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This Is Short The Streaming Platform Of The European Short Film Network. Subscribe Now At THIS IS SHORT is back! Ab 1.

The second edition of THIS IS SHORT, the European streaming platform for exceptional short films, is already in the starting blocks. Beginning at midnight on April 1, we will again present a carefully selected program for three months. And like last year, the portal also allows access to offerings from the four participating film festivals.


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THIS IS SHORT, der europäischen Streamingplattform für außergewöhnliche Kurzfilme, steht bereits in den Startlöchern. April um Mitternacht werden wir wieder für drei Monate sorgfältig ausgewähltes Programm präsentieren. Und wie im vergangenen Jahr erlaubt das Portal auch den Zugriff auf Angebote der vier beteiligten Filmfestivals.


THIS IS SHORT powraca! Druga edycja THIS IS SHORT, europejskiej platformy streamingowej pełnej wyjątkowych filmów krótkometrażowych jest już w blokach startowych! Od północy 1 kwietnia przez trzy miesiące zaprezentujemy starannie wyselekcjonowany program filmowy. Podobnie jak w ubiegłym roku, portal umożliwi również dostęp do oferty filmowej czterech festiwali tworzących platformę.


THIS IS SHORT is terug! De tweede editie van THIS IS SHORT, het Europese streaming platform voor bijzondere korte films, staat in de startblokken. We trappen af op 1 april om middernacht en presenteren wederom een zorgvuldig geselecteerd programma voor drie maanden. Vergelijkbaar met de vorig editie biedt het platform ook toegang tot aanbod van de vier aangesloten festivals.

New program! New Talents: ECAM Showcase 🇪🇸 ECAM - Escuela de Cine y Audiovisual, The Madrid Film School, is a non-profit...

New program! New Talents: ECAM Showcase

🇪🇸 ECAM - Escuela de Cine y Audiovisual, The Madrid Film School, is a non-profit cultural foundation whose primary mission is to train new generations in the audiovisual sector and promote cultural activities directly associated with the industry. ECAM goes the extra mile in striving to achieve its aim of training future generations of the audiovisual sector and being the starting point of the professional career of the big names in Spanish cinema.

To get a taste of what the new talents at ECAM can do, This Is Shorts presents six films by ECAM students that show how diverse and creative this new generation of filmmakers is.

Watch until October at!

F**K YOUAnette SidorSE, 2018, 14’ Awarded Best European Short Fiction Film at Go Short 2019, the short is featured in th...

Anette Sidor
SE, 2018, 14’

Awarded Best European Short Fiction Film at Go Short 2019, the short is featured in the “Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby” program on, curated by Uppsala Kortfilmfestival.

New program! Summer In Film: Filmschoolfest Munich🔆 Blue skies, no clouds as far as the eye can see: we often long for t...

New program! Summer In Film: Filmschoolfest Munich

🔆 Blue skies, no clouds as far as the eye can see: we often long for the lightness of endless summer days. It’s a time of idyllic landscapes, when nothing helps against the oppressing heat but jumping into a lake or breathing in the salty air of the sea. But we are cheated by the images in our mind’s eye, and no romanticized ideals can truly protect us from the truths hidden behind the escapism we so long for. The summer as the central subject of these five films allows its characters to find and lose love, evoke painful memories, push sweaty bodies to their limits and put friendships to the test.

Every year, FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH – FESTIVAL OF FUTURE STORYTELLERS brings the most exciting student short films to the big screen. Young filmmakers from all over the world are given the opportunity to get to know each other and the film industry during a week full of screenings, industry events, and more.

In collaboration with This Is Short, FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH put together a collection of five films that is now available online.

Watch until September at!

New program! A Program For Kids And Families 🛟 A session of fun short films, around the theme of water, bathing and swim...

New program! A Program For Kids And Families 🛟 A session of fun short films, around the theme of water, bathing and swimming pools, in an unprecedented and splashy environment! Hooray for summer!

Watch the SUMMER = POOLS program curated by IndieLisboa International Film Festival at!

DIRNDLSCHULDWilbirg Brainin-DonnenbergAT, 2021, 14’ Available on the “In Disguise” program at, curated b...

Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg
AT, 2021, 14’

Available on the “In Disguise” program at, curated by Short Waves Festival!

