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The night of April 30 to May 1 is filled with special magic: it's time for Beltane, the feast of renewal!Beltane is a wo...

The night of April 30 to May 1 is filled with special magic: it's time for Beltane, the feast of renewal!

Beltane is a wondrous time of year, filled with the promise of new beginnings and the abundant energy of nature. As the earth bursts forth with new life, we are reminded of the cycles of growth and renewal that flow through all living things. The ancient Celts understood this power, and they celebrated it with great reverence and joy. Now, we can honor this ancient tradition by embracing the magic of Beltane and all it has to offer.

During Beltane, it is believed to be auspicious to adorn yourself and your home with flowers and bright, festive decorations. This celebration is all about embracing the beauty and abundance of nature, so incorporating fresh flowers into your decor is a wonderful way to honor the season. Dressing in bright colors and festive clothing is also encouraged, as it represents the joy and vitality of the season.

🔥 Fire is a central symbol of Beltane, representing the transformative power of nature and the promise of growth and renewal. As you light your bonfire, feel the warmth and energy of the flames, and let yourself be swept away by the magic of this special day. Allow yourself to connect with the ancient energy of the Celts and feel the power of transformation coursing through your veins.

🌸 The Maypole is another beautiful symbol of fertility that is associated with Beltane. Maypole is a traditional pole, typically made from a pine or birch trunk, which is erected and decorated with ribbons and floral garlands. It is said to represent masculine energy, while the ribbons and floral decorations symbolize feminine energy. Originally, the Maypole was a living tree, but over time it was replaced with a tree trunk of the appropriate height and type. As you dance around the pole with friends or family, feel the energy of growth and abundance filling you up.

🌾 Planting something new in your garden is a powerful way to connect with the energy of Beltane and the abundance of nature. As you dig your hands into the earth and plant your seeds or seedlings, feel the magic of growth and renewal flowing through you. This is a time to celebrate the cycles of life and to embrace the promise of new beginnings.

No matter how you choose to celebrate Beltane, let yourself be filled with the joy and wonder of this special day. This is a time to let go of your worries and stresses and to simply be present in the moment, basking in the energy of new growth and unlimited potential. So, light your fire, dance around the Maypole, and revel in the magic of Beltane. The power of growth and renewal is at your fingertips, waiting to be unleashed.

Happy Beltane!

I’ve always wanted, very much, to be that woman.The old one, with the hair like silver that seems to radiate its very ow...

I’ve always wanted, very much, to be that woman.
The old one, with the hair like silver that seems to radiate its very own source of light.
The one with the knowing smile that hints at humour ever present and a life that’s been full of belly laughter.
The woman with the deep lines in her weathered skin, lines etched out by adventure, by joy, by fear and by growth.
I imagined how I’d float rather than walk because I no longer bear the weight of the world on my shoulders and I marvelled at how my days would be full to the brim with resting and noticing the world around me.
I would not care for thoughts of guilt because by then I would have learned that resting is doing, and is very important indeed.
There I would be reading, gardening, eating food I had grown and passing my little nuggets of wisdom down, to anyone who wanted to listen.
The contented crone.
The final phase of the journey of womanity.
No chasing youth for me,
I will be languishing, loudly, in the joy of my age and my luck at having got so far.
I’ve always wanted, very much, to be that woman.
Join me, if you like.

Lemon Balm has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments and conditions. I love it as an addi...

Lemon Balm has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments and conditions. I love it as an additive for my tea...it is known to improve mood, reduce anxiety and help with insomnia. It also has many benefits for the skin when applied topically...Lemon balm is excellent for bringing out your skin's natural shine, lightening your complexion, and removing dark spots. As a natural sunscreen: Lemon balm can also be used as sunscreen because it contains rosmarinic and caffeic acids. So today, I trimmed up my lemon balm and have started to infuse my first batch of oil. After a month, I will make salve, lip balm and toner.

I am so excited to start my own medicinal remedies from plants that I grew! The art of natural healing...what could be better?!? NOTHING!


“The Elders and advisors that I sought teachings from said to not look at the Eclipse, as it’s an intimate moment between Mooshom Pisim, Grandfather Sun, and Kokum Tipiski Pisim, Grandmother Moon. A long awaited reunion, the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine coming together as One.

