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Living Life With Mel Living Life With Mel (LLWM) aims to INSPIRE, EDUCATE, and MOTIVATE others through our talk show, interviews, inspirational videos, and written content.

We hope to impact lives positively and help to make the world a better place.

Enjoying another amazing view of the skies at sunset.

Enjoying another amazing view of the skies at sunset.

Delicious Fruits

Delicious Fruits


I found a cute heartwarming photo with my youngest daughter putting on my shoes and immediately I had a flood of different memories and thoughts. Oftentimes we say that she is the surprise that God gave to my family. I refer to her as the icing on the cake and the child whom God continues to use to teach me a lot of lessons .

When she was born, I was at the age where I felt like I was getting old and I didn’t know how well I would manage mentally to start the journey all over again. I was also concerned about the era in which she would grow up because of certain societal issues. I became a little more relaxed after I heard someone say that Jesus was born in one of the most tumultuous times and yet He survived.

I look at my daughter now and I notice how quickly she has grown up. I will admit that it required more of my attention and involvement raising her in this society, compared to when her other siblings were younger. At different times when I felt overwhelmed or challenged in my role as a mother, I had to try to remember that God equipped me to do the job to the best of my ability and that’s all I need to do and allow him do what only He can do!

As parents, it might be helpful if we remind ourselves that it is a daily walk of trust and dependence on God to protect our children as they navigate life. I encourage the mothers, fathers, or guardians who are extremely stressed, disheartened, frustrated, hopeless, and perhaps even regretful about things related to their children, to just keep holding on and keep hoping for brighter days.

While life has its challenges and they manifest in different forms, it is great to know that God is The Way Maker who will either wade through the waters with us, stand by our sides in the fire , or He will part the Red Sea so we can cross over to the other side; the side of The Promised Land where things are different..
✅ Whatever God promised, hold it dearly to your heart.
✅ Pray for your children and do not lose hope regardless of the storms that are raging around them.
✅ Have faith and believe the best for them as you fight those spiritual warfares that they don’t even know they are encountering.

Revival is still happening in many places and it is a reminder that God is NOT losing the battles! Be assured that the w...

Revival is still happening in many places and it is a reminder that God is NOT losing the battles! Be assured that the war is already won!
John 19:30 Act 2:17

A Florida beach is once again the site of an amazing move of God where thousands were baptized in Jesus' Name earlier this week.

The Church of Eleven22 baptized more than 1,600 people on the shores of Hanna Park Beach in Jacksonville, FL Sunday.

"That's 1614 souls who've experienced God moving in their lives, have been saved by Jesus, and are now professing Him publicly as their Lord and Savior! We pray we never lose sight of how miraculous that is in just one person, let alone 1614," reads a caption from The Church of Eleven22.

As CBN News reported, more than 200 people were baptized by minister Jenny Weaver at Clearwater Beach near Tampa, FL on Easter and nearly 1,000 men, women, and children were baptized through Grace Family Church at Fort De Soto Beach in the same city a few weeks later.

Jay Owen, a spokesperson with the Church of Eleven22, told CBN News that it is evident that a mighty move of God is taking place in America right now.

One person cheering on his fellow congregants was Tim Tebow. Tebow is a member of the Church of Eleven22 and attends many events held by the church. He was seen in the water helping to baptize some members of the church.

Read more:


Spring Break Destination in Florida

To Whom It May ConcernAs soon as we exited the airport in Kingston, we could not wait to find some good Jamaican 🇯🇲 food...

To Whom It May Concern

As soon as we exited the airport in Kingston, we could not wait to find some good Jamaican 🇯🇲 food for our hungry stomachs. My husband and I were extremely disappointed when we realized that our expectations were not met because there was literally no breakfast left in the restaurant where we stopped downtown. Afterwards, we decided to take a stroll to see the murals on the streets nearby the location.

