
Shoutout Promoting news, stories, events and celebrations of the Pacific Northwest LGBTQ+ community.

Shoutout to Rose HavenYou go!“Calling all Rose Haven guests! Join us on July 18th to celebrate in style at our PRIDE PAR...

Shoutout to Rose Haven
You go!

“Calling all Rose Haven guests! Join us on July 18th to celebrate in style at our PRIDE PARTY!

From 1pm to 4pm, we'll have a mini parade, giveaways, a photo booth, and lots of fun activities!

Regular services will not be held that afternoon.”

Rose Haven is the only day shelter and community center specifically serving women, children, and gender-diverse people in Portland. As night shelters are at capacity, our low-barrier drop-in model bridges the gaps in services. For many, we are the first step in asking for help and starting to heal. More about current services here.

PORTLAND’S CRANKY OLD GAY GUYOnly One?By Glenn Williams Have you ever just wanted to shake your fist at the world and sa...

Only One?

By Glenn Williams

Have you ever just wanted to shake your fist at the world and say, WTF? Now you have company. A new YouTube channel is asking the questions we all want answers to. The channel is Cranky Old Gay Guy and it is the brainchild of 61 year old Joefer, a Portland-based gay actor, artist, author, and now, podcaster.

Joefer sat down recently with ShoutOut to talk about his podcast and what he hopes to build.
“People don't really say I'm cranky,” he admitted. “Bitchy, yes. But I prefer cranky.”
The channel is relatively new, though there are already a host of short bitch, uh... cranky sessions about everything from gay stereotypes to Joe Biden to urban noise. Recent uploads include such titles as, “LGBTQ+ Rights, 'Are They Going Away'” and “Addiction: Is There A Cure?” Joeferg collects his podcast subjects from his everyday life in Portland and from whatever other ideas enter his cranky old head.

Though every podcast connects to the q***r community in one way or another, blatantly or otherwise, the subjects are eclectic enough that allies and others may find them of interest, as well.

Joefer has always been interested in creating some kind of video platform ever since his old days in theatre and public access. Originally he had ambitions of being the new Merv Griffin, hosting a talk show with a live guest, a song and dance. “Do you know how many people it takes to do that kind of show?” he asked. “I wanted to do it all myself,” After an accident that left him disabled and retirement from a soul-crushing office job, Joeferg spent time caring for his ailing mother and writing a book. In the end, he decided to approach his interests via YouTube. He studied several of his favorite podcasts, seeking inspiration, and in the end, came up with his own voice: a laid-back, Portland style with an elder gay perspective.

A small list of podcasts are already up and more will come soon. He says he's busy building a “back catalog” so there's always something of interest to view for fans and folks just joining. Joefer's podcast has a definite liberal, older slant which is fresh for the market. “I've seen podcasts of younger gay guys,” he says, “and there is a guy out there called Grumpy Old Gay Guy, who has some very conservative slants to his show. TERF-type stuff.”

The podcasts are anywhere from bite-sized, a few minutes, to 20 minutes in length. They are not slick or over-produced, but homey and one-on-one feeling. In his introductory pieces, he speaks of “gaying-up” his room, doing podcasts with allergies, and other interesting YouTubers you might like. Honest, irreverent, and very personal, Cranky Old Gay Guy shows a lot potential to grow into a must-watch podcast for anyone within the q***r community.

Eventually, Joefer would like to make some money off the channel, but he's aware of how YouTube works. “I believe it takes 10,000 views before the ads are monetized,” he says. For now, he's just content doing it because he's cranky, he's gay, and he has something to say.

Check out the YouTube channel by entering the subject, . You can reach Joefer at [email protected]..

Links provided in comments below.

Thanks to the Portland Mercury for this glimpse into Portland’s Gay Bar history.

Thanks to the Portland Mercury for this glimpse into Portland’s Gay Bar history.