Some say they are coming into needed counsel to discuss the current state of chaos across the planet. Some say this needed time together will provide the energetic guidance needed to bring peace and harmony.

Whatever your beliefs, I think we should all aim to facilitate for ourselves a sacred space for deep spiritual connection; there is no denying the great energetic influence the Sun and Moon have on this planet and Her inhabitants.”

~ Jenny Sâwanohk

For myself, I’m noticing many emotions coming up.

Some uncomfortable, and some painful.

I’m allowing them to be my teachers; allowing myself to observe them and listen to their wisdom they may have for me.

So I’ll be making sacred space for myself today to allow release to happen. Healing is always piece by piece.

Hold yourself with gentleness and compassion today ❤️

Never be afraid to let someone know, if they brightened the room they just walked into. Or if something they said inspir...

Never be afraid to let someone know, if they brightened the room they just walked into. Or if something they said inspired you to change. Never be embarrassed to share a compliment with a stranger and don’t ever fall into the trap of believing that the people you love know that. Say it. Always say it. Your words may land a little awkwardly at first but in the dark of the night, those seeds will plant themselves into someone’s mental garden and start to bloom. Sow seeds, wherever you go.

Donna Ashworth
𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

Only one week until Ostara, which is on March 20th, it is celebrated on the Spring Equinox, when both night and day are ...

Only one week until Ostara, which is on March 20th, it is celebrated on the Spring Equinox, when both night and day are at equal length. A time of great balance between light and dark.

The winter, harsh and long is now fading. The Earth is waking from her frozen slumber and it’s time to rejoice in life, warmth and a renewal of the spirit. Come celebrate and worship as we give birth to all things fresh and new. Let us reconnect with family, loved ones and friends, old and new as we turn the Great Wheel to Ostara.

Once again, night and day stand in perfect balance, with light ascending. Ostara is a fertility festival celebrating the birth of Spring and the reawakening of life from the earth. The energies of nature subtly shift from the sluggishness of Winter to the exuberant expansion of Spring. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, and new born animals. The Goddess blankets the earth with fertility as she bursts forth from her winter sleep. The young God stretches and grows to maturity as he walks the greening fields and delights in the abundance of nature.

Traditionally, Ostara is a time for collecting wildflowers, walking in nature’s beauty, planting seeds and cultivating herb gardens. This is the time to free yourself from anything in the past that is holding you back. At this time, we think of renewing ourselves. We renew our thoughts, our dreams and our aspirations.

This is an excellent time of year to begin everything new or to completely revitalise something. This is also an excellent month for prosperity rituals or rituals that have anything to do with growth. Fill your altars with any spring time flowers and seeds, coloured and painted eggs, rabbit and hare images and statues and candles of white, yellow, green, light blue and orange. Any spring herbs you have such as lavender, jasmine, patchouli, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, tarragon or sunflower seeds. Use any spring crystals you may have such as clear quartz, rose quartz, agate, lapis lazuli, amazonite, sunstone, green aventurine, peridot and garnet.

The name for this Sabbat actually comes from that of the Teutonic lunar Goddess Ostara or Eostre as she is sometimes known. Her chief symbols were the rabbit or hare that represents fertility, and the egg which represents new life and rebirth. This is where the customs of “Easter Eggs” and the “Easter Bunny” originated.

I'm growing Lemon Balm now to make tincture.

I'm growing Lemon Balm now to make tincture.

“Mom at school they say you are a witch.”Mom - ok...And that you do spells.Ok...And that I’m a witch.Ok...And that you a...

“Mom at school they say you are a witch.”
Mom - ok...
And that you do spells.
And that I’m a witch.
And that you are evil...

“Darling, my love, do you know what a witch is made of?”

“No mom...”

“Well then, Let me explain...

A witch is made out of love.

Love for nature and studying energy.
Love for both strangers and friends.
Love for her family.
Love for life.
Love for Mother Nature.

Let me tell you how she is made...

Gather the following energy,

🔮 A lifetime of studying
🔮 Two Healing hands
🔮 Warmth
🔮 A set of eyes that allows her to see more than what appears...
🔮 An extremely developed intuition to guide her in finding the right herbs and vibes.
🔮 A self esteem made of iron, so she can be strong when others judge or hurt her with their ignorance.
🔮 A pure soul
🔮 A pair of legs so she can walk and run through nature
🔮 Wise and powerful ancestors
🔮 And a heart made of gold or amethyst so she can love... without fear...

