida. Aunque está en todas partes, no todo el mundo habla de lo dañino que realmente puede ser. El orgullo es lo opuesto a la humildad. El orgullo no te permite crecer, tener relaciones saludables y no te permite tener paz. Únase a nosotros en este episodio mientras hablamos de cómo el orgullo está afectando personalmente nuestra relación. Hablamos de cómo nosotros también lo estamos resolviendo. Le damos algunos consejos sobre cómo detectar el orgullo y cómo responder de una manera que nos ayude a no permitir que el orgullo destruya aquello por lo que nos esforzamos tanto por mantener juntos. Primero, las malas noticias ... el orgullo siempre es destructivo y conduce a una vida de vacío y soledad. Destruye familias y vidas personales. La buena noticia es que puede hacer algo al respecto hoy. Decide hoy que no permitirás que el orgullo abra una brecha entre tú y tus seres queridos. Decide hoy que el amor conquistará el orgullo y decide con tus seres queridos dejar de sobrevivir y empezar a prosperar.
Is pride killing your relationship? Watch this! GFL Ep. 49
It's a tough question but it is definitely worth asking ourselves. Is pride killing your relationship? Pride is something that every person must struggle with within their lifetime. Although it is everywhere not everyone talks about how damaging it can truly be. Pride is the opposite of humility. Pride doesn't allow you to grow, to have healthy relationships and it doesn't allow you to have peace. Join us in this episode as we discuss how pride is personally affecting our relationship and how we too are working through it. We give you a few tips on how to spot and how we can respond that helps us to not allow pride to destroy what you are working so hard to keep together. First, the bad news... pride is always destructive and leads to a life of emptiness and loneliness. It destroys families and personal lives. The good news is that you can do something about it today. Decide today to not allow pride to drive a wedge between you and those you love. Decide today that love will conquer pride and decide with your loved ones to stop surviving and start thriving.
Freedom in Truth | Are you truly free? GFL Ep. 48
song recommendation:
Devotional recommendations:
Are you truly free? Do you believe there is freedom in Truth? Join us in this episode as we discuss the freedom that comes as a result of reading and knowing God's word. When you allow the word of God to influence your life and you can see that you have a purpose that goes far beyond what we thought, you are able to live outside of the pressures of pop culture. Imagine this: knowing who God created you to be and no longer having the pressure of feeling like you need to be anything other than you. Imagine this: not having to live under the anxiety and stress of tomorrow because with your faith intact, you know and understand that God will make a way even when we can't see a way out. There's no magic pill or magic wand to make your situation change or go away but God has left us His word to be put into practice and used as a guide for life. If we follow His principles, He promises to take care of us. Let's stop surviving and start thriving in God's word and allow His influence over us to guide us in the way that brings life, love, peace, and joy. Blessings.
Detener los pensamientos negativos| Mantén tu paz GFL Ep. 47
¿Cuántas veces en la vida has necesitado detenerte y respirar profundamente para tratar de calmar el "circo" que pasa por tu cabeza? ¿Te encuentras luchando por detener los pensamientos negativos? Únase a nosotros en este episodio mientras discutimos las muchas distracciones que pueden robar nuestra atención de lo que realmente importa y de quién realmente importa. Comencemos diciendo que tienes la opción de renunciar a tu paz o no. Tienes la opción de prestar atención o no a lo negativo o lo positivo que sucede a tu alrededor. Y tienes la capacidad de influir en tu hogar y en todos los que te rodean para bien o para mal. ¡Mantén tu paz! Nadie puede quitarte la paz, pero ciertamente puedes renunciar a ella. No cometa el error de creer que es por lo que otra persona hizo o dijo lo que hizo que lo perdiera: todos podemos elegir por nosotros mismos lo que permitimos que nos mueva, inspire e influya en nosotros. Toma la decisión ahora mismo de que nada ni nadie tiene el poder de robar tu alegría o tu paz. Toma la decisión ahora mismo de enfocarte en lo positivo (quizás apagar las noticias puede ser un gran comienzo). Elijamos juntos dejar de sobrevivir y empezar a prosperar.
