You’ll notice at the end of our most recent video, I mention an ‘affiliate link’.
We have applied to become part of Amazon Associates, which would allow us to generate some income from recommending Christian books.
In order to become full members, we need to make two sales in the next 6 months. If you would like to help us, please consider purchasing a kindle book from the links below our videos. We can also get commission from any purchases you make in the browsing session after clicking our link. Unfortunately this only works for the Amazon US store at present. (You can use the US store if you are outside the US, but It won’t work if you switch to the UK or Australian stores) We’ll let you know when that changes. Below is an affiliate link to Theo’s Flippity Flop. If you haven’t seen our review, please check it out here: https://youtu.be/211nRk1tNE4
Affiliate link:
The Gospel Voices Project seeks to examine voices that bring us the gospel through Christian book reviews, and empower Christians to understand the voices of...