Fashion And Politics 🪡 Four diverse films of different poetics, rhythms and emotions reveal that ideology is closer than...

Fashion And Politics 🪡 Four diverse films of different poetics, rhythms and emotions reveal that ideology is closer than it appears––it's as close as our skin. Garments are tainted with interpretations and vice versa, even rituals as intimate as death or prayer are inevitably dressed in costumes. What we wear intertwines with what we are and desire, and even more––what we put on display is often what we don't intend to uncover. The act of putting on clothes is not just a mundane daily routine but a powerful gesture loaded with meaning. A dress is never merely fabric; it can question reality and can also serve as a fleeting answer.

Watch the In Disguise program curated by Short Waves Festival at before October!

This Is This Is Short 📚 If you've wondered what This Is Short is about or who curates the films and programs for the pla...

This Is This Is Short 📚 If you've wondered what This Is Short is about or who curates the films and programs for the platform, we're happy to tell our story!

This Is Short was jointly launched by several film festivals in 2021 and has operated as a year-round, globally available streaming service since November 2023. We focus on extraordinary films curated by exquisite festivals. Our offerings are aimed at the curious and cinephiles, arthouse and festival audiences, filmmakers, and talent seekers. It’s all about great cinema, with due brevity.

The platform is co-financed by the EU's MEDIA program and run by the ESFN, which includes six festivals: Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, IndieLisboa International Film Festival, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Short Waves Festival, Uppsala Short Film Festival, and Vienna Shorts.

A two-week free trial is available for new users. Sign up at!

A Film Program For Kids And Families 🐣 Our body is a ground for discovery, but also for imagination. What would we do if...

A Film Program For Kids And Families 🐣 Our body is a ground for discovery, but also for imagination. What would we do if we had extendable arms? Or a big bum? What if a watermelon grew on our belly? What if we were connected to someone else by our hair? What if we lost our glasses and could only focus on one object at a time? In the midst of all this fun, we'll learn about serious subjects such as insecurities, addictions, popular sayings and even ophthalmology - all through our bodies.

Watch the Human Body program curated by IndieLisboa International Film Festival

New program! Deliciously Disgusting 🧫 Ah, that sweet spot between beauty and rot––there should be a word for it! The inv...

New program! Deliciously Disgusting 🧫 Ah, that sweet spot between beauty and rot––there should be a word for it! The invented word läckligt is a combination of läckert (delicious) and äckligt (disgusting) that aims to convey the sublime sensation when ugly things turn pretty, the exquisiteness in decomposition, and related feelings. So here are some deliciously beautiful films that are also quite disgusting.

Watch all six films of the Deliciously Disgusting program curated by Uppsala Short Film Festival at!

Au Revoir?Elvis LindgrenSE/FR, 2021, 15’Available on the “Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby” program at, curate...

Au Revoir?
Elvis Lindgren
SE/FR, 2021, 15’

Available on the “Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby” program at, curated by Uppsala Kortfilmfestival!

New program! A Film Program On Movement & Sports 🏃‍♀️ This summer, Europe becomes the epicenter of sports, with the Olym...

New program! A Film Program On Movement & Sports 🏃‍♀️ This summer, Europe becomes the epicenter of sports, with the Olympics taking place in Paris. Alongside events like the UEFA European Championship, many will spend warm summer days indoors, glued to their screens. So why not also enjoy some short films about sports?

In the Freedom Of Movement collection, part of the A Summer Of Sports program, we're exploring the broader implications of sports on society, including connections to themes such as violence, capitalism, colonialism, and war, while also examining the visual beauty of movement itself.

Watch the 3 films’ collection curated by Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen until August at!


🔬 With time lapse videography of rotting action, Anna Sigrithur and Joel Christopher Penner’s WROUGHT creates an intimate, immersive world where decay can be beautiful, tender and even surprisingly human.

Curated by Uppsala Short Film Festival and available at!

New program! A Film Program On Movement & Sports 🎾 From 1968 to 1977, 5 editions of the so-called Sportfilmtage were hel...

New program! A Film Program On Movement & Sports 🎾 From 1968 to 1977, 5 editions of the so-called Sportfilmtage were held in Oberhausen. The event was independent, but closely linked to the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. "Sport and film have one essential basic element in common: movement," wrote festival founder Hilmar Hoffmann in the catalogue of the first Sportfilmtage in 1968.