[Find the Mercury's Q***r Guide in print—available in more than 500 spots citywide!—eds.] The Silverado is obviously and stridently a gay bar. Rainbow tassels line the kitchen, attractive men in snug underwear sling drinks, and posters of shirtless guys adorn the walls. Also, after nine at night...

It’s not always about us.From Prosper Portland“While Pride festivities continue into July, we also want to celebrate the...

It’s not always about us.
From Prosper Portland

“While Pride festivities continue into July, we also want to celebrate the beginning of Disability Pride Month!

Disability Pride Month originated in July 1990 with the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to government programs and services.

This month, we celebrate people with disabilities and their identities, cultures, and contributions to society. We hope you join us in supporting this invaluable part of our local community.”

Utopia PDX - United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance PortlandHonoring Elders. Honoring Culture.Calling all QTPI...

Utopia PDX - United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance Portland
Honoring Elders. Honoring Culture.

Calling all QTPI Elders! Have lunch with us!

We acknowledge that oral documentation is a key tool for passing on our Pasifika cultures. As part of the COVE program series, we can tend to our QTPI Kupuna (Elders) by hosting a talk story luncheon and kanikapila to honor the experiences of QTPI elders.

Please register at so we can make sure we have enough food available for our community.

This event is happening on July 17th at 12pm at our office on 7535 NE Ambassador Pl, Suite F, Portland, OR, 97220.


Tag Q***r Shorts FestivalOpen For SubmissionsTag! reviews films of all genres and themes provided that they were made by...

Tag Q***r Shorts Festival
Open For Submissions

Tag! reviews films of all genres and themes provided that they were made by q***r or trans filmmakers.

We favor work that is directed and produced by people whose perspective on the topic they are exploring is informed by their own life experience.

New for this year—Tag! will have two cash awards sponsored by community partners for our 2025 season!

Details will be posted in the coming days on

Tag! Q***r Shorts Festival brings thought-provoking films about q***r and trans experiences to new audiences in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Tag! re...

KEEP IT LOCALKeep It Q***rClarklewis Restaurant“This Fourth of July is gonna be HOT!Come celebrate with us, support a wo...

Keep It Q***r

Clarklewis Restaurant
“This Fourth of July is gonna be HOT!

Come celebrate with us, support a worthy cause and enjoy delicious food, spectacular entertainment and activities including a dunk tank, a bouncy castle, kids craft corner and more.


PARTY WITH A PURPOSEDrag Queen!“Join Bottle and Bottega for a special July 19 evening of “Painting With A Purpose” with ...

Drag Queen!

“Join Bottle and Bottega for a special July 19 evening of “Painting With A Purpose” with Portland's (in)famous and iconic drag queen, *Valerie Deville.

Ms. Deville will co-host this painting night full of adult fun and games!

A portion of the event proceeds will go to benefit Bradley Angle’s LGBTQIA+ program for survivors of domestic violence (the only program of its kind in the state).

Additional details and registration here:

Spots are limited. "

NOW IS NOT THE TIME The Rabbi Has A Secret————— A Sylvia Allen Story Shulie Berman, the mother of one of my daughter’s c...

The Rabbi Has A Secret

A Sylvia Allen Story

Shulie Berman, the mother of one of my daughter’s classmates, convinced me to bring my kids to services at Beit Yisroel, a large reform congregation in San Francisco. I was just doing it for the kids, but it was there that I converted, seduced by the thin, cold, starlit melody of Jewish scripture chanted in Hebrew.

Rabbi Martin Jakoby was my guide through the conversion process. He was in his 50s, heavy-set though not fat, with graying curly hair and a thick beard. He usually wore a tweed suit, black-rimmed glasses, and a yarmulke. He had come to Beit Yisroel from another state at about the same time I started there.

Jakoby was generous with his time for a busy rabbi, maybe because he could see I was interested—not some young bride wanting a conversion to satisfy someone else’s parents, which was probably the usual situation. I spent some hours in the rabbi’s office, which smelled like a California hillside, that dry-grass fragrance of old books and parchment.

