
Buddy news91.me is a website with a purpose to build a community with positive attitude, where we share motivational news, inspirational stories, tips etc.

Our editorial staff includes; Bravo, Parke, Austin Wilson and Kylee Brown.

"He came in to the café one day asking me for some $$. I looked at him and asked him "why don't you have a job, you know...

"He came in to the café one day asking me for some $$. I looked at him and asked him "why don't you have a job, you know nothing is given to me for free right? he said "Well, I have a lot of felonies and no one wants to hire me for that, so now I had to turn myself to the streets and get money the only way I know, Stealing"He came in to the café one day asking me for some $$. I looked at him and asked him "why don't you have a job, you know nothing is given to me for free right? he said "Well, I have a lot of felonies and no one wants to hire me for that, so now I had to turn myself to the streets and get money the only way I know, Stealing and asking for money. I was short staff that day. So I asked him " you want to work? I have a job for you! His eyes opened wide and his smile made my day!!!! He said I'll do anything for some food. So now for almost 2 weeks he been on time for his two hour shift.... helping take trash, washing dishes etc. Once I pay him guess what he does? He buys food from my restaurant (HE DECIDES TO PAY) because it makes him feel good !

He gets a discount!!!!! Do something nice for someone today and don't judge them just because they out there asking for money for we don't know their situation... some deserve another shot. God gave me this blessing so why can't I bless others? 😜 this is what should break the internet, We want change? Well, start by making one 😉"

Credit: Abis

”Last night, while waiting to board our plane, Carter Jean was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say ...

”Last night, while waiting to board our plane, Carter Jean was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say “hi” to everyone she could, until she walked up on this man.
He reached out and asked if she wanted to sit with him.
He pulled out his tablet and showed her how to draw with it, they watched cartoons together, and she offered him snacks.
This wasn’t a short little exchange, this was 45 minutes.
Watching them in that moment, I couldn’t help but think, different genders, different races, different generations, and the best of friends.
This is the world I want for her.
In a country that is so deeply divided by beliefs, I want her life to be filled with moments like this... not liberal or conservative republican or democrat, socialist or capitalist, just HUMAN.
Joseph from Samsungus in Oklahoma, if this should happen to find you.
Thank you for showing my daughter what kindness and compassion looks like.
Continue to shine your light in the world.”
©: Kevin Armentrout

WELL DONE, Anthony Harris. 👏🦅

WELL DONE, Anthony Harris. 👏🦅

"Being a girl dad is a constant learning game for me. All the things I never had to think about I now do. Even something...

"Being a girl dad is a constant learning game for me. All the things I never had to think about I now do. Even something as simple as using the bathroom can be a huge deal. I've had to figure out not just what bathroom to take the girls to but how I would use the bathroom myself. Now I never thought about sitting to p*e because I'm a man and that's not how we do it. It wasn't until we were out and while I usually will just hold it until I was home, on this day I couldn't. I had to take them with me and being alone meant I was forced to figure out how it was going to work. Lucky for us there was a changing station inside the stall. So I sat them on it, gave them their phone and then paused. How was I going to do this?

It could be just me but I wasn't about to just pull out and start p*eing in front of them because that seemed wrong to me and also then would force me to have a conversation about dad's private parts that I wasn't ready for. So I asked them what was on the ceiling and as soon as they looked up I quickly pulled my pants down and sat down. Then there was another time while I was home alone needing to p*e. I couldn't close the door fully because I needed to be able to keep an eye out and listen for them. I figured since I was home I was safe. Well I was standing in mid p*e when BOOM! The door flew open and my daughter's were heading in. 'Daddy you going potty.' My natural reaction was to cover up and tell them I was not finished and to wait outside.

After that I was done standing up to p*e unless I could close and lock the door. I never even thought it was a thing to worry about but wanting to keep my body private from my daughter's has always been very important. I do think it's important to talk to them about their body and males body parts as well but I don't want to do that with showing them my privates. Also siting is actually cleaner with no splash back and helps empty your bladder fully so there are some really good benefits oh and you don't have to remember to put down the toilet seat. What do you think?"

Credit: The Chronicle's of Daddy

"Met this young man on Wednesday. Just passed"Met this young man on Wednesday. Just passed his real estate exam but real...