In May 2024, the Short Film Festival presented a rediscovery of this festival with a selection of films in five programmes. You can now watch some of the best sports films in the Sports In Film collection, part of the A Summer Of Sports program.

Watch until August at!

Lunch BreakNina KopkoBR, 2021, 24’Available on Time For A Break program at, curated by Vienna Shorts!

Lunch Break
Nina Kopko
BR, 2021, 24’

Available on Time For A Break program at, curated by Vienna Shorts!

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New program! Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby 💦 A film program that showcases four short films exploring sexuality through div...

New program! Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby 💦 A film program that showcases four short films exploring sexuality through diverse perspectives and languages.

Curated by Uppsala Short Film Festival and available at!

  🍒 In CHERRIES, Lithuanian filmmaker Vytautas Katkus stars alongside his actual father, exploring the increasingly tenu...

🍒 In CHERRIES, Lithuanian filmmaker Vytautas Katkus stars alongside his actual father, exploring the increasingly tenuous connection between ageing father and son.

CHERRIES was selected for almost 80 film festivals from all over the world since its premiere in 2022, including This Is Short’s curators Uppsala Short Film Festival, Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, and Vienna Shorts. A review by the film critic Matthew Chan is published in cooperation with Talking Shorts, an independent online magazine dedicated to short films.

Watch the short film and read the full review at!

Lithuanian filmmaker Vytautas Katkus stars alongside his actual father, exploring the increasingly tenuous connection between ageing father and son.

New program! Mother Nature, Father Ecocrisis 🌫️ This program explores the relationship between man and nature. In relati...

New program! Mother Nature, Father Ecocrisis 🌫️ This program explores the relationship between man and nature. In relation to the screening, a conversation was held together with AnnaCarin Billing, professor in literature with a focus on ecocriticism, during Uppsala Kortfilmfestival’s past edition.

Curated by Uppsala Short Film Festival and available at!

New program! OFF RAW ♾️ RAW is a completely new competition at the Short Waves Festival dedicated to films that go beyon...

New program! OFF RAW ♾️ RAW is a completely new competition at the Short Waves Festival dedicated to films that go beyond the boundaries of convention, seeking styles, techniques, and storytelling methods previously unfamiliar to the audience. It is a competition for filmmakers aspiring to break the rules in their own style, demonstrating that the world of short cinema is a space for innovation and courage.

Curated by Short Waves and available at!


🐦‍⬛ International Film Festival, one of the six film festivals that runs and curates films to This Is Short, is kicking off its 21st edition today. Over the next 11 days, until June 2, the festival will present 300 films and welcome film professionals from all over the globe in Lisbon.

Explore a curated selection of films from one of Portugal's biggest film festivals, available at!

New program! The Fabulous World of Christine Gensheimer 🌝 Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen has been showing Christ...

New program! The Fabulous World of Christine Gensheimer 🌝 Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen has been showing Christine Gensheimer's playful animations in its competitions since 2007. Her tragic-comic collages and drawings have now also found their way into the art world, she illustrates books and magazines, and her music videos have repeatedly been featured in the MuVi Award.

Anything is possible in the fabulous world of Christine Gensheimer. Take a look for yourself! We present three more works from the ever-surprising oeuvre of this fascinating animated filmmaker.

Curated by International Short Film Festival Oberhausen and available at!

The 77th edition of Festival de Cannes has kicked off last week! This Is Short will participate in the Short Film Corner...

The 77th edition of Festival de Cannes has kicked off last week! This Is Short will participate in the Short Film Corner's first industry panel today, represented by Eva Krenner that will be joined on stage by Justine Baillargeon (H264), Claire Diao (Sudu Connexion) and Jing Haase (Swedish Film Institute) for a focus on distribution and online opportunities. The panel will take place on May 20 (Monday) at 16:00 (CET) at Cannes Film Festival. Join the conversation if you are around!

To A Stranger From A StrangerZaur KourazovGE/BE, 2022, 6’Available on the A Trip To Europe program at, c...

To A Stranger From A Stranger
Zaur Kourazov
GE/BE, 2022, 6’

Available on the A Trip To Europe program at, curated by International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.oberhausen

To A Stranger From A StrangerZaur KourazovGE/BE, 2022, 6’Available on the A Trip To Europe program at, c...