Stop negative thoughts | keep your peace. GFL Ep. 47
How many times in life have you just needed to stop and take a deep breath to try and quiet the "circus" that goes on in your head? Do you often find yourself struggling to stop negative thoughts? Join us in this episode as we discuss the many distractions that can steal our attention from what really matters and from who really matters. Let us start off by saying, you have a choice to give up your peace or not. You have a choice whether or not to give your attention to the negative or positive that goes on around you. And you have the ability to influence your home and everyone around you for better or worse. Keep your peace! No one can take your peace from you but you can certainly give it up. Don't make the mistake of believing that it's because of what someone else did or said that caused you to lose it- we all get to choose for ourselves what we allow to move us, inspire us, and influence us. Make the decision right now that nothing and no one has the power to steal your joy or your peace. Make the decision right now that you choose to focus on the positive (perhaps turning off the news can be a great start). Let's choose together to stop surviving and start thriving.
Tiempos difíciles y lecciones de dolor. GFL Ep. 46
El dolor es una parte muy real de la vida, sin importar el estilo de vida que viaje. Los tiempos difíciles están destinados a llegar, pero la forma en que respondemos marca la diferencia. Nuestra respuesta es una de las pocas cosas sobre las que tenemos control absoluto. Un sabio amigo me dijo una vez: "Mi respuesta es mi responsabilidad", lo creo de todo corazón. Únase a nosotros mientras hablamos de algunos de los tiempos difíciles que estamos viviendo en este momento y también compartamos las lecciones que hemos aprendido y seguimos aprendiendo, a través del dolor. Generalmente, podemos aprender a través de las personas y el dolor. No siempre podemos elegir de dónde vienen las lecciones, pero tenemos "voz y voto" en lo que elegimos aprender mientras vivimos. No importa en qué situación esté viviendo en este momento, decida ser un estudiante perpetuo; Decide buscar la lección de vida que te ayude a superar tus circunstancias y tener una versión más fuerte y sabia de ti mismo. Elija ahora mismo dejar de sobrevivir y empezar a prosperar. No estás solo, estamos juntos en esto y estamos aquí para apoyarte.
How to let go and move on | leave your past behind. GFL. 45
If you've lived at all, chances are you've suffered loss. In this episode we talk about letting go of someone, closing the door on the last chapter and moving forward. It's a topic that's close to our hearts because we too have gone through loss on different levels. Have you left your past behind you or does it still keep you from moving forward? Everyone is life is living out their season and when seasons change, not everyone is meant to move on with you. How will you respond when someone leaves you or when a lifelong relationship no longer exists? It's hard to tell what you'll do until it happens but if you can look for the lesson, you can live in greater appreciation for the relationships of today and if the relationship comes to an end you can be at peace with yourself, the situation and with the person that may have left. It's not always easy but if you stop and think about it, you are who you are today because of a wealth of experiences and relationships that have shaped you. And whether someone has built you up or whether you've had to rise from the ashes of a negative experience, know that you are someone great and capable of accomplishing great things. It's time for a shift of mindset, it's time to let the past stay in the past, appreciate those who have come and gone and together let's stop surviving and start thriving.
Thank you! We just couldn't do it without you | GFL Fam
There are not enough words to describe our gratitude for all your love and support. So instead of trying to type it all out, let us just say, "Thank you!" To serve you is our hope and to help reach you with our life experiences is our hearts desire. God bless you. You are not alone. You have our support and we are here for you help. Together, let's stop surviving and start thriving.
Stop hating yourself | overcoming self-rejection. GFL Ep. 44
Stop hating yourself! Overcoming self-rejection isn't easy but it is possible. Isn't it strange how we wouldn't allow anyone to get in our face and badmouth us but we are quick to belittle ourselves? We spend too much time putting ourselves down and not nearly enough time building ourselves up. When we look in the mirror, we see flaws, faults, inability; we feel guilty for all things we are not and take on the pressure to be someone else as if we would be so much happier being someone we are not. Let me be the first to remind you that you are so valuable... you have purpose and the ability to achieve anything you set your mind to do. I know this because like me, you are God's creation and He designed you with purpose and with abilities beyond what you give yourself credit for. Don't waste another day putting yourself down because of your past. Don't waste another second belittling yourself and making yourself feel "less-than" because of what you didn't do in the past. You are so much more than what you think and there is so much to enjoy in this life; don't allow negative thoughts to steal your joy, your peace and your happiness. You are an overcomer... you are more than what you see. Join us as we discuss overcoming self-rejection. Spend more time reminding yourself of your strengths and less time listening to those negative "voices". Let's stop surviving and start thriving.