As we were walking and taking photos, I noticed the sign “Peace And Love Jewellers” on the beam of a roof above our heads. Suddenly I was transported back in time to where it all started. This Jewellery store held significant memories for both of us. With a burst of excitement I echoed, “Oh wow, David look!” I pointed to the sign that was surprisingly visible with all the construction work that was being done on the building.

We began to reminisce on the day we left work during our lunch time to go and pick out our rings that would be used as the symbols of our commitment and covenant to each other. We didn’t have the money for the alternative expensive diamond rock glistening in the showcase of one of the stores uptown so we settled for what we could afford downtown.

As we stared at the sign with smiling faces, ironically we were not wearing our rings on our fingers because they were no longer in existence. They were somewhere where they were irretrievable because at some points in time, the “Peace” was absent from our marriage.
….Yes, at one point I reacted to my emotions and placed them there and if you’re a woman, you already know that what is understood, doesn’t need to be explained about uncontrolled emotions.
….And no, I do not recommend that you do as I did because it was a hard lesson learned including the fact that I’m still waiting for a replacement 😭😂 …but that’s the least in grand scheme of things.

Now, before your minds start wondering 🤔, please just keep your focus and remember that I said both of us were standing underneath the sign together and reflecting positively on our beginnings. It meant that the “Peace” was present so I’ll continue.

In the same manner that we were disappointed about the restaurant being out of food, we have gone through our disappointments in our union like most marriages do. Your rings may not be missing like ours but you might agree that it doesn’t mean that everything is always well with yours either. We did not always feel like love was present but since love is more than just a feeling, I can safely say it is one of the factors that is responsible for our togetherness still after so many years.

As we all should know , marriages can be wonderful but definitely far from perfect. The peace and love we dreamt of eluded us many times but thankfully we are encouraged to know that when all else fails, God never fails. He is ultimately Love ❤️ and He has already left us the blueprint of how to truly love each other so that we can maintain the peace ✌️(John 13:34-35).

In conclusion, be at Peace with God and stay in Love with Him and as much as it lies within you, let “Peace And Love” win and reign in your relationships and marriage!



You’ll be surprised when you hear what happened after I was thrown out of the hospital.


This is another great accommodation on my list of places to stay whenever I am in Jamaica 🇯🇲.


The first night of our camping adventure was definitely one for the diary. Watch what happened when we set out on our journey up the hill to the camp site.

It’s not only the good food and the hospitality of the people of Jamaica 🇯🇲 that makes me feel rejuvenated whenever I re...

It’s not only the good food and the hospitality of the people of Jamaica 🇯🇲 that makes me feel rejuvenated whenever I return home. It’s also the vibrant colors that are visible everywhere!

See you later Jamaica 🇯🇲. It’s always a pleasure to return to the land of my birth where I find therapy for my mind and ...

See you later Jamaica 🇯🇲. It’s always a pleasure to return to the land of my birth where I find therapy for my mind and my soul ❤️.


I woke up in a tree house at Fern Forest Eco Village Jamaica

It was a weekend and the streets of downtown Kingston were not as busy as other weekdays. It was the perfect opportunity...

It was a weekend and the streets of downtown Kingston were not as busy as other weekdays. It was the perfect opportunity for us to view some of the murals on the walls that were painted a few years ago. They depict aspects of Jamaica’s culture which include various artists and iconic persons such as the late legendary Reggae artist Robert Nesta Marley, AKA Bob Marley. Today, as the world observes his birthday, we will no doubt remember him not only for his musical craft, but also how he helped to make Jamaica 🇯🇲 a significant country in the eyes of others. That spurred me into thinking about the importance of the impact each of us can and should try to make while we are alive. Remember, the purpose for which you were created is just as important as Bob Marley’s so be inspired today to make your impact and leave a good legacy!

It does not matter if the impact you make is limited to your families, your communities, or the world at large! Just simply walk in your purpose!


Chilling In My Airbnb in Jamaica

There are times when my teenage son will just randomly walk up to me and give me a hug. Sometimes he will remind me that...