All of this mixed together in the jar of sacred femininity
And they placed the jar in the world, to heal hearts and help souls find their inner light. To be strong and show the way to those who were lost but remembered who they were...

They mixed in life, suffering and pain so she would be humble enough yet courageous enough to be there for those who suffer...

They made us wise.
They made us strong.
They made us intelligent.
And givers
of life.

Now my darling, my sweet girl... do you think witches are evil?”

“No mommy, the next time they call me Witch I will welcome it with a smile on my face”


Words Big Gaiah


Today's Message✨
Hurt people hurt others, but luckily, healed people heal others. Safe people, shelter others. Free spirits, free others. Enlightened people, illuminate others. So, shine your light of love on all who may cross your path in life, because what you do matters. 🦋❤️‍🔥🦋

Today is Imbolc, pronounced 'im'olk this is the first of 8 Pagan holidays throughout the year called Sabbats. Imbolc com...

Today is Imbolc, pronounced 'im'olk this is the first of 8 Pagan holidays throughout the year called Sabbats. Imbolc comes from the old Irish name Imbolg which means 'in the belly', meaning sowing the first seeds into the earth. Imbolc is a time to acknowledge the First Spark of Spring, the embedded energies that have been sleeping over the winter. The seeds that are underground acknowledge the returning energy and will begin to convert it to life deep within. Underground and unseen by man they will start to make their way to the surface and break through the soil and begin to bud.

Even though it is still the dead of winter and feels like winter in most places, the Sun's energy has been returning ever since the Winter Solstice (longest night of the year, Yule)

On Imbolc we celebrate the first days of Spring, snowdrops and crocuses begin to appear, things become very spring-like with daffodils, daisies and hyacinths coming early. Animals begin to wake from their winter hibernation. Nights get shorter and days will get longer and it will start to get warmer as winter snow and frost begin to thaw.

We celebrate the rebirth of the Goddess on Imbolc after she sacrificed herself on Yule to give birth to the Sun God. Both the God and Goddess are young, the triple Goddess is in her maiden form and gains strength from the earth, while the Sun God will grow in strength over the coming months.

Imbolc is a Celtic fire festival, where in ancient times most towns and villages would build a ceremonial bonfire. The Goddess Brigid, the Goddess of fire, healing and fertility is worshipped on this day. The lighting of fires celebrated the increasing power of the Sun. The Goddess Brigid was so much loved by the Celts that when the Christians were converting Pagans they could not change the holiday of Imbolc so the holiday was reformed and renamed to 'Candlemas' when candles are lit to remember the purification of the Virgin Mary, and they changed the Goddess Brigid into Saint Brigid.

Imbolc is a fire festival it is the ending of Winter and the beginning of Spring. To celebrate Imbolc, light a fire, it may only be a very small one and make wishes for the coming year into the flames. Burn any leftover evergreens that were decorating your home at Yule. Clean your homes of clutter that was gathered over the Yuletide and get rid of the old and bring in the new. Plant seeds for them to bloom in the Spring and Summer. Use a sage smudge stick to cleanse your home of stale or unwanted negative energies.

It is customary to make a Corn Dolly on Imbolc, this represents the Goddess, who will watch over you and your home throughout Spring and Summer. It is also traditional to make a Brigid Cross or Sun Cross on Imbolc, this is a cross woven traditionally from reeds but can be made with anything such as wheat, straw or paper and put them around your home to bring luck and protection for the coming year. Fill your alter with lit white candles and leave them to carefully burn through the day. Add any blooming flowers such as snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils or daisies and anything yellow, orange, gold or silver to honour the Sun God.

Imbolc is a time of contemplation, to think about the year that has past and the mistakes or successes we have had and what we have learned from them to help us achieve our goals, dreams and ambitions for the coming year. As well as planting seeds to grow in the earth also plant seeds and ideas in your mind to grow and blossom over the coming months.

Have a blessed Imbolc, May the God and Goddess watch over you.

This full Moon is considered very powerful as it is the first full Moon of the year and astrologically, it is believed t...

