Below are 50 crucial points I learnt from the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (2004). This book contains success philosophies proven after 25 years of research by the author. Your life will not remain the same, promise!
1. The WILL POWER makes every human being a superhero.
2. In everyone is a seed of greatness that needs to be cultivated.
3. Success is state of mind. A person who always succeeds is the person who thinks he can.
4. All riches begin with a thought. If you can THINK then you can become RICH. But how? You must become MONEY CONSCIOUS.
5. To become money conscious, you need to stimulate and challenge your mind through consistent auto-suggestion.
6. Through auto-suggestion (reading aloud your life purpose statement daily) thoughts enter the sub-conscious mind. Your mind after being convinced will draw from the creative mind plans to achieve that money.
7. To convince your mind you need to have a strong DESIRE for money. On top of DESIRE you must have strong FAITH to achieve that money.
8. See yourself already in possession of that money rendering the service you require the money for. Demand life of that money and it will give it.
9. The way of success is the way of CONTINOUS MIND DEVELOPMENT. Develop your mind through pursuit of new knowledge at whatever level or age from any available source.
10. You don’t need to know everything. Get special knowledge in that desired field and surround yourself with people who know what you don’t know. Attach a price to that knowledge so you will highly value it.
11. From accumulated knowledge you will be get a spark of IDEAS. An idea is often the start of every great fortune. Value it and guard it.
12. Imagine that idea already in existence. MAN CAN CREATE ANYTHING HE CAN IMAGINE. Be assured as long as you have imagined it you can achieve it.
13. Your imagination can come from your life experiences, education or environment. But your imagination can also come from infinite intelligence once your subconscious connects to it.
14. All new ideas known to man come from the INFINITE INTELLLIGENCE. This is the creative faculty of the mind. You can draw from infinite intelligence by expanding your imagination to impossibilities.
15. Imagination helps you figure out plans to transform your desire/idea into money. So, expand it. Ask yourself; What would I do if I has 20,000,000,000 Uganda shillings?
16. Write down the imagination and make a definite plan with a definite decision to achieve it. Don’t wait to get every detail. Start with what you have.
17. Don’t plan alone. Surround yourself with a MASTER MIND GROUP. These are people who believe in you and your idea.
18. If that plan doesn’t work keep replacing it until you finally get a plan that works. This may mean making tens, hundreds or thousands of plans but don’t stop until you find the right plan.
19. The persistent mindset knows no boundaries. It can accomplish anything. It cannot fail.
20. Treat failure as temporary defeat directing you to the best plan.
21. Why do people fail?
a) Lack of self-discipline
b) Ill-health
c) Procrastination
d) A strong desire for ‘something for nothing.’
e) Indecisiveness
f) Wrong selection of a mate
g) Unfavorable childhood environment
h) Wrong selection of business associates
i) Belief in superstition and prejudice
j) Wrong job selection
k) Lack of a defined life purpose
l) Over-caution (don’t like to take chances)
m) Lack of persistence
n) Uncontrolled s*xual urge
o) Overspending
p) Unable to relate well with others
q) Possession of power that was not achieved through self-effort
22. ANALYSE YOURSELF and find out what is hindering your success. Plan to overcome that weakness starting today.
23. If you want to succeed at anything you must master the habit of MAKING DEFINATE DECISIONS. You should be quick at making decisions and slow at changing them until they deliver.
24. Learn to reach your own decision avoiding the influence of others. Remember this is your life so use your brain.
25. NEVER GIVE UP in the face of opposition or misfortune even if it means standing by the decision alone. If it’s right, do it.
26. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE according to your own decisions. Aim for self-reliance but with obligation not to hinder the rights of other people.
27. As emphasis you must not do anything alone. Your decisions must be checked by a team of people who support you. You need to have organized knowledge and effort to translate your ideas into a monetary equivalent. You may need 2 or more people to work with. This is what we call a master mind.
28. The other big benefit of a master mind is that you will attract a third invisible mind once you set your minds together.
29. No two minds ever come together without an invisible force joining them. SORROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WITH SHAPR BRAINS so your energy combined with be a great force.
30. The unity of brains draws from the power of the infinite intelligence. That is why people with a spirit of unity and harmony set for a definite purpose always win.
31. BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN IS A WOMAN. A charming woman can be a source of inspiration for a man to trigger the creative mind. Man’s most motivating force is his desire to please a woman.
32. Let every woman know that S*X ENERY IS CREATIVE ENERGY FOR MEN. When a woman deprives a man s*x, she shuts him outside the world record of the genius.
33. Every man has to view s*x energy as an added advantage that stimulates him to make definite decisions and do great things. Too bad most men learn to master this energy after the age of 40. That is why most men before 40 are just a nuisance.
34. S*x transmutation is to divert the s*x energy from a desire for physical expression to doing another beneficial activity. So, it’s okay to be highly s*xed if you know how to master it and divert that energy to act as a stimulus. You are not cursed.
35. DON’T ALLOW UNCONTROLLED S*XUAL URGE TO TAKE YOU TO THE PIT. You can control high s*xual urge with a blend of love from a woman who believes in you. Settle your mind on one woman who truly loves you so you are able to use the s*x urge for other creative purposes.
36) MAKE USE OF THE SIX SENSE. Human beings receive accurate perfect knowledge from sources other than the physical senses. There is no organ for a six sense yet it exists. It can be called a unique revelation or a still small voice that speaks from within often when one has an intense desire.
37) Any emotion that brings the heart to beat at a rare faster rate stimulates the six sense to action.
38) Sit alone and activate your subconscious using any of these stimuli- LOVE, S*X, FAITH, DESIRE, MUSIC, FRIENDSHIP, HOPE stimulate you. Wait to hear instructions from within. Train your inner self to communicate to you through practice of hearing from the six sense. It takes persistence.
39) Your subconscious better understands the language of emotions. For example; Desire, faith, love, s*x, enthusiasm, romance, hope. These stimulate creativity. But the emotions of hatred, jealousy, fear, revenge, grief, anger, superstition kill creativity. Avoid them.
40) Whatever dominates your mind acts as raw material for what is later produced physically. You may voluntarily plan in your subconscious any positive plan, desire or purpose which will later be manifest physically in monetary terms. So, YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR FATE.
41) You must know that every thought you have vibrates to others. If for example you have negative emotions, they will be released to others. You will get a negative personality causing people to repel you and become antagonistic.
42) When you pray you can connect your subconscious with positive emotions. Your subconscious will speak a language that your infinite intelligence understands, intense emotions. As a result, you can reproduce whatever you asked physically.
43) If your mission is to gain a successful life you need to AVOID THE SIX GHOSTS OF FEAR. The six sense cannot function if they remain in your mind.
a) The fear of poverty
b) Fear of death
c) Fear of old age
d) Fear of loss of someone
e) Fear of criticism
f) Fear of ill-health
44) WHAT YOU FEAR YOU ATTRACT. Some people get sick due to what they imagine (imaginary illness) Get rid of fear right now. Get rid of the fear of poverty by making plans and deciding to get wealth. Overcome fear of old age by viewing the year of 40-60 as the most rewarding golden age of great wisdom and understanding. Overcome critics by accepting you have a mind of your own and are capable of making good judgement. Accept death as an avoidable necessity and enjoy life.
45) To achieve success, you have to have a peace of mind. A disturbed mind cannot be creative. Nothing is worth taking you off the path of success by causing you to worry. BE PEACEFUL AND YOU WILL CONQUER EMPIRES.
46) By now you are aware that you are capable of living the standard of life you want. You have every reason to be successful since you have a mind. You can control your destiny by controlling your mind. Your mind is the engine. Turn it to the right direction.
47) GET RID OF NEGATIVE INFLUENCES if you want to accumulate great riches. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to use your own mind to make decisions and act upon them successfully. Human beings have a will-power. Whoever dominates your will power has denied you your RIGHT THAT DEFINES YOU AS A HUMAN BEING.
48) To protect yourself against negative influence you need to have thorough self-analysis of who you are and what you stand for. If you have no vision others will give you their vision and pay you to fulfil it to your disadvantage.
49) Get rid of the ‘ifs’ and go out to achieve your life destiny today.
50) ANYTHING YOUR MIND CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE IS ACHIEABLE. If you fail you have no body to blame but yourself.
Reviewed by Ritah Mukisa Muyanja,
October 2020