False Prophets
That's what I've read about today.
I admit that I'm not in a position to give you any financial advise because I'm in a financial mess right now.
The problem with free advise is they will cost you something along the way.
It may not be today but believe me it will catch up to you someday.
Seek the right mentors.
If you want to achieve something, look and ask people who have already achieved it.
Everybody can be a self-proclaimed guru or expert easily these days.
Avoid them at all costs.
They'll give you free advise then sell to you something later.
Have discernment.
For example, in stocks.
They are teaching about the stock market.
That's good.
But are they really making money in the stock market or the money comes from teaching about the stock market?
Alright. Goodnight guys. Just want to unload this from my mind.