Many women are turning away from feminism, and it's not because they don’t support women's success and empowerment, but rather because the movement has become extremely polarized and politicized.
According to a 2014 research article that was published by the Frontiers in Psychology, “three-quarters of women are concerned about women’s rights while less than one-third consider themselves feminists. Part of the explanation for this paradox might result from the fact that there are many different conceptions of what feminism is or ought to be, and that it lacks a commonly established definition.”
This is why it is important for us to break free from societal misconceptions and explore the true essence of empowerment. To learn more, be sure to watch my latest YouTube video. Link in bio!
#Feminism #misandry #womenempowement #ToxicFemininity #feministparadox
To learn more about this study and what was found, be sure to watch my latest YouTube video Today!!
#genderpaygap #wagegap #debunkingmyths #genderpaygap
To learn more about the factors behind the gender pay gap, be sure to watch my newest YouTube video today!
#feminism #wagegap #genderpaygap #wagegapdebunked #paygap
Male inequality is an issue that needs to be discussed. What are your thoughts? To learn more, be sure to watch my latest YouTube video out!
#moderndayfeminism #maleinequality #opression #inequality #disparities
Boys are facing educational disparities, lagging behind girls in areas such as academic performance and graduation rates. To learn more about male inequality, check out my newest YouTube video! Link in bio :)
#Feminism #misandry #maleinequality #maleoppression #educationdisparities
To learn more about modern-day feminism and hyperindependence, be sure to check out my most recent YouTube video!
#moderndayfeminism #feminism #hyperindependence #oppression #misandry
While toxic masculinity is often discussed in society, toxic femininity is often overlooked. Here is how I would characterize toxic femininity based on my observations and research.
To learn more, watch my recent YouTube Video Today! Link in Bio!
#ToxicFemininity #misandry #moderndayfeminism #victimmentality
Embracing hyper-independence may result in isolation, burnout, and a reluctance to seek assistance when necessary. This reinforces the misconception that women should handle everything independently, causing exhaustion and harm to their mental and emotional well-being by disconnecting from themselves. The refusal to seek support, particularly from men, exacerbates these challenges.
To learn more, watch my latest YouTube Video out today!
#hyperindependence #ToxicFemininity #selfsabotage #misandry
To learn the other 2 ways, be sure to check out my latest YouTube video! Link in bio
#victimmentality #stopvictimmentality #genz
Accepting accountability for your actions is key and is what ultimately fosters personal growth and positive change. When you acknowledge and take responsibility for your actions, you open the door to self-reflection and learning. This willingness to own up to both your successes and mistakes allows you to understand the impact of your choices on yourself and those around you.
#selfsabotage #victimmentality #lackofaccountability #victimmindset #genz
To learn how to overcome the victim mentality, check out my latest YouTube video today :) (Link in bio)
#victimmentality #selfsabotage #genz #SelfOppression
The victim mentality is an endless cycle of self sabotage.
#victimmentality #victimmentalitygetsyounowhere #genz #stopoppressingyourself
To learn more, watch my latest YouTube video today! (link in bio)
#womensrightsmovement #whatsholdingwomenback #feminism #misandry #genderdiscrimination
Some modern-day feminists argue for ongoing struggles, citing issues like restricted abortion rights and the gender pay gap. Anti-feminists counter this by claiming that women have access to privileges and resources. What do you think?
To learn more, watch my newest YouTube video today!!
#misandry #GenderBasedDiscrimination #fourthwavefeminism #violenceprevention #oppression
What do you think? Is feminism creating divisions?
#misandry #MenAndFeminism #GenderBasedDiscrimination #problemswithfeminism
What are your thoughts on misandry? Have you heard any other phrases that have been negatively directed towards men?
#Feminism #misandry #hatespeech #moderndayfeminism #misandryisreal
Do you think that women are oppressed in the United States?
#moderndayfeminism #fourthwavefeminism #WomenOppression #misandry #hatespeech
Modern Day Feminism has resulted in Misandry, also known as hateful speech and prejudice against men. On social media and in society, there appears to be a "movement" slandering all men and stereotyping all of them as misogynists and the problem in society. What do you think?
Check out my latest YouTube video today to learn more! (Link in bio)
hashtag#misandry hashtag#moderndayfeminism hashtag#misandryisreal hashtag#MenAndFeminism
Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are terms that are often used interchangeably; this explains a little more into what sexual harassment is/entails.
#sexualharassment #sexualviolence #genderbasedviolenceawareness #sexualharassmentawareness #sexualharassmentprevention
In bringing attention to sexual violence, unintended challenges have arised. Men often feel uneasy, cautious, and somewhat hesitant when initiating conversations with women, whether in a professional setting or everyday life. This apprehension stems from concerns about potential accusations of sexual harassment or the fear of being "cancelled."
#genderbasedviolence #streetharassment #catcalling #metoomovement #unintendedconsequences