Creative Society. Kreativt Samfunn. Norge

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Creative Society. Kreativt Samfunn. Norge Kreativt Samfunn det er hele menneskehetens prosjekt som gir muligheten til å bringe vår sivilisas


August 21, 2024
Madeira, Portugal

Large forest fires have been raging in Madeira for a week, caused by strong winds and adverse weather conditions. More than 6% of the island has burned in recent days.
Hundreds of people have been evacuated, while many vacationers are unable to leave the island due to flight cancellations.

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It all starts with childhood and the formation of stereotypes: “We can’t change anything,” “The boss decides everything,...

It all starts with childhood and the formation of stereotypes: “We can’t change anything,” “The boss decides everything,” or “Everyone lives like this.”

What prevents you from solving any problem:
1. Fear. It exists where information is missing. And it’s very simple: if you have a fear of something, study it and figure it out.
2. Tacit consent. If a few people loudly express their opinions, and the majority are silent, this does not mean that they support them. It is precisely because of the tacit consent of the majority that there is so much outrage in the world. Your opinion is important!
3. Desire everything at once without effort. It is impossible to implement global changes quickly and at lightning speed. When there are systematic, step-by-step actions, coherence in implementation, communication with everyone, then everything works out.

Today we are not just in 💩, we are on the brink of survival, because our planet is entering a 12,000-year cycle of global climate change. And it is stereotypes and the pattern of learned helplessness that prevent us from solving this problem.

There would be a desire to live, and methods and solutions would be found.


August 18, 2024

Flash floods in the southern province of Ghazni have killed at least three people and injured three others, an official said. Flash floods caused by heavy rains hit parts of Deh Yak on the evening of August 18. A woman and two children were among the victims, and aid is being provided to the injured. The floods have caused financial losses.

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19 August 2024

Thunderstorm in Warsaw and heavy rain


August 16, 2024

A beachfront home in Rodanthe was washed into the ocean by waves from Hurricane Ernesto. The home collapsed at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in Rodanthe, the northernmost village in the Outer Banks, according to the National Park Service. As Hurricane Ernesto continues to strengthen, officials believe the "lost home" will not be the only one to fall into the Atlantic.

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15-16 August 2024

Very strong winds swept across the western Riviera, damaging some buildings, blowing away umbrellas and several awnings. Tents were torn, tiles were blown off roofs, roads were flooded, poles fell and a fire in Villatella caused by lightning. In Liguria, heavy rain and several waterspouts were seen. The wind was at its maximum speed, reached in Ventimiglia - 141 km/h.

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Saudi Arabia is experiencing some of the worst floods in recent years. In India and China, massive landslides have struck people while they slept. In Chile, a completely atypical and unexplored phenomenon has been recorded. Italy will need at least 15 million euros to deal with the aftermath of a disaster. An airliner encountered an abnormal hailstorm while flying over Russia and Kazakhstan.

Today, we will show you the most serious disasters that occurred on our planet during the week of July 31 to August 6, 2024. You'll also learn why climate information is increasingly subject to censorship and distortion.

For example, after the severe landslides in the state of Kerala in India last week, a ban was issued on scientific research at the site and on media commentary about the event. However, this ban was lifted a few hours later due to public outcry. And this isn't the only example. Many countries are facing more and more restrictions and censorship on information, especially regarding the climate.

We have long warned in the "Global Crisis" forums that this would happen, and that it is a very bad sign.

By watching the video, you'll understand why it's crucial for all of us to know the truth about what's happening on Earth and that a solution to the climate crisis already exists.

New Climate Report. Scientists Urgently Call for Humanity's Assistance


Hva er denne kosmiske strålingen som påvirker solsystemet vårt hvert 12 000. år? Hvorfor er vi sikre på at de globale klimaendringene ikke skyldes klimavåpen? Hvorfor forteller vi dere om disse grusomhetene?

Fordi vi vet. Fordi vi har sett altfor mange ofre for klimakatastrofer og personlig intervjuet øyenvitner. Og prisen for alle disse spørsmålene er livene til våre og deres barn. Vi vil bare at alle barn skal få leve! Hva kan være viktigere enn det?

