Our hearts are filled with ostentation, deceit, arrogance, love of fame, hatred, gossip and other immoral vices. Yet we claim to be on the path of Tasawauf.
What Sulūk is this which makes you backbite your Muslim brothers and makes you look down upon them. So much so that you are indulged in the gossip of Ulamā. You cannot deceive Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. It's high time we practice what we preach and refrain from these practices.
Shaykh Abdul Rahmān al-Sha'ār has beautifully summed up the fundamentals of Tasawauf.
الحد الأدنى من الفرض العيني من التصوف هو التخلص من الكبائر
The minimum requirement of Tasawauf is getting rid of major sins.