"Met this young man on Wednesday. Just passed"Met this young man on Wednesday. Just passed his real estate exam but really struggling. Homeless in January and February to pay for his real estate exam and fees. could not afford a place to live. He is now back on his feet but could not afford to buy a suit to help him look professional. Today, Friday, I met Mike Phillips at the Men's Wearhouse and bought him two suits, three dress shirts, two pairs of hardly warn dress shoes from my wife Andrea's Brother, and about 10 ties from my closet. He is such a nice young man but cried a couple times in the store because no one outside of his family ever helped him. Sometimes people just need someone to have their back, care about them and actually give a s**t about something other than themselves."

Credit: Scot Johnston

Dad of the year. 😂😍

Dad of the year. 😂😍

“I watched this whole thing go down in an airport and felt like sharing it with you.This young military man, Michael (fu...

“I watched this whole thing go down in an airport and felt like sharing it with you.

This young military man, Michael (full name was on his backpack) was standing here about to board a plane and a random man walked up and said thank you for your service. Then asked if he could pray for his safety. I started crying of course just watching this nice end to a crappy day unfold on my 16 hour cross country flight, but Americans never cease to amaze me. Beautiful.

I would love for this picture to find it’s way to the man pictured here in uniform to show how many people are praying for you and wishing you good thoughts and safe travels.”

Credit: Sunny Sweeney

I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barrett. It’s been 3 months s...

I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barrett. It’s been 3 months since he has been in his new school. And today the teacher said they have a new student. AND GUESS WHO IT IS! BARRETT!!

"Sitting in Taco Bell today, I laughed to myself as a group of young boys came stumbling into the air conditioned restau...

"Sitting in Taco Bell today, I laughed to myself as a group of young boys came stumbling into the air conditioned restaurant with loud voices, smiles, and a craving for a taco. But as they all sat down at a table, I noticed only one of them ordered anything. The other three sat and stared at the menu with hungry glances. As time went on, they began having conversations about school, girls, and about twenty other subjects...At a random moment, the man who was sitting in the corner of the restaurant stood up, came over to stand over the table...As all of the boys shrank back on view of this 6'5 giant, the words that issued forth made my day. "Y'all want a slushie? Come on up here, let's get you guys something." Within a few seconds, the three boys jumped out of their chair, ran to the counter, and happily ordered not only slushies, but found that the stranger also offered to buy them food. He quickly asked the cashier if he could pay before they started the food as he needed to get back on the road. Card swiped, a goodbye given, and this gentle man quickly went for the back door without asking for a thank you for the young boys. I nodded silently to him and flashed a smile as a signal that he had been seen. He lifted a hand in farewell towards the counter, and with smiles touching both sides of their faces, the little dudes all turned and yelled "thank you!" as he slipped out the door and jogged to his semi parked to the side of the building... Today, Love and Kindness looked like a 12 pack of soft tacos and 3 Starburst Freezes."
Credit: Josh Walker

When I tell y’all it’s still good ppl out here in the world!! They still exist.. Oct 20, 2020 I LOST $600 dollars on the...

When I tell y’all it’s still good ppl out here in the world!! They still exist.. Oct 20, 2020 I LOST $600 dollars on the road in auburn. And today Brad found my money, got my info from my bank statement and called to get in touch with me to give me my money back!!

Credit: Rodney O'Neal Johnson Jr.

“I’m thankful for the kindness of a stranger. Yesterday, my mom, sister, and I went shopping to try and finish up Christ...

“I’m thankful for the kindness of a stranger. Yesterday, my mom, sister, and I went shopping to try and finish up Christmas shopping. If you know me at all, you know I love to insert myself into other’s conversations, EVEN IF THEY ARE COMPLETE STRANGERS! This drives my sister CrAzY. We were walking through Von Maur to put some bags in the car. These two men were standing by the UGGS display. I stopped and jokingly said, 'If you are shopping for your girl, then get her these,' and pointed to a certain pair. Then I told them I have been asking for them for five years. I laughed and started to walk away. The man said 'FIVE YEARS?!' I turned around and laughed some more and said, 'Yes!' Then he said, 'Oh, and you have a baby. (I was wearing Beau in a baby wrap) Wait right there.' Then he proceeded to go get an associate from the store and BOUGHT THE UGGS FOR ME!!!!! Right there in the middle of the store! I was in shock! He simply said, ‘Just pay it forward.’ His daughter that was with him told me he grew up an orphan and turned his life into something and he always wants to give to others. Spread kindness like confetti! I may not be able to surprise someone with UGGS, but I hope I can make someone’s day soon!”

