The Myrmidon News Network

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  • The Myrmidon News Network

The Myrmidon News Network Like the Myrmidon of Achilles, we are hardy, intrepid, and punch above our weight.

Email: [email protected]
YouTube: The Myrmidon News Network


Here's some breaking news:

Things are f**ky and will absolutely get worse before they get better

Check my Substack for my latest, a response to the tragedy in   MyrmidonRising.Substack.comThe article is "More Tragedy,...

Check my Substack for my latest, a response to the tragedy in

The article is "More Tragedy, More Kneejerk-ery"

This is where the madness happens. Click to read Myrmidon Rising, by DJ Ferrer, a Substack publication. Launched 11 days ago.

Alright folks, finally got a Substack up! Not directly related but will definitely be inter-related with this page.Myrmi...

Alright folks, finally got a Substack up! Not directly related but will definitely be inter-related with this page.

Come get it :D

This is where the madness happens. Click to read Myrmidon Rising, by DJ Ferrer, a Substack publication. Launched 4 days ago.

Don't forget, we're on Twitter as well! Finally got around to getting Twitter Blue so come hang out and sh*tpost with me...

Don't forget, we're on Twitter as well! Finally got around to getting Twitter Blue so come hang out and sh*tpost with me, make the $11 worth it!


So I was setting up a world clock when...



Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! it's basically just sh*tposting but the good kind

Do you need something written? Essays, articles, website content, whatever it may be, we here at the Myrmidon News Netwo...

Do you need something written? Essays, articles, website content, whatever it may be, we here at the Myrmidon News Network are opening a Mercenary Freelance service!

You set the parameters, we write what's needed. You pay what you think the work is worth and you don't pay until it's completed to your specifications. If this is something that interests you, email us at [email protected] !


Listening to Milo on Timcast was a real wakeup call. The conservative movement in America is going to be led by Ron DeSantis, not Donald Trump.

Ron > Don


This election hammered home one distinct point: if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Traditional media has failed the public. I'll do my best not to make the same mistakes. Expect updates soon!


If the past few years are any hint, the public school system has been an utter failure. The Department of Education spends more money every year and we have stagnant or worsening student achievement. And that's long before COVID ever became a thing.

We need to get the Department of Education out of education. They are blowing vast amounts of money teaching about social issues that are not in the purview of government at all, and it is actively dividing the country. Abolish the DoE

When people make certain arguments, you should have the context and data surrounding the issue.

When people make certain arguments, you should have the context and data surrounding the issue.


The Non-Partisan Journalist is Dead, and We Killed Him (...or did we?)
DJ Ferrer
August 12, 2021

It might be one of the greatest understatements of our age to point of that we live in a partisan and divisive time. Pew research shows that, between both parties, there is more mistrust than has ever existed since they started tracking this metric - and there is currently little evidence of the trend reversing in the near future. To hear it from many liberal-leaning outlets, conservatives in America hate the poor and the elderly so much they're purposely going unmasked during this endless pandemic to wreak havoc and "own the libs"; to hear it from many conservative-leaning outlets, liberal America is willing to tank the economy and institute Soviet-level social manipulation to make everyone gay, Godless, and "green" (be it ma*****na, "green" energy, going vegan, take your pick). My hyperbole notwithstanding, just spend a week reading the op-ed section of almost any publication, online or otherwise, and you will encounter multiple examples of breathless partisan hackery that at least makes a nod in those directions. Whether they're speaking out the sides of their mouths or saying it upfront, they bend over backwards to convince the reader that the "other side" is some deadly combination of malicious and stupid - too malicious and stupid to be worth your vote, and what's more, if the reader does happen to vote for them, they arent just enabling maliciousness and stupidity, they are ranked right up with the worst of the lot. "Hate speech is violence", but so is silence, so do what I say or you aren't a "true" American.
For those of us actively striving to be non-partisan, in spite of our biases, the current political climate can feel like being caught between two fighting and irrationally mad parents. Or more accurately, it's like being stuck listening to two roommates arguing about how best to fill the fridge, hurling expletives while simultaneously trying to convince you that only through their intervention will your life improve - imagining they're the ones in chrage, even though its your house and you, the only one with a job, are the sole person putting food on their table. It's a downright maddening environment, enough to make Americans everywhere pine for a more neutral approach; they harken back with faint nostalgia to the days of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather (if they're old enough), imagining a time when most of the country was "on the same page", so to speak. It seemed like there was a general consensus about the overall purpose of the country, most core values agreed upon already, with most arguments happening around the periphery over niche issues. Of course, at the time, most news outlets were owned by a handful of corporations and intensely gate-kept. And then there's that whole issue of Dan Rather torpedo-ing his career to "get at" George W. Bush before the 2004 election, using forged documents in an episode of 60 Minutes that can only be described as a calculated hit piece. As it turns out, the age of disinterested journalism was largely a 20th century fiction - and the realization of this can lead to serious disenchantment with the media, even nihilism in general. Everyone carries biases, but where it becomes problematic is when those biases lead to the adherence to an agenda in the face of contradictory facts, or when those biases lead to an active decision to refrain from giving honest consideration to those with whom you might disagree with politically.

