You wanna know another motivation killer during your fitness journey?
It's that crappy weighing scale! Doing workouts, dieting and then the scale doesn't even budge or sometimes goes higher, can be devasting to your moral.
But remember if you are trying to lose fat or build muscle it is different from weight loss. The weight in fats you lose is evened out by the muscles you gain (which is a great thing). THE SCALE DOESNT MATTER!
So check your progress by measurements using a tape measure or just look at the mirror or take weekly selfies, another one is by checking how your clothes fit.
Don't let the scale dictate your progress, every day done right (workout, cardio, diet, sleep) will get you to your goal. Every small wins will add up down the road. Keep at it you are doing great.
PS: Just recently I had the same problem, good thing I had people to re-enforce to me the fact that the weighing scale is not a great tool to see progress.