❗️ Finn ut hva du kan gjøre. Se det internasjonale online forumet "Global Krise. Ansvaret"

▶️ Internasjonalt online forum "Global Krise. Det finnes en utvei", 22. april 2023:

🌍 Internasjonalt prosjekt "Kreativt Samfunn":
📩 E-post: [email protected]

➡️ Delta med i team av frivillige i Creative Society-projektet:

➡️ Abonner på vår Telegram-kanal og hold deg oppdatert på aktuelle hendelser på engelsk:

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➡️ TikTok Creative Society Norway:

➡️Facebook / creative.society.norge

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A landslide triggered by heavy rains in Nepal's Sindhupalchowk district has killed at least nine people and destroyed dozens of houses. More than 100 people are missing. The landslide also created a mud dam. A road along the Kaligandaki corridor was blocked due to landslides triggered by incessant rains in Dablang, Baglung municipality. A total of 211 people have died in monsoon-related disasters and other incidents in Nepal in the past few months, while 48 people are still missing.

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🚀Har du noen gang drømt om å reise ut i verdensrommet og besøke andre planeter? Ikke noe problem! Drømmer blir til virkelighet. Du kunne ikke engang forestille deg at fremtiden din ville være slik. I Det Kreative Samfunnet vil utrolige muligheter for utvikling og utforskning av verden åpne seg for deg. Du vil kunne leve et fullt, lykkelig liv og oppfylle dine drømmer. Dette er et nytt skritt i evolusjonen av vår sivilisasjon, som markerer begynnelsen på det virkelige livet.

Vi inviterer deg til å ta en titt på verden som alle drømmer om, og som svært snart kan bli virkelighet for alle.

❗️ Kansellering av all gjeld, høykvalitets gratis helsevesen og utdanning

❗️ Månedlig grunnleggende inntekt, uten inflasjon

❗️ Kroppsregenereringskapsel og materiereplikator

Og dette er bare det første steget som vil legge veien for oss inn i en utrolig fremtid.

❓️Hvordan skape et offentlig krav om å endre samfunnets format fra å være forbrukerorientert til å være kreativt, der hovedverdien er livet til hver enkelt person?
▶️ Internasjonalt online forum "Global Krise. Det finnes en utvei", 22. april 2023:

🌍 Internasjonalt prosjekt "Kreativt Samfunn":
📩 E-post: [email protected]

➡️ Presentasjon av Creative Society projektet:

➡️ Delta med i team av frivillige i Creative Society-projektet:

➡️ Abonner på vår Telegram-kanal og hold deg oppdatert på aktuelle hendelser på engelsk:

➡️ Instagram:

➡️Facebook: / creative.society.norge

➡️ YouTube: /


New South Wales: Record rainfall has hit the north, with 6 inches of rain falling in a single day. Meteorologist Jiwon Park said the August daily rainfall record of 157mm was broken on August 12, making it the highest daily rainfall in August for 28 years. "This event has now dumped over 200mm at several stations on the northern rivers," he said. Farmers have been hard hit, with the rains stopping the cane harvest. In a stretch of the river, heavy rains have caused flooding, making it possible to fish in the area.

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🔥 The climate takes a toll on your wallet.Europe is teetering on the brink of a food crisis due to increasing climate di...

🔥 The climate takes a toll on your wallet.

Europe is teetering on the brink of a food crisis due to increasing climate disasters (according to Bloomberg).

Unusual weather events regularly cause damage to farmers.
Between 1980 and 2022, this resulted in economic losses of €650 billion in EU Member States, of which €59.4 billion in 2021 and €52.3 billion in 2022.

How does this affect the average person's wallet?

🍓 Due to drought, there is an olive harvest failure in Spain, Italy and Portugal. The cost of olive oil has increased by 50% by January 2024.
🍓 2023 was the worst year for grape growing and wine production in Europe. Performance decreased:
Italy – by 23%
Spain – by 20%
Germany – by 3.8%
Hungary - by 2.1%
Austria - by 6.5%
This caused an increase in prices for wines from European producers.