Bias vs. Partisanship

It is no unique insight of mine to notice that even the attempt at non-partisan journalism is a dead or dying art. In 2017, NYU professor of journalism Mitchell Stephens wrote a piece entitled "Goodbye Nonpartisan Journalism. And Good Riddance", where he likewise identified that the time of overtures to nonpartisanship were on their way out - and frames it as a good thing. In his view, nonpartisan journalism is precisely what allowed Donald Trump's meteoric rise to prominence in the political world. According to Stephens, the media's "obsession with nonpartisanship lingered long enough to leave them deeply vulnerable to manipulation by a boisterous, rudderless political candidate like Trump." He describes his satisfaction at journalists "finally" being able to speak their mind. He continues:
"Having a take on events is no sin for a journalist. Presenting as reasonable an argument you know to be unreasonable is. How refreshing it is to see mainstream journalists beginning to realize that they no longer need to pretend."
So, rather than presenting an argument as it is, and allowing the reader to come to a decision on their own, the author seems to imply that it is the journalist's job to gatekeep ideas and arguments; this is where, in my view, mere bias evolves into rank partisanship that actively hurts the discourse. The journalist's job is to inform the public to the best of their knowledge and ability - not pick and choose what they are going to give an honest consideration of. If you're reporting on the issue, you have to report on the whole issue, not merely your "version" of it. We all have our biases and idiosyncrasis, and therefore it's an unrealistic pipe dream to imagine journalism entirely free of bias; but a bias so totalizing that it leaves you blind to the discourse is textbook partisanship.

Were we ever non-partisan?

"He is a godless Jacobin who will unleash the forces of bloody terror upon the land. Murder, robbery, r**e, adultery, and in**st will be openly taught and practiced, the air will be rent with the cries of the distressed, the soil will be soaked with blood, and the nation black with crimes."
This hilarious level of hyperbole would find a comfortable home almost anywhere nowadays. Pick an editorial on Huffpo post-2016, and you'd find comparable levels of wild-eyed madness in any article Trump is spoken of. Check Breitbart for equivalent stories about how Joe Biden has actually been a Co**ie this whole time.
Despite that, the above quote isnt from any contemporary source; it's ripped from an early Federalist-leaning paper (as in, Federalists and Anti-Federalists) doomsaying as to what one Thomas Jefferson would do to the nation, should he be elected. As it happens, the first newspapers in the country were all highly contentious partisan affairs. In fact, early presidential tradition allowed newspapers to do the campaigning for them, rather than go on elaborate speaking tours across the nation, as is the practice today. Because of this, the papers did not hold back, spitting forth the sort of vitriol that even in our tense times would hardly be tolerated or taken seriously.
"[...he is an infidel] who writes aghast the truths of God's words; who makes not even a profession of Christianity; who is without Sabbaths; without the sanctuary, and without so much as a decent external respect for the faith and worship of Christians." Or so the Federalists insisted of Thomas Jefferson. Hindsight shows us just how out of place the criticisms were; but are we doomed to forever make the same mistakes?

(Continued below)

Abolish the DOE. Useless waste of money. We could do so much with that money that would actually benefit people (or we c...

Abolish the DOE. Useless waste of money. We could do so much with that money that would actually benefit people (or we can just not tax people for it and let them keep their own money)


I guess now's a good time to remind y'all to follow us on Twitter at

Big things in the future!


Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable handi-cam type recorders for reporting on the ground? And does anyone have one they'd be willing to get rid of? I can pay, although it will probably have to be in installments


You know, I'm very much against canceling student debt, but the interest rates are outright predatory and need a serious reform. There's absolutely no good justification for people taking out, say, $20k and after a decade of paying their bills they owe more than they originally took out - which is absolutely the position some people are in.

People were lied to, convincing people that a degree was some kind of ticket you could redeem for One Job, for the express purpose of having an entire segment of the population that is wholly reliant on and subservient to government. We need to do right by future generations and fix this, as soon as possible.


What issues are most important to you as a voter? I'd like to know, comment below your maybe top three issues you look for when choosing candidates to represent you

Breaking from, Disney losing its tax privilege status.

On one hand, Disney drives a lot of business to Florida, and this tax status was part of the machine making it happen.

On the other hand, Disney has been taking sides in the culture war, and their actions helped turn parents overall into a broad voting block, which has basically never happened before. If you step foot into a war, don't be surprised if you are injured.

Florida Senate, with a 23-16 vote, has passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power, and special exemption status. Since 1967, Disney has operated its own government around Walt Disney World in Florida. Republican State Rep. Randy Fine, who introduced the legislation, twe...


Notice how it's always "Elon Musk did this" and "Joe Rogan said that" and never "Nancy Pelosi's investment profile outperforms almost everyone" or "we've been supporting an illegal war in Yemen that has caused a near genocidal famine"


Hey y'all, just an update

I'm pretty behind on building the site and the rest of the infrastructure - turns out that trying to do this stuff all on my own with zero prior experience is no quick walk in the park. I'm also the sort of person who lets my muse take me where she will, and right now I've been putting the energy I should be putting into the site and politics on my book so it's not wasted time, but it's not what I've been waking up early to do.

As for the state of the world and politics, not much has changed - the war in Europe is cooling down, thank God, the dollar's value is dropping, and our "powers that be" are sleeping (cause they're geriatrics). Get a gun, learn to grow food, diversify whatever savings you have. In short, do everything you were doing before the pandemic.

So this is a little late, meant to hop on this when it happened, but looks like we might be the 25th state to adopt Constitutional Carry. What's fu**ed up is that our biggest obstacle to just having our rights protected and enforced is not the Democrats in this case - COVID and Ukraine utterly neutered the gun control movement for at least a generation, thank God - but establishment RINO GOP types who sit in their country clubs tut-tutting over their brandy and ci**rs about how the rabble shouldn't be as well armed as their private security. So be prepared to stand your ground against people you might typically have a better rapport with than the leftist loons and limousine liberals you normally end up debating.

That being said, Ron DeSantis is absolutely going to be our President in the future. If he doesn't run in 2024 (and graces us to stay as governor a bit longer) he will run in 2028 and I have little doubt he will win. DeSantis embraces all the good aspects of Trumpist populism without any of the negative baggage - he's a real executive, through and through, and the country wouldnt just benefit greatly from a leader like that - it's necessary to put a stop to the collapse we're experiencing. I very rarely simp for candidates in any capacity, and the larger and more national their purview, the more suspicious I am of them...except in the case of Governor DeSantis. The Myrmidon News Network and it's founder endorse Ron DeSantis until he gives us a reason not to.

& Post Next Post▶ Quick: name a large Republican-dominated state — one that’s attracting people from chaotic, expensive, poorly managed blue states around the country — that hasn’t yet enacted constitutional carry. One that hasn’t even really come close. You won’t have to ...

We are still in need of:-a company vehicle (pickup truck or van preferred but any will work, so long as it will survive ...

We are still in need of:

-a company vehicle (pickup truck or van preferred but any will work, so long as it will survive traveling state to state)
- a mini-boom microphone or something else portable and affordable (for on the ground coverage)
- a handheld video recorder of some kind. Suggestions definitely welcome, I'm still doing research as to what might work best

Im looking to purchase all of these as soon as possible, please DM the page if you can help. If you don't have any of this stuff to sell but still want to donate to help us out, our PayPal is [email protected] , all purchases made with donated money will be publicly posted, transparency is extremely important to me. But as I've mentioned before, I'm starting this endeavor with a negative bank account, maxed out credit card, and a $14 an hour day job so any help would be immensely appreciated. Thanks for your support thus far, I promise the content will *not* disappoint.



