E39 CGMs for Type 2s
If you are motivated to take control of your health, your insurance company should not limit you in that pursuit!
Even if you are Type 2 Diabetic, you should not have to be limited to 3 blood sugar checks a day or a CGM if those tools can be utilized to better your blood sugar, metabolism and life!
Want to hear more from this clip? Check out E39 “Usefulness of CGMs for Type 2 Diabetics and NON-diabetics” and many others like this on all major podcast players.
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
The fear of exercise and going low is something we diabetics face on a regular basis. But that shouldn't stop you from doing what you love and LIVING THE LIFE THAT YOU DESERVE.
Listen to the full interview on Episode 38 of The Diabuddies Podcast
#t1dlookslikeme #t1dwarrior #t1d #diabeticathlete #diabadass #diabuddies
Sometimes life deals you a terrible hand. That doesn't mean you can't own it and find success with it!
Listen to the full interview on Episode 38 of The Diabuddies Podcast
#t1d #t1diabetes #diabuddies #diabadass #diabeticwarrior #t1dlife #t1dlookslikeme #type1diabetes #type1strong
E36 clip Eric Zucaro and BS durinf olymlic lifting meet
Running like Don Muchow (who we interview in our most recent podcast) isn’t the only form of exercise for diabetics! Throwback to when we interviewed Eric Zucaro who dabbles in a little bit of everything when it comes to fitness, but in particular loves Olympic Lifting.
In this clip, he talks about a recent Olympic lifting meet and his blood sugar chaos during it.
Whether one attempts ultrarunning, Olympic lifting, or CrossFit, these all provide a different set of challenges and therefore different management strategies when it comes to being diabetic in managing one’s blood sugar.
Want to hear more from this clip? Check out E36 “T1D can’t stop you! Olympic Lifting, Running, CrossFit w/ Eric Zucaro” and many others like this on all major podcast players.
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
Glucagon = The Liquid Wall
Don Muchow explains how a glucagon shot will cause you to dump all your glycogen, leaving you with no energy left to run.
Don goes on to tell us his experience with this after having a dangerous low while running across Texas.
You can hear all about it and much more in our interview with him on Episode 38 of The Diabuddies Podcast.
#DonMuchow #t1drunning #t1drunner #t1dwarrior #t1dwarriors #diabuddies #t1dathlete #diabeticathlete #diabadasses #diabadass
E38 Don Muchow - Getting Started
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu
Don Muchow shares his amazing story of how he completed his transcontinental run. But a run like that is a great metaphor and physical representation of the journey of having diabetes.
It can seem impossible. It can hurt. It can take months and years to complete a task or a goal regarding it. However, if you break it up into smaller parts, anything is possible
Check out the full Episode 38 “Running from Disney Land to Disney World, and then some, with Don Muchow 🎙” on all major podcast players!
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
#t1drun #typeonerunner #running #longdistancerunning
“You just kind of have to stumble and get back up” is what Don Muchow describes his mindset when he was learning to run with Type 1 Diabetes.
Recently, Dan ran over 2700 miles over the course of a few months in the midst of e pandemic and some family troubles.
In E38 “Running from Disney Land to Disney World, and then some, with Don Muchow 🎙” Don describes how he started running in his 40’s and made it all the way to his most recent achievement.
It’s NEVER to late to start. Especially once you realize you’re not alone!
You can listen to the entire episode on all major podcast players!
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
#t1drun #typeonerunner #running
E38: Don Muchow, afraid of lows
What’s stopping you from exercising? Really?
For Don Muchow, before he ran over 2700 miles, it was the fears of lows and hypoglycemia.
So much so, that he did not exercise for decades. Don first got into running when he was 40 year’s old. Until then, his diabetes ran rampant.
Don recently completed a run across America (Disneyland to Disney World)!
So in the course of almost two decades, he went from never running a 5k and afraid to exercise, to running across the country.
You can listen to the entire episode on all major podcast players! See show notes for details and below are the time stamps.
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
E35 Molecular Mimicry
In recent years, the idea of Molecular Mimicry is a concept researchers use to describe the onset of autoimmunity.
In Functional Medicine, this idea is used to help others reduce symptoms and calm down their immune system.
Here, @ and @ discuss this and how it relates to leaky gut in our E35 “Does Leaky Guy Cause T1D?”
Check it o it NOW on all major podcast players!
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
E36 promo wirh Eric Zucaro: Olympic Lifting + more
Diabetes can’t stop you!
The other day we just dropped Episode 36 “T1D can’t stop you! Olympic Lifting, Running, CrossFit” with our guest Eric Zucaro
Eric is a #diabadass and a fitness fanatic. We discuss the variety of modalities and things he does to help manage his sugars...
But more importantly, the modalities exercises and hobbies he does because that’s what he ENJOYS.
Taking a “diabetes doesn’t define me” mentality, and choosing the life he wants to lives first and allowing his diabetes to cooperate and flow with him second.
If you want to learn more, check out the full episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and more! Let us know what you think ⬇️
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
E35 Promo: Does Leaky Guy Cause T1D?
Why does the environment play such a big role in the development of T1D?
This week we discuss a scientific article published by the American Diabetes Association regarding intestinal permeability and the onset of type one diabetes.
Check out E35 “Does Leaky Guy Cause T1D?” NOW on all major podcast players.
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett
Boxes Up 2 Clip - Hypoglycemia and Driving 🚗
Low blood sugar and driving?! 😨
Yep! It happens.
One of the many mini-battles of living with T1D.
Interested in hearing more of the conversation?
Check out Boxes Up 2 on The Diabuddies Podcast on all major podcast players and YouTube. Out NOW! Hypoglycemia
In Health,
Dr.’s Grady and Garrett