I wanted to understand the language of the biblical texts we read in services. The rabbi and I spent time breaking down the Hebrew, the possible meanings of each word. We compared the way passages and phrases had been translated and mistranslated through Greek, Latin, and King James English, to arrive at our own conclusions about what the original authors meant. It was exhilarating.

Rabbi Jakoby’s warm, deep voice is what I remember most from the mikvah—the ritual bath meant to wash away the past, leaving only the future, like a newborn child. The rabbi sat out of sight, outside the doorway of the dim stone room, and his voice chanting Hebrew floated in to me where I sank naked under the water. The late-afternoon light shimmered above me until the Russian attendant called “ko-SHER!”

I suppose what the rabbi and I had was a friendship, if a congregant can be friends with an over-scheduled, well loved rabbi of a large congregation.

Over the years we had many conversations in that oak-paneled office. Each time, I came away excited by the way the Hebrew prophets—who were men, most of them men of privilege, from a time and place so far away it was almost unimaginable—sometimes spoke in ways that my very body recognized as true, about our relationship with the universe, about what is more vast than I can perceive, and holy.

I learned to read Bible passages for services, which meant to sing them, chant them, in Hebrew, with those ancient, heartbreaking melodies, and I stood up in front of the congregation and I felt the power of every word I sang.

When I eventually left my marriage to the programmer, Rabbi Jakoby must have known—that kind of news gets around. He didn’t mention it, so neither did I. In those days I sometimes wore t-shirts that said “Nobody knows I’m a le***an,” or “Don’t die wondering” in rainbow letters, that kind of thing. We didn’t talk about that either, except that one day he asked me if I had noticed that the Bible does not say anything about le****ns. Anything at all.

At some point I realized that, among thousands of congregants, some of them my friends, I didn’t know one single other q***r person at Beit Yisroel. It was a lonely feeling.

Synagogues everywhere, like many Christian denominations, were finding their membership aging and dwindling. To survive into another generation they needed younger members, but young people just weren’t showing up. Beit Yisroel’s board of directors had hit upon the idea of forming chavurot—what you might call friendship groups, affinity groups, small intentional communities within the congregation—as a way to attract and encourage younger members.

We had a chavurah for families with small children, two for families with older children, one for recent emigres—that kind of thing. It occurred to me one day that we needed a q***r chavurah.

I went to Rabbi Jakoby and told him. An LGBT synagogue had opened in the city, but there was room for multiple options for q***r Jews. If they knew we had a chavurah for them, they might come to services at Beit Yisroel. And, I said, we must already have many gay members who just aren’t visible. Starting a chavurah might prevent their leaving Beit Yisroel for a more welcoming place, encourage them to be more involved.

I was excited. I thought it was obvious. Of course we’d do this.

Rabbi Jakoby gave me one unhappy glance and then looked down at his hands folded on the desk. “Now is not the time for this,” he said. I stared at him, shocked. “I understand,” he said. “It’s a good idea, you’re right. And I’m sure it will happen. Maybe a little later.” He nodded, and met my eyes again. The rims of his glasses caught the lamplight. "A little later. But I’m not going to take this back to the clergy, not now. It just isn’t a good time.”

He refused to explain why, just repeated that it wasn’t the right time for him to propose this. I left his office disappointed in my rabbi and feeling alienated from the shul where I had felt at home. I also thought of the many moments in history when activists were told to wait, that now is not the time.

I didn’t go back to Rabbi Jakoby’s office. I didn’t decide not to, I just never went. I could have gone to the other leadership to fight, but I didn’t do that either. I had a lot going on in my life already. For a long time I just wondered, sad and hurt, why my rabbi and my shul wouldn’t step up for us, when it was so obviously the right thing for everybody.

Rabbi Jakoby moved away, to another shul in another state, and then I moved away too and stopped attending services, and that was that.

