With each act of forgiveness, man unleashes a part of the world's karmic field, which permeates our atmosphere with a dense network of iron necessities.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet gives to the heel that has trampled it.
Mark Twain
Forgiveness is a conscious, liberating act of love that begins in one's own being, and brings deep inner peace. The secret of healing and redemption through forgiveness can only be truly unlocked and finally experienced when we have matured to the awareness that we carry two souls within our bosoms, one of which is earthbound, the other heavenly in nature. We are not material beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings gaining self-knowledge on the material plane.
The heavenly Self waits in infinite patience for the earthly human being to open up to it in order to recognise his true, spirit-soul identity. At the same time it awakens in him the memory of that task to which he is ennobled since birth, and which he often completely forgets during his physical existence. In deluded ignorance, our earthly ego daily crucifies its eternal self, seen from a spiritual perspective. And yet he is forgiven, as Jesus Christ forgave his executioners on Golgotha with the words: ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!’