We are still looking for people to interview for the show! Long-form conversation, relaxed environment, no outright agen...

We are still looking for people to interview for the show! Long-form conversation, relaxed environment, no outright agenda except to talk and explore whatever subjects you (or whoever we're interviewing) wish to explore.

Given today's climate, we're really looking for people who know about Eastern Europe and especially the old Society blocks; business owners, immigrants, folks who have turned struggle into success; and people on the cutting edge of their field who want to bring attention to a lesser-known idea within their field. We're not looking to rehash the same conversations people are having elsewhere - we're going to create a new path and tread new waters. Send suggestions to: [email protected]

We're also in need of a company vehicle, a laptop, and a mini boom microphone and/or digital camera setup for filming breaking news on the ground. If anyone wants to donate, the PayPal is the same email as above, or if you have a vehicle you're trying to get rid of that will fit the bill, email us and let's make it happen! You could really kick off my career in a tangible and direct way

So this isn't exactly "breaking overnight" like I intended but I wanted to note something about how media uses innocuous phrases and headlines to deceive you while not outright lying.

So here we have the headline claiming Ron DeSantis has "anti-immigrant views", which on top of not being true, is just another way for the media to call someone racist. Which is just another sort of ad hominem argument, or as I like to call it, "not an argument".

A few paragraphs in, they do actually give their reasoning, which is rare, usually these sorts of articles make the accusation and then make vague references to stuff DeSantis "supports" as being anti-whatever. The author says:

"Kurzban, the past national President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, detailed his objections to DeSantis: the governor's support of lawsuits to reinstate the Trump administration immigration policy to return people caught at the border to detention centers in Mexico, his use of taxpayer money to send the Florida National Guard to the Texas Border, his support of legislation blocking the transport of undocumented immigrants into the state, and his order directing state law enforcement to stop any undocumented persons who are released into Florida."

So, if you'd only read the headline, you would walk away with the impression that Ron DeSantis is some kind of racist who doesn't want any new immigrants in the country. But let's break each point down and why it's political nonsense.

First, "supporting reinstating Trump administration immigration policy to return people caught at the border to detention centers in Mexico". They act like it somehow isn't American policy to....have a border policy. There's this weird assumption that states aren't allowed to enforce their borders, so any attempt to curb illegal immigration is disingenuously maligned as being against *all* forms of immigration. But more pointedly, international asylum law is pretty clear - if you're trying to seek asylum because your country is awful and you want out, you're supposed to go to the next country over. There's also supposed to be a specific political reason, like a war or genocide; poor economic conditions, while painful and heartbreaking, do not meet the standard for seeking asylum under international law. Now, I personally also support massively expanding the immigration lawyer contingent we have in this country, so as to make the legal process quick, fair, and competently managed, but that is no excuse for people to skip ahead of those who are legally waiting. Trump's border policy was solid - and there's nothing "anti-immigrant" about Ron DeSantis supporting it.

"His use of taxpayer money to send National Guard to the Texas Border". Though mainstream sources have not been covering it properly, the Biden administration opened the floodgates at the border, and we've had the worst crisis we've seen there to date - according to Pew Research, the US Border patrol reported more than 1.6 *million* encounters with migrants along the border in 2021. More than four times the previous year (due to COVID slowing down travel in general) and the highest year on record. Texas requested help and Florida sent it, this is what states in a Union do, they help each other out when the (very basic) laws are being flouted. As stated above, I'm pretty open with immigration, I want people to come to the country...the right way, like my immigrant grandparents, and like so many who I know now who love this country and came here because they love it.