🍓 Livestock farmers also have a hard time due to climate disasters, leading to rising meat and milk prices.

For example, due to a drought in 2022, Switzerland sent six army helicopters to help shepherds. In two weeks they delivered 500,000 tons of water to several thousand cows, sheep and pigs on alpine pastures.

🍓Organic products are no longer in fashion in Germany due to high prices. After years of high demand for natural products, sales are falling.

Will you wait until water and bread become luxuries or will you start raising climate issues now?


Today, our children are in danger like never before. This is evidenced by recent events, particularly the tragedy in Southport, where three young girls were killed by a 17-year-old Englishman. The question arises: where did children get these destructive tendencies? Who pushes them to commit such terrible crimes? What global consequences are the architects of consciousness leading society to?

The answers to these questions are already known. It remains for each person to familiarize themselves with this information, understand it, and spread it further

For us, the volunteers of the “Creative Society” project, human life is the highest value, and children's lives are the most sacred, which we, as a society, must protect. We cannot remain indifferent to the glaring facts of manipulating children's consciousness and driving them to commit mass murders, as outlined in this video.

Therefore, we are publishing this video to bring the facts about these crimes to the broader public and to take urgent measures to save children's lives and preserve a stable world on the planet.

Address by Dr. Egon Cholakian ”Crossroads”:
• The Crossroads
The documentary “Impact.”:
• The IMPACT Documentary. All Episodes

Official website of the Creative Society:


✉️ [email protected]


«Du vet, når Bibelen snakker om den store flommen, eller når Platon snakker om Atlantis fall – er det den samme historien. Og denne samme flommyten finnes over hele verden. Fordi dette skjedde en gang før. Og en del av grunnen til at Templar-ordenen ble grunnlagt, var å oppsøke samfunnene som bevarte kunnskapen om denne hendelsen som hadde skjedd, og som også bevarte all teknologi som kan ha overlevd fra den forrige sivilisasjonen som hadde blitt utslettet av flommen . Og på noen måter lever vi gjennom det samme akkurat nå. Jeg tror vi ikke innser hele omfanget av det ennå, sier en forfatter og internasjonal foreleser Timothy Hogan.
Vi hadde en flott mulighet til å snakke med en internasjonal foreleser som spesialiserer seg på tverrkulturell symbolikk og har dukket opp i en rekke TV- og podcastprogrammer over hele verden. Timothy Hogan er også kjent for sine Track II diplomatiske møter med både statlige og åndelige verdensledere.

Vi er glade for å presentere et intervju med Timothy Hogan, som du vil lære av:
✅ Innvielsene i pyramidene. Hvorfor ble de holdt og blir holdt i den store pyramiden i Egypt?
✅ Hva er formålet med sfinxen? Hva ligger under den?
✅ Hvem bygde pyramidene og når?
✅ Er det noen sammenheng mellom pyramidene og klimaendringssyklusene?
✅ Hva oppnådde atlanterne? Hva førte til deres død?
✅ Hvordan kan vi på kortest mulig tid bygge samfunnet der menneskelivet er over makt og penger?

🎥 Mer informasjon om hva som skjer med planeten, kan du finne ut fra det internasjonale forumet «Global Krise. Ansvaret":

Følg disse koblingene for å se hvordan mennesker over hele verden tar grep for å varsle alle om klimaendringer og bygge det kreative samfunnet sammen:
▶️ Abonner på vår Telegram-kanal for å holde deg oppdatert på aktuelle hendelser:
▶️ Twitter: / creativescty
▶️ Facebook: / creativesociety.en
▶️ Instagram: / creativesociety.official.en
▶️ TikTok: / creativesociety.official


August 14, 2024

Haute-Garonne Department. A real flood hit Toulouse and the south of Haute-Garonne. A month's worth of rain fell in a few hours. The downpours caused traffic to stop on the motorway, flooded part of the ring road and interrupted tram service in the city centre. Many basements, underground passages and car parks were flooded.