Credit: Justen Crumpton

"I was blessed this morning as the waiter at Cracker Barrell came up, ripped up my check and said, 'This has been paid f...

"I was blessed this morning as the waiter at Cracker Barrell came up, ripped up my check and said, 'This has been paid for!' Then this amazing gentleman came up to me with tears in his eyes and said, 'We really have to get over all this tension in America and I have been looking for ways that I can put it into action!' I gave him the biggest hug and thanked him! How can we hate someone made by a perfect and loving God? I was more blessed by his presence and conversation then the paid for meal! Thanks Al! May God bless America with more people like you!"

Source: Nyesha Wingate

I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south, and today was the first time I spoke frankly about racismWhen Ernest...

I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south, and today was the first time I spoke frankly about racismWhen Ernest, my appliance repairman, came to the front door, I welcomed him in. As this was his second visit and we’d established a friendly rapport, I asked him how he was feeling in the current national climate. Naturally, he assumed I was talking about the coronavirus, because what white person actually addresses racismBorrowed..
I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south, and today was the first time I spoke frankly about racism with a black man.

When Ernest, my appliance repairman, came to the front door, I welcomed him in. As this was his second visit and we’d established a friendly rapport, I asked him how he was feeling in the current national climate. Naturally, he assumed I was talking about the coronavirus, because what white person actually addresses racism head on, in person, in their own home?

When Ernest realized I wanted to know about his experience with racism, he began answering my questions.

What’s it like for you on a day-to-day basis as a black man? Do cops ever give you any trouble?

The answers were illuminating.

Ernest, a middle-aged, friendly, successful business owner, gets pulled over in Myrtle Beach at least 6 times a year. He doesn’t get pulled over for traffic violations, but on the suspicion of him being a suspect in one crime or another. Mind you, he is in uniform, driving in a work van clearly marked with his business on the side. They ask him about the boxes in his car--parts and pieces of appliances. They ask to see his invoices and ask him why there is money and checks in his invoice clipboard. They ask if he’s selling drugs. These cops get angry if he asks for a badge number or pushes back in any way. Everytime he is the one who has to explain himself, although they have no real cause to question him.

Ernest used to help folks out after dark with emergencies. Not anymore. He does not work past dinnertime, not because he doesn’t need the business, but because it isn’t safe for him to be out after dark. He says “There’s nothing out there in the world for me past dark”.

Let me say that again. Ernest, a middle aged black man in uniform cannot work past dark in Myrtle Beach in 2020 because it’s not safe for him. He did not say this with any kind of agenda. It was a quiet, matter of fact truth.

A truth that needs to be heard.

When I asked Ernest what ethnic terms he gets offended at, he said that the most offensive term people use is ‘boy’. Ernest has a bachelors in electronics and an associates in HVAC. He is not a ‘boy’, and the term ‘boy’ in the south implies inferiority in station and status. He came to Myrtle Beach and got a job at Hobart. The supervisor repeatedly used the term ‘boy’. Ernest complained. After several complaints Ernest was fired.

Ernest says most white people are a little scared of him, and he’s often put in a position where he has to prove himself, as though he’s not qualified to repair appliances.

After getting a job for 2 years at Sears appliance, Ernest started his own company, one he’s been running for several years. He is the best repairman we’ve had, and has taught me about washer dryers and how to maintain them myself, even helping me with another washer/dryer set and a dishwasher without charging me. I highly recommend his company, Grand Strand Appliance.

I asked Ernest what he thought of “black bike week” in Myrtle Beach, where thousands of black people come with bullet bikes and trash our town. He says it hurts black people in our city, and he disagrees with the NAACP coming in to sue businesses that close on black bike week. He hates working that week.

Ernest doesn’t have hope that racism will change, no matter who the president is. His dad taught him “It’s a white man’s world”, and he’s done his best to live within it.
When I asked him what I could do, he said, “everyone needs to pray and realize we’re all just one country and one people”.

I am a 45 year old white woman living in the south. I can begin healing our country by talking frankly with African Americans in my world---by LISTENING to their lived experience and speaking up. I can help by actively promoting black owned businesses. That’s what I can do today. Let’s start by listening and lifting up. It’s that simple.


Edit: I asked Ernest if I could take his picture and post our conversation on facebook. He thought it was a great idea. As he left my house an hour later, he looked me in the eye and said, "If you ever march, or have a meeting on this topic, or want to change things in Myrtle Beach, I'll stand with you."