Within the next couple of years, though, two things happened. Beit Yisroel hired an out, q***r rabbi, who drew hundreds of new young members. And my friend Shulie, who made me promise not to say where I’d heard it, told me something about Rabbi Jakoby: He had a secret. One that was shocking, in the 1990s. One that certainly would have shocked the elderly, conservative majority of our congregation—who were his employers.

At first I was even more disappointed in him. It wasn’t Beit Yisroel that had turned its back on me, it was the rabbi alone, choosing career security over the welfare of the shul and of my people. Later, though, I realized it wasn’t that simple.

Rabbi Jakoby’s secret was that his daughter, Celeste, a quiet young teenager when we met her, had been known to the rabbi’s previous congregation as his son, Noah.

I imagine you can see how my plan could have threatened her fragile new life. The rabbi wasn’t protecting his career. He was protecting his child. I might have done the same.

SAYING GOODBYEEugene’s SpectrumToday brings the announcement that Eugene’s LGBTQ+, Spectrum, will be closing.The owner’s...

Eugene’s Spectrum

Today brings the announcement that Eugene’s LGBTQ+, Spectrum, will be closing.

The owner’s message is lengthy, but she has much that needs to be said—and heard.

“To our friends, loved ones, and greater Spectrum community:

Spectrum will be closed as of August 12.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. We truly believe we chipped away at making the world a better place, We look forward to what’s coming next for Eugene!

The time has come for us to announce we will be closing Spectrum. Our last projected day of operation is August 11, the day after the Eugene Pride Festival. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the last six and a half years of operation but the time has come to move on.

Six and a half years ago, I was performing in monthly burlesque shows in the venue that came before us, when an announcement came on a Monday night that the bar would be closing six days later. Like so many others, I was devastated. That bar had given me the opportunity for self-exploration that cemented my identity as Q***r, instead of just a closeted nonbinary pansexual, clinging to my illusion of being cis or straight because I was too afraid to be myself.

I didn’t have any restaurant experience. I was working as a clinical sexologist and writer, but I had taken some business management classes at LCC and nonprofit management at UO and I had produced events sporadically in the last ten years. I was completely unprepared to open a bar in so many different ways, but I trusted my friendships and my community and I took a leap.

I opened Spectrum by myself, as a single-owner LLC, because it was the fastest way I could figure out to just get a space operating. I had always hoped that within a few years, I would be able to transfer ownership, or partner with the community, to create a nonprofit that would manage the space. I just saw an opportunity for me to open a venue and get some forward movement. It was my puzzle piece, my contribution to a community that needed so many other puzzle pieces to be held together.

I am very happy to be able to tell you that for the last several months, an inter-agency leadership council of multiple nonprofits, along with an advisory committee made up of diverse individuals from the community, empowered with a grant from Trillium, has been working to open a Q***r Resource Center (QRC) in Eugene by the end of 2024! The community center would provide services like mental health counseling, access to gender affirming care, opportunities for performing arts, youth classes, clothing exchanges, an events space and more. There are a lot of hopes for the QRC and although we are not yet sure *exactly* how or where it will operate, there have been months of work on developing this project already, and it is going to be a total gamechanger for the community.

So it is with enormous pride in what we have achieved that I have made the decision to close Spectrum. I know that even a QRC won’t entirely replace the niche that we filled for the community but it has been a very difficult six and a half years, filled with endless challenges and frustrations. To open a social space for a community that is almost universally traumatized just by existing within this spacetime is inherently fraught. For years we have been proud to hold this space for q***r joy, even when it meant being patient with a backlash of pain and anger.