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This post is a thank you to everyone who is already with us! Thank you to the sensible people who want to live and provi...

This post is a thank you to everyone who is already with us! Thank you to the sensible people who want to live and provide a future for our children.

Thanks to your support, here are some of the events that were possible to implement:

🔺 June 26-27, 2024: Climate presentation at the UN headquarters.

🔺 July 5, 2024: Project participants met with the director of the Institute of Seismology in Uzbekistan.

🔺 June 27, 2024: Meeting of the President of the AllatRa IPM with the Pope in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

🔺 June 26-27, 2024: Climate conference and report presentation in Cairo, Egypt.


11-13 August 2024
Sana'a, Yemen

Flooding in Yemen has killed 57 people in recent days.

The United Nations Agricultural Organization (FAO) has warned of the risk of catastrophic flooding in many parts of Yemen in the coming days.

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August 12, 2024

Severe flooding due to heavy rainfall in Tangshan, Hebei Province, China 🇨🇳


August 12, 2024

After heavy rain overnight, the streets of the capital Bengaluru were flooded. Flooded roads caused traffic congestion in many parts of the city. Bengaluru received 74 mm of rain in 24 hours. Flash floods have disrupted normal life in Himachal Pradesh after several landslides hit the state. Damage to infrastructure and loss of equipment in industrial areas were also reported. Three flights were cancelled at Delhi airport. At least 28 people have died due to rain-related incidents in north and northwest India.

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Denne filmen vil endre ditt syn på verden. Du vil lære om teknologien som kan gjøre det mulig for menneskeheten å løse flere nøkkelproblemer som truer planetens eksistens.❗️Hvorfor er problemet med ferskvannsmangel så akutt i dag?❗️Hvilken trussel utgjør havforurensning med plast?❗️Hva sier oppfinnerne om teknologien for å trekke ut vann fra luften?❗️Hvilke muligheter åpner masseimplementeringen av denne teknologien for menneskeheten?✅ Finn svarene på disse og andre spørsmål i den populærvitenskapelige filmen "Water From Air: The Path to Saving Humanity":"Geologiske Bevis for Klimasyklusen på 12 000 År | Douglas Vogt":"Global Crisis. Ansvaret | The Responsibility International Online Forum 2. desember 2023":"FFG. A New Era of Free Energy. Documentary":✅ Offisiell nettside til Creative Society International Project: [email protected]▶️ Abonner på Telegram-kanalen og hold deg oppdatert på aktuelle hendelser:


Over the last 10 years, a rather strange situation has occurred in the world.

Despite the fact that climate cataclysms have been intensifying and becoming more frequent everywhere, the territory of Russia and neighboring countries remained relatively stable until a certain point. Many were pleased about this, while many, especially experts, were puzzled.

But from August 2023, everything began to change dramatically. Soon, you will understand the reason for such sudden changes.

We will start with a selection of climate events over the past week and then provide unexpected facts from a video that is currently gaining significant attention on the internet.

There is speculation that certain structures are now slowing down YouTube in Russia because of this video.

In this weekly review, we will show what happened in Russia from July 24 to 30, 2024.


In this important speech, Dr. Egon Cholakian, a national security expert who worked in the Reagan administration, breaks protocol to deliver a serious warning about the future of humanity.

Learn more about this in the documentary film "Water from Air: The Path to Saving Humanity.":

Watch the forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility" to learn more. The future of humanity is in your hands.


11. mai 2024 ble et globalt arrangement viet til det mest presserende og viktige temaet i vår tid – klimakrisen – avholdt i Lucerna-palasset i Praha, Tsjekkias hovedstad. Dette betydningsfulle arrangementet samlet eksperter fra ulike felt, representanter fra det akademiske samfunnet, media, sivilsamfunnet, samt delegasjoner av frivillige fra ALLATRA International Public Movement og prosjektet "Creative Society" fra mer enn 35 land verden over.