What a great idea. Let's begin standing together.

This is the cutest!

This is the cutest!

Freddie Figgers was abandoned in a dumpster after he was born. Today, he owns a multi-million company and is considered ...

Freddie Figgers was abandoned in a dumpster after he was born. Today, he owns a multi-million company and is considered a genius in his field.

We finalized our adoption today. Here’s our handsome little dude. We are beyond excited. Cheers!Source: Reddit/hoagielog...

We finalized our adoption today. Here’s our handsome little dude. We are beyond excited. Cheers!
Source: Reddit/hoagielogie

"I’m not sure who this man is and I’m sure he just wanted to eat his meal in peace, but Brekken had other plans. We took...

"I’m not sure who this man is and I’m sure he just wanted to eat his meal in peace, but Brekken had other plans. We took all six kids to eat at Fernando's and all Brekken wanted was to eat with him. He was continuously crying and as I got up to take him to the car, this man asked to get him. Brekken instantly stopped crying and sat and ate chips and salsa and had conversation with him until he was ready to go.

Brekken was completely content and told him bye like he had known him his whole life. It’s the small things! So, if you know him, please tell him again I said thank you. He didn’t have to do what he did but completely made Brekken’s whole day. ❤️

Update: His name is Darius West."

Credit: Amy Wadford

"While purchasing this lovely shadow box picture for his mother, a sweet lady next to him said how beautiful it was and ...

"While purchasing this lovely shadow box picture for his mother, a sweet lady next to him said how beautiful it was and his mother was going to love it. She commented she hopes somebody would get her something just as lovely for Mother's Day.

Greg Lomas went back into the store and purchased the same item and met her in the parking lot and gave it to her for Mother's Day! Congratulations to his mother for raising such a sweet young man. She must be very proud!"

Credit: Michelle Snyder

"Less than a month after I gave birth to our daughter, my husband went into sepsis and was placed in ICU. Doctors told m...

"Less than a month after I gave birth to our daughter, my husband went into sepsis and was placed in ICU. Doctors told me there was nothing more they could do and I should start making end-of-life decisions.

I couldn’t. The shock and disbelief wouldn’t allow me to. Instead, I began praying. Harder. Louder. My prayer warrior village rallied and did the same.

Our journey together wasn't finished. God granted us grace, and after a few weeks, my husband was well enough to come home from the hospital. Our new prayer was simple. That he would live long enough to see our daughter take her first steps.

A year later, his health was failing, but the pitter patter of little feet could be heard around our home. A prayer answered.

Shortly thereafter, my husband took his final breath. Though devastated and traumatized, I had to learn how to navigate life without him. Day by day. Moment by moment.

I wanted to share a few things I've learned to those who may be in a season of grief:

Joy will return to your life, but there may still be times that you cry. And that’s OK. Joy and sorrow are NOT mutually exclusive.

The pain doesn’t disappear, but it will not always be as intense.

One second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Count small victories, from a shower to getting dressed and going out. Remember them lovingly, cry if you need to. Laugh again.

Go easy on yourself. You can rebuild your life, one moment at a time.

Release your expectations of others because they can’t give you what you really need. You will find what you really need is inside of you."

Credit: Jon'a F. Joiner

"A couple years back, I had to go to the bank while my husband was working, so I needed to bring my two toddlers at the ...

"A couple years back, I had to go to the bank while my husband was working, so I needed to bring my two toddlers at the time. When I was done at the bank, we headed to the door only to see it was downpouring. I was the only customer there so the manager asked if I would like her to stand with my boys right by the door, so I could still see them, but bring the car around so they wouldn't get wet. This small kindness meant the world to me. You never know what little kindness will help someone get through their day."

Credit: Leah Thompson

"I am a firm believer things happen for a reason. Today, I was driving to work and feeling sorry for myself and my imper...

"I am a firm believer things happen for a reason. Today, I was driving to work and feeling sorry for myself and my imperfect life. And then I passed"I am a firm believer things happen for a reason. Today, I was driving to work and feeling sorry for myself and my imperfect life. And then I passed this woman, Janice. She was on the opposite side of the road dragging two ripped up suitcases almost as big as her and clearly heavy. I was 3 minutes from work and almost kept driving there. I didn't turn around the first chance I had, but I did turn around at the second chance, and I picked her up.