Opening and managing Spectrum will always be one of the greatest achievements of my life. We even won Best Bar (2022/2023) in the Eugene Weekly readers’ poll! I am endlessly proud of the thousands of productions we had, the performers who found their footing here, the all-ages events, the clothing swaps, and the free meals C.O.R.E. served from our building. People met new lovers at Spectrum and kissed for the first time on the dance floor. People got engaged at Spectrum. We hosted baby showers, birthday parties and engagement parties. Nonprofit boards held meetings to work to legalize psilocybin and at least one PhD thesis was written from the comfort of our low-stimulus salon. We had life drawing sessions with gender q***r models, crafting nights and gayming nights. We had gatherings like pansexual speed dating, asexual social hour, bear nights and le***an dance parties.

As the youngest of six kids; an intersex, nonbinary, pansexual person in an often mislabeled-as-hetero relationship; one of my driving forces behind creating Spectrum was to try to build a space where no LGBTQIA2S+ person felt excluded. My goal was that everybody who *wanted* to be a part of Spectrum would find a way to fit there, and that along the way, we would empower nice people and limit petty, mean-girl behavior. We were never perfect but we did try.

Thousands of you saw what we were offering and lent your support along the way.

To anybody who ever stopped by for an afternoon drink, even if it was just a glass of water, thank you. To people who attended events and tipped your performers, thank you. To the producers who worked so hard to make so many wonderful parties for all of the greater Eugene community, all of the employees who woke up early and stayed up late, the bartenders who listened to your frustrations about the day, thank you endlessly.

I may be known for hyperbole but I truly, honestly believe that we made the world a better place together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and we will see you around for the next six weeks. Make sure to come back in July; our photo booth is getting taken away before August!”

With love and respect,

Captain Heldog

AIDS WALK NORTHWEST2024From Cascade AIDS Project comes the opening bell for AIDS Walk Northwest, 202And, the return to d...


From Cascade AIDS Project comes the opening bell for AIDS Walk Northwest, 202

And, the return to downtown Portland!

“We're thrilled to announce that AIDS Walk Northwest 2024 is officially open for registration!

Register today:

With your help this year, we will raise $300,000 for CAP's vital services at this incredible community event. We will also show up and show out to raise awareness of HIV and its continued impacts on our community. Join us to Stick it to HIV Stigma!”

Shoutout readers—How do you feel about corporate sponsorship branding on important LGBTQ+ symbols such as our rainbow fl...

Shoutout readers—

How do you feel about corporate sponsorship branding on important LGBTQ+ symbols such as our rainbow flag?

The price we pay?

MAGA VS PRIDESouthern Oregon Contrasts“But increasingly, alternative messages are becoming visible in some of the cities...

Southern Oregon Contrasts

“But increasingly, alternative messages are becoming visible in some of the cities. They are not near changing the partisan lean of the area. But they may be enough to slow an overwhelming adoption in the region of support for Trump and his allies. Much depends on whether people are exposed more to one message or the other.

The margins are close. That is why events like the MOGA event and the Medford Pride activity, in their different ways, may have some real rippling effects.”

Conservative southern Oregon, often an afterthought region for many other Oregonians, may be shifting its political lean in areas.

STILL TO COMEEugene Pride“Official” June Pride Month might be over but in Eugene all eyes are on August.“The privilege t...

Eugene Pride

“Official” June Pride Month might be over but in Eugene all eyes are on August.

“The privilege to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride came by way of a fight to live our lives openly as individuals in our community. The challenges that we have faced throughout the centuries may not be as prevalent as they once were but still very much exist. Even here in Eugene area that so many want to believe is a bastion of progress. Because we still face those challenges, it’s our responsibility to remind the other members of our community that we are here, that they will not push us back into darkness, that we will continue to stand up and fight for ourselves and every other member of our community. It’s also our responsibility (and privilege!) to make ourselves seen by those members of community that still live in the shadows that they do not have to live that way, we are here for them when they are ready to join us, and even willing to help them in that journey of coming out and Living True!

You are invited to join us at Kesey Square/Broadway Plaza at the intersection of Willamette Street & Broadway to lend your energy and action that will always push for full equality for all!

All members of the LGBTQIA+ BIPoC community are welcome, as well as anyone else who call themselves a supporter.