There are times when my teenage son will just randomly walk up to me and give me a hug. Sometimes he will remind me that he loves me, or other times he’ll not say anything, but I usually understand the unspoken. At one point, I began to think about his actions and as if a light bulb came on in my head, I wondered if the hugs he gave me were not only an expression of his love for me, but that perhaps one of his love languages was physical touch. I thought about the possibility that perhaps sometimes he wanted to be hugged more than he was giving me a hug. As a result, I became more receptive to his gestures. Instead of waiting for him to come to me, I started to be more intentional about going to him and hugging him randomly. In today’s society, it is extremely important that we are making ourselves available to our children and we cannot afford to underestimate their needs, regardless of their age. I would prefer to know that my son finds comfort in my hugs, rather than to crave comfort in the wrong arms or the wrong things.

While not everyone may be affectionate, it is important that parents express their love and affection to their children through physical touch. Remember, children live what they learn. The more you practice this habit of physical touch, the more normal it will become for you ❤️.

I saw a post about a famous Jamaican athlete who bought a new home in another country. As usual, I like to read the rela...

I saw a post about a famous Jamaican athlete who bought a new home in another country. As usual, I like to read the related comments because they can provide additional insights or simple humour. As I read the comments, I realized that many persons were concerned about whether or not the couple in the story was married, more than how they were focused on the essence of the article. It was quite a debate as some expressed their opinions. In an effort to avoid being judgmental, I noted the opinions which stated that the couple could be married but may have chosen to keep it private. Of course, that can also be verified but what would be the reason? Whose business is it?

I could not help noticing the vast number of comments that endorsed the necessity or importance of marriage. It made me think! Could it be that as humans, we innately find marriage desirable? Could it be that marriage is more fundamental to family and relationship than what some persons believe or tout? Is marriage viewed as sacred because of a Christian belief where God intended it to be ideal for relationship and family? Is it a societal norm where people engage the practice as something honorable? I’m just wondering.

I must say that regardless of one’s opinion, we can agree that some decisions in life are just personal and people have the WILL; the WILL to chose to do whatever they believe is best for their lives, whether their decision is right or wrong. It might sound absurd to make that statement but that is the truth! God gives us the power to choose! It is also equally true that CHOICES have outcomes or consequences. My unsolicited feedback about marriage is that it is not only a Godly covenant between a man and a woman, but it is also a wonderful institution in which relationship and family life CAN truly thrive if there is real love, and the inevitable issues are properly managed. I love and endorse marriage!

NB* Photo is unrelated and only used for illustration. Photo shows mansions in Beverly Hills Jamaica 🇯🇲.

On one of our visits to Jamaica 🇯🇲 with our children, perhaps the most heart warming moment for me was when my daughter ...

On one of our visits to Jamaica 🇯🇲 with our children, perhaps the most heart warming moment for me was when my daughter got to immerse herself into another aspect of our culture in the country. Without reservation, she embraced the experiences to the extent that I began to wonder if she was born and raised there. I think it’s because she always imagined living as a country girl, so it was a dream come true for her. She was excited when she got to wear her grandmother’s the silk “nightie” (nightgown) and of course, she did not want to take it off. She wanted to learn how the clean the Ackee so we allowed her to participate. She volunteered to wash the concrete floor that was still under construction and as you can see, she pushed that broom like a little hardworking woman. She ran up and down in the garden trying to catch the chickens 🐓, she helped to wash some plates outdoors, and I showed her how to clean the mud from her shoes by rubbing them against the stones in the ground. She had the time of her life!

My fond childhood memories became even more priceless as I watched her relive some of my experiences. It also made me reflect on the good things my grandparents did to ensure that I had the best life they could give to me with the little they could afford. Today I have no regrets because that life helped to mold me into the adult I am today.


Will You Still Praise Him In The Storm?

…. “Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped.”

As human beings, it may seem unrealistic for us to express joy in the midst of physical pain or emotional distress. It is easier for us to be drowned in self pity by asking the questions, “Why me?” or “What have I done to deserve this?” Job was human like you and I but he quickly realized that all the possessions he had lost (including his children) were temporal in this life. He chose to worship The Eternal God who gave him all he had in the beginning, and who was able to restore them if he chose to do so; and He did!