✅ I rammen av denne viktige begivenheten ble følgende temaer diskutert:
🌐 Den raske økningen i antall naturkatastrofer og kollektive søken etter løsninger på dette presserende problemet, med støtte fra FN i kampen mot klimaendringer
🌐 Beskyttelse av menneskerettigheter og grunnleggende friheter
🌐 Bevaring av demokrati

Under sitt besøk i Den europeiske union deltok Egon Cholakian, en pedagog innen etterretning og nasjonal sikkerhetsekspert, i det globale møtet for ALLATRA International Public Movement-deltakere. I sin tale erklærte han at han vil representere "ALLATRA" på høyeste nivå i USA og takket deltakerne for deres aktive innsats.

Presidenten for ALLATRA International Public Movement, Maryna Ovtsynova (USA), uttrykte takknemlighet til alle bevegelsens deltakere for deres utholdenhet og engasjement for det felles målet om å skape en trygg fremtid, fri fra globale klimatrusler. På dette store arrangementet holdt også presidenten for prosjektet "Creative Society" Olga Schmidt (USA) en tale. Hun påpekte: "Erfaringen fra samarbeid mellom prosjektets deltakere med FN og andre internasjonale organisasjoner viser at vi med felles innsats kan skape forhold for å komme ut av klimakrisen og bygge en bærekraftig og blomstrende fremtid for alle."

Rapporter om klimaforskning ble presentert av klimaforskeren John Ahn og uavhengig klimaendringsforsker Taliy Shkurupiy. ALLATRA International Public Movement og det internasjonale prosjektet "Creative Society" støtter FNs bærekraftsmål og anerkjenner viktigheten av FNs innsats i kampen mot klimaendringer. De er målrettet mot aktiv deltakelse i offentlig dialog om faktorene bak klimaendringer og understreker betydningen av menneskelig aktivitet i denne prosessen.

Vi uttrykker vår takknemlighet til alle som bidro til organiseringen og deltakelsen i denne viktige begivenheten. Sammen kan vi beskytte demokratiet, menneskerettigheter og friheter, og overvinne den voksende klimakrisen.

✅ Global Krise. Ansvaret - Internationalt Online Forum. 2. december 2023: •

Stormestres hævn. De hemmelige magtspillere afsløret

✅ Officiel hjemmeside for ALLATRA International Offentlig Bevægelse:
📩 [email protected]

✅ Officiel hjemmeside for ALLATRA TV Internationalt internet-tv:
📩 [email protected]

✅ Officiel hjemmeside for Kreativt Samfunds internationale projekt:
📩 [email protected]

Major earthquakes hit the world today, August 8, 2024➡️ 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits NE of Nichinan, Japan ➡️ 5.2 magni...

Major earthquakes hit the world today, August 8, 2024

➡️ 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits NE of Nichinan, Japan
➡️ 5.2 magnitude Earthquake hits W of Otobe, Japan
➡️ 5.1 magnitude Earthquakes hits in WSW of Atocha, Bolivia
➡️ 5.0 magnitude earthquake hits in WNW of Houma, Tonga
➡️ 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits in NE of Hihifo, Tonga
➡️ 4.5 magnitude earthquake hits in SSE of Jurm, Afghanistan
➡️ 4.4 magnitude earthquake hits in NW of Grapevine, CA
➡️ 4.2 magnitude earthquake hits in E of Kyzyl-Eshme, Kyrgyzstan
➡️ 4.1 magnitude earthquake hits in SW of Pýrgos, Greece

For more info about what is happening with our planet watch the forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility"

📎 Our core is the size of 17 moons📎 The planet's land mass is 21.9%📎 Our solar system makes 1 revolution around the gala...

📎 Our core is the size of 17 moons
📎 The planet's land mass is 21.9%
📎 Our solar system makes 1 revolution around the galaxy's center in - 200-220 million years (a galactic year)
📎 Our solar system is on the edge of Orion's arm
📎 Our galaxy has a rotation cycle of 24,000 years
📎 It is hit twice by radiation from space, hence the 12,000 and 24,000-year cycles (point 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock in the figure)

At the end of 2024, our planet enters a 12,000-year cycle of climate cataclysms. We have a few years to unite against the main threat to humanity, find a way to counter it and save our lives.



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