Bring your BLING and Marching gear! That means all Equality/Pride signs, flags, banners, ribbons, drag, gear, etc. We will show Eugene that we are proud, loud, and stand out in a crowd!


We will once again march to the beat of the drums of Samba Ja!

The March steps off at 9:15am!

NOTE: Bicyclists and EBs are also welcome to attend if willing to remain at the rear of the March for safety reasons.”

Welcome to the home of EugPRIDE! Our nonprofit is committed to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. We are the Planning Team for the Pride Festival in Eugene, Oregon, as well as many other events and gatherings for the q***r and trans/gender-diverse community.

There was more than vendor booths and Drag queens at Pride Beaverton 2024. There was also love, vows and commitment.

There was more than vendor booths and Drag queens at Pride Beaverton 2024.

There was also love, vows and commitment.

On the last day of Pride Month, the City of Beaverton decorated the streets on Sunday for celebration and a whole lot of love.

A second look at Pride Beaverton 2024.If you’re seeing this second look pop up in your newsfeed click over to Shoutout t...

A second look at Pride Beaverton 2024.

If you’re seeing this second look pop up in your newsfeed click over to Shoutout to see additional photos in the first album.

A first look at Pride Beaverton 2024. A very busy place to be. A very festive place to be.Kudos to all the organizers, y...

A first look at Pride Beaverton 2024.

A very busy place to be. A very festive place to be.

Kudos to all the organizers, your efforts paid off. And you could not have done a better job with ordering and scheduling the weather!

Pride BeavertonTHE PLACE TO BE!

Pride Beaverton


More on The Oaks Amusement Park Pride Rides.“From 12-7 PM today, it's our 3rd annual Pride Rides event, proudly presente...

More on The Oaks Amusement Park Pride Rides.

“From 12-7 PM today, it's our 3rd annual Pride Rides event, proudly presented by Quantum Fiber! Come down for live performers, LGBTQ+ owned/operated craft vendors, a coloring contest, chalk art, limited-edition gift shop merch, prizes at our games, and goodies at our food stands, and 30% off Ride Bracelets when you use the online coupon code PRIDERIDES24 when purchasing your bracelets for today at”

Alas, Shoutout does not have additional details about this event—but we’re sharing what we’ve got!

Alas, Shoutout does not have additional details about this event—but we’re sharing what we’ve got!

Here’s a look at yesterday’s Pride festivities in Tigard.

Here’s a look at yesterday’s Pride festivities in Tigard.

The city partnered with Tigard-Tualatin School District to hold this year's Pride parade.

PRIDE TEA DANCEGet Ready!The (unofficial) kick-off to PDX PRIDE is back! This year, the Pride Tea Dance will take place ...

Get Ready!

The (unofficial) kick-off to PDX PRIDE is back! This year, the Pride Tea Dance will take place in a fresh location called Dirty Pretty but attendees can expect the same incredible atmosphere from last year's event.

Get ready for an evening filled with dancing, irresistible drink specials, thrilling raffle prizes, and the beats of DJ DEFF-RO. MC Byron is passionately organizing this annual event to bring our community together in support of a cause close to his heart: Cascade AIDS Project. Proudly sponsored by Timberline Vodka and Cascade Hasson Sotheby's International

Realty, this unforgettable experience will take place on Sunday, July 14th at 4 pm!

If you’re in Central/Eastern Oregon Prineville is the place to be today.PFLAG Prineville

If you’re in Central/Eastern Oregon Prineville is the place to be today.
PFLAG Prineville

TODAY!Sunday, June 30Pride BeavertonCome and join us for the west sides, largest LGBTQIA+ celebration!The parade kicks o...

Sunday, June 30

Pride Beaverton
Come and join us for the west sides, largest LGBTQIA+ celebration!

The parade kicks off at 11 am, enjoy over 100 vendors, food carts and specialty drinks as well as the Absolut vodka bar, Widmer Brothers Brewing and Hip Chicks do Wine.