While I believe that we should be sincere about the way we feel when we are hurting, and we should get the necessary intervention to help us as we navigate issues, it is important that we endeavor to still worship God through challenging situations, as long as we are mentally capable of doing so. We might not be able to utter words or praises from our lips, but the posture of our hearts can still be worshipful to our unchangeable God.

Praise is not only a melody that will make our hearts joyful. It is a weapon the defies the odds, calms our lurking fears, annihilates the plans of the devil, and elevates us to the supernatural realm where our peace is protected.

Be encouraged! Shout for joy! Sing his praise! Clap your hands! Be glad in the Lord and rejoice!

Job 1:19-21 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.


Childlike Faith

My ten year old daughter constantly searches for beautiful houses online because she has a desire to live in what she considers her dream home. She is usually very elated whenever she finds something satisfactory, and she would often show them to me and ask me for my opinion. Whenever she asks if we can purchase any of them, I would be honest to tell whether or not we are able to afford it at that moment. I am keen on not discouraging her from dreaming. In fact, I would share her excitement as we scroll through the photos together.

My daughter is never deterred by the cost. She is quite aware that she does not have the resources to purchase a home, but she knows that her parents might be able to make that dream come true so she goes to the source, in addition to trusting God. Today I want to encourage you to keep dreaming and believing for what you desire, even if it seems impossible. More assuredly, you can choose to place your faith and trust in the God who specializes in making dreams come true. Do not forget however, that He does things in His time; and because He loves us so much, He will give us only what He knows is best for us.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

The hats 🧢, the scarves 🧣, the gloves 🧤, the boots 👢, the jackets 🧥, and wigs were still not enough to keep us warm! Hav...

The hats 🧢, the scarves 🧣, the gloves 🧤, the boots 👢, the jackets 🧥, and wigs were still not enough to keep us warm! Having lived in a tropical 🏝️ climate for so long, I still can’t get comfortable in colder temperatures. When we decided to travel to several states during the winter, we tried to pack all the warm clothing we could carry on the flight. It didn’t take us long to realize that the temperature and with the wind chill varied in different states and were intolerable in many instances. I remember at one point when we were in Philadelphia climbing up some steps to a Museum, my son had to borrow his sister’s scarf because his face felt like it was about to be frozen. There were times when taking photos was no longer a funfilled activity because we literally had to run to get back to our car which became the place of comfort and refuge after each stop at different sites.

I look at these photos and I can say wholeheartedly that I have a different kind of respect for persons who live and work in these extremely cold temperatures. If only the persons who have unrealistic expectations for “handouts” could experience these harsh climates, maybe they will think twice whenever they ask for things indiscretionately.
Remember this:-
-Some people make a lot of sacrifice to earn a living.
-Show respect and understanding whenever they are unable to fulfill your request for things.
-In addition, don’t forget to be appreciative and express gratitude whenever they extend kindness to you.

As we celebrated with our daughter on completion of her First Degree, I am reminded that life is truly a journey and not...

As we celebrated with our daughter on completion of her First Degree, I am reminded that life is truly a journey and not a destination.

We meet people along the way, we gain new experiences, we face various challenges, we enjoy great successes, we learn to fight different battles, and most of all, we gain new knowledge that can change our lives forever. Today, we are extremely thankful that another of our children has completed this phase of the journey. Two down and two more to go! D was quite ecstatic as she celebrated the moment with her friends and family members. As parents, we did not have the luxury of saving college funds for them in advance, but thankfully, with their academic scholarships being one source of funding, they were able to complete their Bachelor’s Degree at the top public state university, which was recently ranked the number 1 public institution in the country.