If you've been REJECTED watch this! GFL Ep. 43
If you've been rejected, definitely watch this. Rejection sounds like a "bad word" and we certainly can connect countless negative feelings and emotions to the scars rejection can create. All too often rejection causes us to doubt ourselves, question our choices and cause us to even reject ourselves thinking that we have to change who we are in order to become more openly accepted. Let me tell you, God does not make "junk" and you are God's creation so even without knowing or understanding, you have purpose and value beyond what you can see. So, what do we do about rejection? How do we respond when rejection comes? For starters, we should know that in life, we will experience and face rejection... it's just a part of life. What needs to change is the way we perceive rejection. God often times will use rejection as a clear indicator that a "door" has been closed. This could be a closed door in a relationship, job opportunity or big financial decision but that closed door is not a reflection of YOUR VALUE... it may only be God redirecting you away from something that will cause you harm or great suffering. During a season of rejection, dig deeper into your relationship with God and seek His guidance and direction so that you make Him a part of your decision making process. He will never lead you astray. This season may be the season that leads you to reach the goals you thought were unachievable. This closed door may guide you to the open door that helps you achieve your dreams and visions. Let's stop surviving and start thriving. God Bless You.
the song that made me laugh:
What every teenager needs to hear from you | GFL Ep. 42
Book recommendation:
It's no secret that teenagers have to live under an intense amount of pressure from culture and friends... but they don't have to go through it alone. Does your teen know that they are free to make mistakes? Do they know they can turn to you when things don't go right or when they find themselves in bad situations? YOU may know that you're there for your teen but do they know? Having a teenager in the house can be challenging because they are still young... no longer children but also not yet adults. In many ways they are struggling to find their voice, their independence and their identity. While this is happening the temptation to "let them be" is overwhelming for the parent who is also wanting to be supportive and loving (or trying to look past all the eye-rolling and attitude for your teen). We want them to have space to figure it all out and we hide behind the one-liner, "If you need me, I'm here" or something like it. The trouble with this is that teenagers, more times than not, don't want to be vulnerable; vulnerable isn't trendy, it isn't a quality becoming of someone who "has it all together". Needing help isn't what "independent" people do. So how do we help them work through this? We engage... we don't just wait for the problem or the meltdown... we get involved. WE ask our teens how they're doing, WE watch for the signs and symptoms that there is something wrong and when we see them, we investigate. Love can be tiring and time-consuming but it is well worth the effort to let your teen know they are loved just as they are, that there is strength in vulnerability and that they have a safe-haven in you and in their home when needed. Let's put in the effort to help show and teach our teens to stop surviving and start thriving.
Why we should teach children about consequences | GFL Ep. 41
Teaching our children about consequences is so much more than just parenting in the moment. I believe at some point in our parenting life we've yelled a similar phrase to our children, "YOU HAVE TO THINK BEFORE YOU DO THINGS!" Deep down, I believe we want our children to think before they act and/or speak. Our intentions together with actions really matter here... Are we only griping or are we investing the time and energy in our children to stop and teach them to think before they act and speak? What might that look like? What are the long-term results? Join us in this episode as we discuss this together. If you'd like something to think about in considering what your child's future might hold just compare your own life to the life you hope to build in your children. What were you taught growing up? As you grew, did you think ahead about the consequences of your actions? Did you realize that EVERYTHING you did brought consequences- for better or worse? Were you able to understand that you are where you are because of the choices you've made? Yes, I know, it's a lot of questioning but compare this to what you are teaching your children... they are either going to learn the hard way when life hits hard or they can learn it together with you while they are near to benefit from your support. Let's leave our children better off than ourselves, let's teach them to stop surviving and start thriving.