Hey, Motivators...I'm building a course to teach Motivation to wayward Motivators looking to find more Motivation; or, to show True To Form Motivators looking to get More Motivated a place where like minded Motivators encourage each other to Motivate.
The 13 week course is taught by me, Jones The Motivator, and my brothers from our Destiny 2 Fireteam, Jones and The Motivators (my brother, brother-in-law, and Marine Corps brother-from-another-mother are all True To Form Motivators, you can take The Motivator's word for it).
The course is taught entirely in the Destiny 2 universe, where we gather and discuss the Mysteries of Motivation during our live stream here on Facebook Gaming (and on Twitch). We then demonstrate the wonders of Motivation after each lesson through the kind of tough, realistic training that only Lord Shaxx can provide.
Supplemental materials, such as info-graphics, PDF downloads, and exclusive video content are available for students who register for the course; and, the class videos from the stream will be posted there after each session.
If this sounds like something you'd like, or if you know a motivator who would, please enroll or share the site with your budding motivator today!