Entertainment for the day includes drag performances by Poison Waters, the Queen Pluto and Inana Miss. With musical performances by Saint Syndrome and Blonde Neon.

MEET BILLIE McBRIDEMs. Trans Oregon 2024There’s a new sash in town and it belongs to Billie McBride, holder of the title...

Ms. Trans Oregon 2024

There’s a new sash in town and it belongs to Billie McBride, holder of the title Miss Trans Oregon USA, awarded by the Trans USA National Pageant competition.

The organization’s website states, “The Mr. and Miss Trans USA National Pageantry System strives to celebrate and promote the development of transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming leaders as visible advocates and role models for the community at large.

The primary function of Trans USA is to serve as an active representative of the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming community; maintain visibility as a positive role model for trans youth and the community at large; and engage in opportunities that promote productive discussions at multiple and often intersecting levels.

Trans USA is not a drag pageant, and performances are not required. Each representative should aim to embody these roles in the ways most appropriate to their personal and professional life.”

McBride’s career as a performer/entertainer dates back to 1985 when she carried the title of Miss Gay Arkansas. She spent many years in the world of professional figure-skating, developing the composure and style that she now brings to Drag performances.

When asked about the Miss Trans Oregon title, McBride explained, “The Pageant is based on the Miss Universe model where you have Interview, Costume, Swimsuit Gown, and Onstage Question/Interview portions of the pageant.

The organizers are heavy on the message “This is NOT a drag pageant” and yet a number of representatives prepare Drag numbers. State title holders are chosen by submission of essay. Each person then has the opportunity to compete in the annual pageant for the title Miss Trans USA.

There are also regional titles for those who are in a State already represented. The organization is a non profit—founded in 2018. It takes time and money to find sponsors for actual state pageants. As you see, I have taken my title seriously and am running with it.”

When asked about the unfortunate but possible comparison to “Mail-order diploma”, McBride was quick to add, “I think of wearing this sash as an open audition for activism and the opportunity to be able to represent your community in a positive way.

If we do not create opportunities for us to be seen this way, no one else will. I suppose your question is about credibility, it’s the life I have led that gives me all the credibility I need.

The pageant for me is this, it’s a way to be seen. The media pays attention to pretty ladies in sash and crown which may be a little trite but if I were simply a private citizen, no one would listen. I know. I’ve tried.”

McBride took to the Catch A Rising Star PDX at Darcelle XV Showplace on a recent Tuesday—wowing the audience with the elegance and costuming of her Cher impersonation. You can find Miss Trans Oregon 2024 at Pride Beaverton on June 30. There were hints of performances/appearances at Portland Pride in July.

Added McBride, “I will be at Slaughters Portland on July 5 and August 2. I am trying to get settled before truly diving in. My goal is balance. I have a husband, home, and garden to tend to. I’m hoping to come out once or twice a month to perform.”

Stroll down to comments for additional photos.

Miss Trans Oregon 2024 uses her platform for LGBTQ+ activismSubscribe to KOIN 6's YouTube channel:

In Salem Pride Month was celebrated with a Pride Mass.

In Salem Pride Month was celebrated with a Pride Mass.

The congregation invited friends and other affirming churches to attend the service.

GOOD NEWS FOR KOTEKCarry On“In a statement issued Friday, the governor's office said, "The Governor is grateful for the ...

Carry On

“In a statement issued Friday, the governor's office said, "The Governor is grateful for the commission’s thorough deliberations on this matter. The First Lady is a volunteer and public official with relevant professional experience that can provide tremendous value in furthering the Governor’s priorities. The Governor now looks forward to receiving formal guidance from the commission on the questions her office submitted regarding the role of a First Spouse."

The commission ultimately concluded that "There is not a substantial objective basis" to believe Kotek or her wife, Aimee Kotek Wilson, violated any statutes.





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