This full Moon is considered very powerful as it is the first full Moon of the year and astrologically, it is believed to force us to look at the past, close cycles, make decisions and accept change in our lives.

It occurs in the constellation of Leo, the house of pleasure, linked to vital energy, feelings, creativity and the capacity to love.

Thanks to The Baked Witch for graphics

Blessed be.

My whisper to your soul on this fine Thursday. Blessed be.You start dying slowly ; if you do not travel, if you do not r...

My whisper to your soul on this fine Thursday. Blessed be.

You start dying slowly ;

if you do not travel,
if you do not read,
If you do not listen to the sounds of life,
If you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly :
When you kill your self-esteem,
When you do not let others help you.

You start dying slowly ;
If you become a slave of your habits,
Walking everyday on the same paths…
If you do not change your routine,
If you do not wear different colours
Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.

You start dying slowly :
If you avoid to feel passion
And their turbulent emotions;
Those which make your eyes glisten
And your heart beat fast.

You start dying slowly :
If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain
If you do not go after a dream
If you do not allow yourself
At least once in your lifetime
To run away from sensible advice

Don't let yourself die slowly
Do not forget to be happy!

~ Pablo Neruda

Chilean poet who was awarded the Nobe Prize for Literature in 1971

What does Year of the Wood Dragon symbolize? 🐲🌲2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. This...

What does Year of the Wood Dragon symbolize? 🐲🌲

2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. This means it's a year to be brave, creative and generous. It's also a year to be flexible, optimistic and respectful. 🙌🏼😊

The Wood Dragon is a sign of growth, transformation and renewal. They are leaders who inspire others to follow their dreams and make a difference. They are also adventurers who love to explore and learn. 🎨🚀

The Year of the Wood Dragon is good for career, money and love. You can expect to succeed in your work, or to start something new that will bring you joy and wealth. You can also expect to meet or bond with someone who will make you happy. 💕💰💯

The Year of the Wood Dragon is not easy, though. You may face some challenges or conflicts with others who don't agree with you. You may also face some stress or pressure from your goals or duties. You may need to balance your work and life, or to manage your time and energy well. 😬😓😱

The Year of the Wood Dragon is a year to be ready for anything, but also to trust yourself and your skills. It's a year to have fun and adventure, but also to be careful and smart. It's a year to be yourself, but also to be kind to others. 🙏🏼👍🏼😊

Why do we start a new year, with promises to improve?Who began this tradition of never-ending pressure?I say, the end of...

Why do we start a new year, with promises to improve?
Who began this tradition of never-ending pressure?
I say, the end of a year, should be filled with congratulation, for all we survived.
And I say a new year should start with promises to be kinder to ourselves, to understand better just how much we bear, as humans on this exhausting treadmill of life.

And if we are to promise more, let’s pledge to rest, before our bodies force us.
Let’s pledge to stop, and drink in life as it happens.
Let’s pledge to strip away a layer of perfection to reveal the flawed and wondrous humanity we truly are inside.

Why start another year, gifted to us on this earth, with demands on our already over-strained humanity.
When we could be learning to accept, that we were always supposed to be imperfect.
And that is where the beauty lives, actually.
And if we can only find that beauty, we would also find peace.

I wish you peace in 2024.
Everything else is all just a part of it.
Let it be so.

Author ~ Donna Ashworth
Artist~ Sophie Wilkins Art

3rd Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of CourageDecember 22nd"Courage is definitely an attitude of boldness, ho...

3rd Day of Yule – Remembering the Noble Virtue of Courage
December 22nd

"Courage is definitely an attitude of boldness, however, not the absence of fear. Courage is the carrying in spite of your fear. It is courage that allows us to live life in such a manner that we can be proud."

On this third day of Yule, I chose to reflect on the birth of the Sun-God and with him the coming of warmer days and of spring and summer. The Oak King has come forth and slain the Holly King, sending him into the netherworld.

It is a time for joyous celebration, of LIGHT, and of reflection over the past year. Because Yule exemplifies the adage, "The greatest darkness comes before dawn," it is an opportunity to embrace the darkness one last time before the growing light takes hold. In doing so, we also present ourselves with something else important; a time to purge ourselves of that which is no longer useful, and an opportunity to make room to receive all the gifts of the returning light.