"His support of legislation blocking the transport of undocumented immigrants into the state". That's literally just doing his job..They're federally illegal, what makes you think they should be Florida legal? Process them *at the border*. That should not be hard. If it is, we need to incentivize the schooling and hiring of more immigration lawyers, not throwing our hands up and going "whoops I guess we just won't enforce the law anymore lol"

"His order directing state law enforcement to stop any undocumented persons who are released into Florida". This seems a little redundant, because as far as I'm aware, that's one of the reasons we even have state police (sure as hell shouldnt be to sit in sneaky spots hoping for a chance speeder that's for damn sure) but as you can see, none of these charges are anything approaching "anti-immigrant". Ron DeSantis happens to support enforcing the law. That's a pretty standard Republican thing to support. Our border law exists to ensure we have stable growth in our society - all throughout history, serious periods of chaos were always preceded by periods of unchecked immigration from people who didn't share the values of those whom they were going to live among. That isn't to say that these people are evil or wrong - merely different. Sharing and assimilating values takes time, so you need a carefully controlled border to ensure domestic peace. That is the real reason for a strong border policy - not some antiquated sense of racism or nationalism, as these people mean to imply using carefully procured language.

I honestly got a little deeper into this than I'd meant to (and just shows I need to get rolling on the video stuff) but I wanted to show how media, even "local" media, uses slanted language and half-truths to smear the people they disagree with, and in doing so, pre-empt any argument, and so as soon as you interact with a DeSantis "supporter", you have a tainted and negative view of them right off the bat. These sharks make money off the chaos they breed using their bu****it coverage and that sort of thing stops with us. Like and Share the page, it would help me tremendously. The sooner I can get out there on the ground, the sooner we can get some damn news we can trust. Our PayPal is live! Send donations to: [email protected] it will be greatly appreciated and well-used.

The event is billed as an educational gathering for global professionals who work with “high net worth individuals, tax and immigration attorneys, migration agents and project developers.”

You have to live your principles.For example, I'm a vehement supporter of the Constitution. The TSA is unconstitutional....

You have to live your principles.

For example, I'm a vehement supporter of the Constitution. The TSA is unconstitutional. Therefore, I do not fly, and will not set foot on a plane, in protest of the TSA. It's not like I am single handedly hurting the airlines' bottom end, but that's not the point. It's not about them, it's about me and what I am willing to put up with in my own life. Your principles shouldn't be focused around hurting others, they should all be focused inward on the self.

Stop making your philosophy someone else's problem. Stop trying to use government guns to force others to do the same things you do. Just live your life according to your principles, and let others do the same.

That all being said, because of my principles, I have to do work elsewhere. It's why we're looking for a company vehicle! A pickup truck or small van would be nice but I'll take anything that drives well and isn't about to die. If anyone has anything we could use, email [email protected]



We are in need of a company vehicle that is capable of surviving a cross country trip! Or at least a vehicle that can su...

We are in need of a company vehicle that is capable of surviving a cross country trip! Or at least a vehicle that can survive trips within Florida/up the eastern seaboard to DC.

Does anyone have anything they are selling? Spread the word, we'd greatly appreciate it

It's my birthday! Do me a solid and follow us on all our social media, share this page with your friends, got some good ...

It's my birthday! Do me a solid and follow us on all our social media, share this page with your friends, got some good things coming down the pike, including:

- An article about Apocalypse Gardens, and how to cope with crisis!

- "While We Slept", breaking news from around the country and world that happened while we were asleep!

- Long form interviews! Have a couple in the works but I'm gonna keep that stuff under wraps until I can finish building out the "studio"

Other social media:

Twitter -
YouTube - The Myrmidon News Network

PayPal: [email protected]

I also have personal accounts on Gab and Rumble (Asyrdar) but I'll be making company accounts sometime between today and tomorrow. Also setting up a CashApp and Patreon, as well as an Amazon wishlist for those who want to directly contribute and also know that it's going to the company.

Still need ideas, articles, and people for interviews! Email [email protected] if you can contribute any of that. Thanks y'all


Could we have any more of a chucklef**k for a President?

"Yeah my top military advisors told me about the New World Order in a top secret meeting, also the 4th turning is a thing too"

It just reminds me of people like Jen Psaki saying the great reset is a "conspiracy theory", juxtaposed with a picture of Klaus Schwab holding his book "COVID-19: The Great Reset" lmao

We're going to dig down to the core of what the "great reset" and "new world order" actually means. We're going to elaborate on how the conspiracy theorists use it to further their own agenda, and we'll bring attention to how government and media gaslights people on these issues, creating more conspiracy theorists, which helps justify the continuation of their illegal and ill-advised surveillance state.




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