My Deliverance Testimony: Part 3
My Deliverance Testimony: Part 2
My Deliverance Testimony: PART 1
“Birth control is going to be the new cigarette smoke” 🚬
I saw that quote and it hit me. Most of us grew up knowing about the easy accessibility of birth control and that it was basically our only option as women to prevent pregnancy and/or deal with hormone imbalance symptoms.
I have yet to meet or talk to any woman that was properly informed of all the side effects and dangers of taking the various forms of contraceptives. I remember the conversations in high school as one by one, adolescent girls started being prescribed birth control for our imbalance symptoms.
“We’re trading one symptom for another”
“Why don’t boys have to deal with this?”
“Do I want acne or do I want weight gain?”
“This isn’t fair”
And not to mention, I myself experienced one of the scariest side effects of all: a blood clot 😳
Though it was brushed off casually by my doctor as a normal side effect of the pills, my concerns were dismissed and I was very quickly after prescribed an IUD to alleviate my symptoms as opposed to easily looking at my hormone labs and taking an audit of my lifestyle.
So what are the dangers of birth control?
• depletes your body of essential vitamins & minerals (selenium, zinc, folic acid, b2, b6, b9, b12, vitamin c, vitamin E, magnesium)
• chemically alters who you are attracted to
• nausea, breast tenderness, headaches & migraines, missed periods, weight gain, mood disorders, blood clots, abdominal pain, chest pain, eye problems, high blood pressure, liver tumours, breast cancer and cervical cancer
Thankfully there are natural and very effective ways to balance your hormones and prevent pregnancy!
If you haven’t already, DM me “EBOOK” and I will send you an exclusive discount code so you can access my Holistically Healing: Hormones e-book for FREE! You’ll learn more about how to get off of birth control, balance your hormones with sustainable habits and prevent pregnancy naturally 💖
That’s a wrap summer 2023 ☀️
Putting this together reminded me how grateful I am for all the memories made, time spent with loved ones and new adventures!
Forever grateful and blessed to have this life 💖
A little humour to start the week 😂
But for real can you believe that’s the inside of a tap water pipe? And we drink and bathe in that?
Couldn’t be me ❌
Tap water & bottled water are contaminated with:
• pesticides & herbicides
• pharmaceuticals
• birth control
• heavy metals
• chlorine
• pathogens & viruses
• fluoride
• fungicides
• radioactive contaminants
Ditch the tap or else… you might find me in your water pipes 😤
Sorry girl I didn’t hear a WORD you said
That’s on being your own water plug 💧and yes I regularly give security officers the low down on medical grade water and all the benefits and why they can’t tell me to dump it out 🥰#sorrynotsorry
Quick PSA for anyone new and old in the wellness space ⚠️‼️
Keeping up with health trends is exhausting. Let’s stick to the basics for the sake of our mental & financial health.
* this is not referencing those with severe health problems/diagnosis and are on a specific regimen & protocol for healing *