What's the difference between no and yes? What's your story?
#podcast🎧 The difference between no and yes in storytelling and in life in this short excerpt from November's episode with Corey Rosen on storytelling. If you haven't listened to the full episode head on over to your fav platform and listen or find a listing on the website under the follow tab or listen right there. Here's the link - https://youherenowpodcast.com
#podcast #storytelling #podcastexcerpt #youherenowpodcast #youherenow #whatstoryareyoutelling
Want to know the secret recipe to storytelling? Listen to this!
Want to know the secret recipe to storytelling? An excerpt from the latest episode. Listen to the full episode here https://open.spotify.com/episode/1raJHnhVH55zwlCfcDEVjZ?si=_fhuQ0bhQP2vr9Pmcd31Wg or on your fav platform - apple, spreaker, stitcher, anchor, iheartradio
#storytelling #whatmakesagoodstory #learnwithme #secretrecipe #storywelltold #stories #podcast #newepisode #youherenow #story #yourstorywelltold #authorcoreyrosen #coreyrosen
A brief excerpt from our latest episode on storytelling an interview with Corey Rosen
A brief excerpt from the recent interview with the author of Your Story Well Told, Corey Rosen.
LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE of YOU HERE NOW a monthly storytelling podcast on apple podcasts, Spotify, anchor.fm, iheartradio, stitcher, spreaker and your fav listening platforms.