To A Stranger From A Stranger
Zaur Kourazov
GE/BE, 2022, 6’

Available on the A Trip To Europe program at, curated by Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen!


New program! 💨 This Is Shortest–Landjäger Kürzestfilm Festspiele
Telling a story in the shortest possible time, namely in exactly 12 seconds––this is what the filmmakers of the Landjäger Kürzestfilm Festspiele achieve every year. From comedy and tragedy to documentaries, horror and science fiction films, everything is represented. And the best thing about it: you too can make it big with your short film. At least for a very, very short time. So capture the best 12 seconds of your life and send them your short film for the big screen. We promise: Best prizes! Best jury! Best show! Because: The Landjäger loves you. You can love him too.

On June 27, 2024, the Landjäger Kürzestfilm Festspiele will return to Gartenbaukino Wien. Submissions are open until June 2 and you can find everything you need to know at

To give you a taste of what's to come, the Landjäger have put together four programs that present a colourful mix of the films shown so far. So we say: YES! NO! MAYBE! WHATEVER.

Start watching at!

New program! It's All Music 🎷 Music can play many different roles in a film. It can support the narrative flow or even c...

New program! It's All Music 🎷 Music can play many different roles in a film. It can support the narrative flow or even contrast it. It creates emotions and takes you into another world. It can convey a sense of space, characterise protagonists or simply be absent. This program presents nine short works in which music plays an unusual role or is even directly thematised.

The program is curated by Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and can be watched at, the streaming platform of the European Short Film Network.

6 Most Watched Films 🍿 The most popular shorts in the past month are now revealed. Which one is your favorite? Watch at ...

6 Most Watched Films 🍿 The most popular shorts in the past month are now revealed. Which one is your favorite? Watch at and share your top 6 with us!

This Is Short. The Streaming Platform Of The European Short Film Network.

Vienna Shorts Team’s Selection 🇦🇹   —What do you wish for most in life? This question is posed by Krzysztof Kieślowski t...

Vienna Shorts Team’s Selection 🇦🇹 —What do you wish for most in life? This question is posed by Krzysztof Kieślowski to his protagonists in the short documentary Talking Heads, and receives answers that are situated between personal needs and societal dreams. This question is also what drives Vienna's international short film festival this year: What Are You Longing For? It's about this desire for more: more peace, more security, more love – or simply more paradise. The Vienna Shorts team presents films that we associate with the theme.

New films selected by a Vienna Shorts’ team member will be added to the What Are You Longing For? program on a weekly basis.

Start watching at!

Travelling Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains

Sparking Curiosity 🇸🇴   —Filmmaker Mo Harawe aims to give his audience time to immerse themselves in his worlds and not ...

Sparking Curiosity 🇸🇴 —Filmmaker Mo Harawe aims to give his audience time to immerse themselves in his worlds and not only understand the plot but also feel it. With a background in visual communication and film, Harawe has presented several award-winning short films at international festivals, including the recent black-and-white film LIFE ON THE HORN and the death penalty drama WILL MY PARENTS COME TO SEE ME. Both short films can be watched at This Is Short and an interview with Mo Harawe by film critic Wilfred Okiche is published in cooperation with Talking Shorts, an independent online magazine dedicated to short films.

Watch the film and read the review at!

sixpackfilm Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen IndieLisboa International Film Festival Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Short Waves Festival Vienna Shorts Uppsala Short Film Festival

Mo Harawe does not remember a singular moment when it occurred to him that storytelling would be his mission. The Somalian filmmaker, who will have his debut feature The Village Next to Paradise showing in the...

🕰️ International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 70th’s edition is kicking off today! The world’s oldest short film festi...

🕰️ International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 70th’s edition is kicking off today! The world’s oldest short film festival is a member of the European Short Film Network, made up of six film festivals that run and curate films for This Is Short. Until May 6, a wide and diverse program that includes profiles on four outstanding filmmakers, an extensive program of historical sports films, and five competitions with 117 shorts can be watched at the festival - but not only.

All shorts selected for Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen's competitions will be made available online at This Is Short for 24 hours/each. The films and competitions are separated in four different parts that will be screened alternately between May 2 and 6.

Swipe to discover this year’s competitions, take a look at the festival’s page at and start watching!

Two-week free trial available for new users.



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