She had been on the road for 4 days. She had left NY after losing her job as a packer for a cosmetic company and was on her way to Baltimore where her Auntie was going to get her a job as a cleaning lady. She had spent the night at Christiana Hospital because she has Congestive Heart Failure (and she was lugging those heavy suitcases!!!) and had run out of meds.

I took her to the Elkton Library where she was going to meet someone who could get her closer to Baltimore, handed her every dollar I had in my wallet ($32?), and gave her a hug. She smiled the entire trip and thanked me profusely. She never asked for anything. She wasn't thumbing for a ride. She wasn't feeling sorry for herself or for her situation in life. It was a huge reminder to be grateful for what I have because things could always be worse! 30 minutes late to work? I'll take it! Janice did way more for me than I did for her."

Credit: Heather Jones Hartmann

”Last night, while waiting to board our plane, Carter Jean was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say ...

”Last night, while waiting to board our plane, Carter Jean was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say “hi” to everyone she could, until she walked up on this man.
He reached out and asked if she wanted to sit with him.
He pulled out his tablet and showed her how to draw with it, they watched cartoons together, and she offered him snacks.
This wasn’t a short little exchange, this was 45 minutes.
Watching them in that moment, I couldn’t help but think, different genders, different races, different generations, and the best of friends.
This is the world I want for her.
In a country that is so deeply divided by beliefs, I want her life to be filled with moments like this... not liberal or conservative republican or democrat, socialist or capitalist, just HUMAN.
Joseph from Samsungus in Oklahoma, if this should happen to find you.
Thank you for showing my daughter what kindness and compassion looks like.
Continue to shine your light in the world.”
Credit: Kevin Armentrout

This is Will. 14 years ago he was homeless and addicted to he**in. We met as he was digging in the dumpster looking for ...

This is Will. 14 years ago he was homeless and addicted to he**in. We met as he was digging in the dumpster looking for recyclables. I asked him what possessed a man to do such a thing... he shared that his wife died unexpectedly and in the wake of her deathThis is Will. 14 years ago he was homeless and addicted to he**in. We met as he was digging in the dumpster looking for recyclables. I asked him what possessed a man to do such a thing... he shared that his wife died unexpectedly and in the wake of her death, he tried he**in- ONE TIME and became addicted. He lost his home and job as a result of his addiction. Over the next several months, Will and I developed a friendship. I looked forward to posting at hatch and Herndon in hopes I’d get to see him. I liked him more than my partner at the time so I enjoyed seeing him as often as I could! We helped each other through a few tough times by offering advice and life experience. Then- one day he was gone! I never saw him again.... over the years I’ve wondered what happened to him. I wondered if he was even alive.
God allowed our paths to cross again... ironically in a different Chevron. He was waiting for me outside the bathroom. He stood there with tears in his eyes and asked if I remembered him. It took me about 2 seconds and I knew!! It was my Will!! He nostalgically reminded me about a pair of boots and a jacket I gave him to make sure he didn’t freeze. I also gave him $7 to get his ID... with a promise that he wouldn’t spend it on drugs. He kept his promise! He got his ID, and a job, later a wife and found grace in the arms of our heavenly creator! We totally snot cried in the middle of the store before asking the clerk to take our picture 😂😂. I wanted to share this story because kindness matters!! IT MATTERS! It can change the course of someone’s world! You may never know it, but Will is proof of that! Be Kind in All you do! One day it will find you and overwhelm you with eternal gratitude 🙏 , Credit: Jeanah Nomelli/Facebook

"Tucker loves police officers and just about lost his mind when he saw one up close at the mall! He ran up to say hello ...

"Tucker loves police officers and just about lost his mind when he saw one up close at the mall! He ran up to say hello (no CIs on because his batteries died"Tucker loves police officers and just about lost his mind when he saw one up close at the mall! He ran up to say hello (no CIs on because his batteries died).
When he saw us signing, Officer Wallace didn’t hesitate to ask, 'Does he know sign language?' He was clearly excited when I said yes and asked if he knew any. He proceeded to introduce himself to Tucker, by name, and say he was a friend. He then asked Tucker his name and they held the most adorable conversation. Tucker was so excited he ran to find Kalyn to introduce her to the signing officer too.
We made sure Officer Wallace knew just how much it meant that he learned and retained ASL to be able to communicate with members of our Deaf Community. 💙"
We're filming an exciting new video project and want to hear from YOU! Show the world the power of extraordinary stories. Credit: Jill Hudson

"My husband is 31 years old. My husband can proofread a paper to perfection. He makes the best pork chops and neckbones....