There is a reason that I chose to make mention of the scholarships that they obtained as they were instrumental in making their attendance at this institution possible. I knew that our financial incapability could have limited their educational opportunities, so while I was a full time stay at home mom, I did everything to facilitate their educational success with the hope of them doing well enough to be awarded these scholarships. During high school, both of them were enrolled in advanced programs and subsequently graduated not only with their High School Diplomas, but also with their College Associate Degrees, which meant that they only needed to do two additional years at the university to complete their Bachelors Degree.

During the time that I made this decision to support my children by being at home, I experienced criticisms and in some instances, even blatant jealousy of me and my children. I recall a time when two different individuals tried to redirect and discourage one of my daughters from pursuing medical studies. It took me a while to accept that there are those who do not think you are good enough for certain professions and are literally afraid of your potential or success. I often remind my children that God’s purpose for their lives cannot be hindered by anyone unless they allow it. Amidst it all, we kept our focus because we had our goals.

Today I feel very grateful, accomplished, and satisfied that I did my best as a mother to facilitate the process of their educational journey. As parents, we have given them fishing lines 🎣 to fish for themselves. It is now up to them to decide where they go from this point onward. We have assured them that we will still be prepared to guide and support them in the future if necessary, without depriving them of their independence to grow and embrace life as adults.


Help! I think I have exhausted my 70x7 quota of forgiveness with some persons and I might need a loan from somebody 🤣🤣🤣.

This might sound absurd but you have to believe me when I tell you it’s true. Recently I asked some persons for forgiveness who said my actions towards them were offensive. Well, if I needed an acknowledgement or response to my message in order for me to keep breathing, I would not be alive today to share my story. I would have expired by now 🤣🤣. I guess I committed the unpardonable sin.
Interestingly, in an effort to make peace, I decided to take the initiative to apologize and ask for forgiveness even though I did not believe I did anything malicious. I was falsely accused and my actions grossly misjudged. After apologizing, I realize that I was doing as the scripture commanded in Matthew 5:23-24 which states, “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”

My heart breaks for those individuals who have decide to put me in a naughty corner as my punishment 🤣🤣. I pray for them that the scriptures will become meaningful and practical because they are only doing more harm to themselves than they are trying to do to me. While I’m still in shock about the situation sometimes, more importantly, I am happy and free! I still choose to forgive them even if they do not forgive me for the offense they said they experienced from my actions. If we are going to live by the book, we can’t do only what we think is convenient to us. Forgiveness does not mean there has to be an ongoing relationship but we still have to forgive so that we can be forgiven.

Matthew 18:21-22 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.


Sometimes there are strongholds in our lives that must be addressed from a spiritual perspective and not just through behaviour modification. The Holy Spirit dwells with us and He empowers us to do great and mighty things. Whether or not we believe in the power of demonic spirits, it does not change the fact that they exist. Jesus drove them out of people and we can do the same.
Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

When it was time for us to purchase newer vehicles, my husband chose a hybrid car because of the efficiency it provided ...

When it was time for us to purchase newer vehicles, my husband chose a hybrid car because of the efficiency it provided for the distance he had to travel for work. I chose a minivan because of the seating capacity that was needed for the family. I did not care about the fact that some persons consider it “a soccer ⚽️ mom” vehicle 🙂. It was one of the best decisions that we ever made. It is perfect for storing our luggages and it is also extremely comfortable. This is one of the main reasons we have been able to do so many long road trips as we discover new places. I love my minivan and love having fun with my family ❤️.

As my daughter and I walked to our vehicle after church, I beckoned to her to come closer so I could hold her hand. I ca...

As my daughter and I walked to our vehicle after church, I beckoned to her to come closer so I could hold her hand. I can’t remember walking to church with my mom as a little girl, but I clearly recall those times when she would have me dressed up similarly in my cute little dresses, and then she would send my brother and I to Sunday School. She did something right! A seed was planted in my heart from an early age and now I can carry on the legacy. Thankfully it’s more than just dressing up for church. It’s teaching my children about having a relationship with God.


We were just chilling and chatting as we enjoyed our hot cocoa during the cold winter night when Becky suddenly decided to entertain us with her new accent.



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