Charge of the Sun God

I am the Light that bursts through the Darkness
And the smile on the young child's face.
I am the warmth that melts the winter chill
And the sparks that dance from the old fireplace.
I am the smell of oranges and apples
And the scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove.
I am the holly, the ivy, the mistletoe ball,
And the jocularity of the Great God, Jove.
I am found in the twinkling of an aged eye
And in the hope of children everywhere.
Yes, joy and love and warmth am I.
Where kindness abounds, I, too, am there.
I am your brother, your father, the wise one
And I warm you gently in the light of my love.
I lighten your worries, bring good health and speed growth
By shedding my rays down on you from above.
But remember, my children, be grateful
For my brother, the Darkness, and winter's deep chill
For without them, there would be little reason
For this holiday season of peace and good will.

~ Dorothy Morrison ~

“So the Shortest Day came and the year diedAnd everywhere down the centuries of the snow‐white world Came people singing...

“So the Shortest Day came and the year died
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow‐white world
Came people singing, dancing,
To drive the dark away.

They lighted candles in the winter trees;
They hung their homes with evergreen;
They burned beseeching fires all night long
To keep the year alive.

And when the new year's sunshine blazed awake
They shouted, reveling.
Through all the frosty ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us ‐ listen!

All the long echoes, sing the same delight,
This Shortest Day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, feast, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.
And so do we, here, now,
This year and every year.
Welcome, Yule!”

~ Susan Cooper, “The Shortest Day”
🎨 Tijana Lukovic, “Winter Solstice”

The Holly King handing over his crown to the Oak King.

The Holly King handing over his crown to the Oak King.

Winter Solstice BlessingsToday is the longest night and the darkest day of the year.. And the knowledge that starting to...

Winter Solstice Blessings

Today is the longest night and the darkest day of the year.. And the knowledge that starting tomorrow.. it will get a little brighter again every single day... The returning of the Sun. ☀️

And how beautiful it is to see the sun reflect the winter landscape..

The Winter Solstice is a celebration of our creation.

It helps to be aware of the light that is slowly increasing again after today. Especially in the often still dark January and February months.

Precious Sun..

We are welcoming and honoring your returning ☀️

Since the earliest human times, it has been both natural and necessary for people to gather in the warmth and glow of community to welcome the return of light to a world surrounded by darkness. Through the imitative gesture of lighting candles and fires, we breathe new life into the spirit of hope into our hearts.

✨May you also be surrounded with light of any kind❄️

Lots of winter solstice love to everyone✨

Artist: Amanda Clark

The Winter Solstice/ The Wild Hunt (2nd day of Yule, Dec 21/22)The Wild Hunt is a great hunting party of the gods across...

The Winter Solstice/ The Wild Hunt (2nd day of Yule, Dec 21/22)

The Wild Hunt is a great hunting party of the gods across the sky led by Odin and his horse Sleipnir, who can leap incredible distances. Children would place their boots by the fireplace and fill them with treats for Sleipnir. Odin would repay their kindness with gifts and other treats. This is a likely candidate for where the Christmas traditions of Santa and his reindeers come from, along with stockings and leaving treats.

A Poem for the Sun’s Renewal
The sun returns! The light returns!
The earth begins to warm once more!
The time of darkness has passed,
and a path of light begins the new day.
Welcome, welcome, the heat of the sun,
blessing us all with its rays.

The Coming of the Light
In this darkest coldest night,
Gather in with kith and kin.

Light the need-fire, burning bright;
Kindled by the flame within.
Hear the mighty hoofbeats’ thunder
As the wild hunt rules the night;
Fear not the sound of Sleipnir’s passing;
Hail the coming of the light!

Celebrate the great wheel’s turning
In this darkest, coldest night;

With the yule log brightly burning,
Sing, and praise the coming light!

Gather round the hearty table,
We have laid a harvest feast.
Fortified against the darkness,
Light is rising from the east.

Raise the horn in merry toasting,
Feast and greet the coming light.
Sing wassail with kith and kindred,
Praise the passing of the night.

Hail, wassail to friend and family,
Frith and troth on this dark night;
We are all one with kith and kinsmen-
Hail the coming of the light!

(poem/prayer) Lavrans Karl Reimer-Mølle



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