"My husband is 31 years old. My husband can proofread a paper to perfection. He makes the best pork chops and neckbones. My husband was raised in an extremely wholesome home where they were not even allowed to watch Harry Potter. My husband has never tried any drugs, not even w**d"My husband is 31 years old. My husband can proofread a paper to perfection. He makes the best pork chops and neckbones. My husband was raised in an extremely wholesome home where they were not even allowed to watch Harry Potter. My husband has never tried any drugs, not even w**d. He has never stolen from anyone, not even a corner store. My husband treats me and our sons like royalty. He serves at our local church faithfully and helps anyone he can. None of this stopped my husband from becoming a suspect in Semmes.
My husband wanted to do me a favor one night when he got home late from work. He got my keys and drove around the corner to fill my tank at the gas station. While there, an older white woman was at a pump across from him and he noticed she appeared very nervous and stared at him. He said she got in her vehicle and got on her phone and pulled off to an area near the gas station. Within minutes, police cars pulled in and surrounded him. He was questioned about why he was out. He was questioned about his activity earlier in the day. He was told he fit a description. They asked who's car he was driving. He was told he could not leave. He was told the description was simply a black man. Not a 5 ft 7 inch black man of around 220 lbs who loves WWE, macaroni and cheese, and the Temptations. Just black.
The older woman was now watching and the cops revealed she had called in his suspicious behavior of pumping gas. And now he was a suspect because he fit the description of being black. He was humiliated. He was emasculated. He was angry. He was helpless. He was on his way to being cuffed when a white man stepped in. An older white man told the officers they were wrong and that my husband had come from a different direction than the robbery they had mentioned. The officers released my husband after this. Not because my husband told them multiple times he was innocent. Not because there were two car seats in the back of my car. My husband's voice meant nothing. The only voice that penetrated those badges was a white one.
My hard working, kind-hearted, silly husband was guilty because of his skin and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. The sight of him caused a woman to call the police. He said he wanted to scream. He wanted to fight. He wanted yell at the top of his lungs that he was a man and he mattered. If he had, he would be deemed aggressive. He would be resisting so he said he kept telling himself he had to make it home to me and the boys. He knew these men could kill him and justify it.
He came home a changed man. I am a changed woman. We cried. We prayed and we have healed since this took place but it changed us. Issues that once felt somewhat distant became our reality. So, when you dismiss the plight of black men in America, you diminish the ever present fear within our community. You are willfully ignorant. If you think people make this up or are only apprehended by the police when they deserve it... you are part of the problem. Open your eyes but more importantly open your hearts to the reality of being black in America. We don't get the luxury of ignoring it because we live it. This picture of my precious family looks threatening to some people. My boys are cuddly and cute until they aren't anymore and then they become a threat, too. My heart aches for our country and I feel so helpless. Lord, please heal the hearts and minds our land!"
Credit: Deltha Katherine Harbin

"Kids get a $2 discount if they read a book aloud to this barber in Michigan while he sorts them out"Credit: CommanderNi...

"Kids get a $2 discount if they read a book aloud to this barber in Michigan while he sorts them out"

Credit: CommanderNightHawk

"I met Charles while getting tokens to wash my car today. He jokingly asked me for a few dollars and then we got chattin...

"I met Charles while getting tokens to wash my car today. He jokingly asked me for a few dollars and then we got chatting. We talked about the George Floyd trial. He was a witness for the prosecutor. He said it was a coincidence he was even driving by that day. He shared that it broke"I met Charles while getting tokens to wash my car today. He jokingly asked me for a few dollars and then we got chatting. We talked about the George Floyd trial. He was a witness for the prosecutor. He said it was a coincidence he was even driving by that day. He shared that it broke him when George started calling out for his mom, as he had just lost his a few months prior.

After our brief chat, he went back to diligently helping all of the other customers, and I washed the car. I was too slow and ran out of time before I could finish rinsing the back. I was about to leave when Charles happened to notice, told me to wait, got me some tokens, and restarted the machine for me.

Coincidence or not, we are all witnesses to big and small events taking place every day. We are constantly given the opportunity to reach out with kindness. I don’t know how to fix all of the injustice and hatred in the world, but I do think it starts with the little things like saying hello and connecting with the random people we encounter every day. Thank you Charles for making my day!" Credit: Syd Coleman



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