Are you polysatisfied? What is it? This is a term I don’t see used and we’re making fetch happen!
I’m not fully positive who came up with this term but the only thing I can find through a search is from Page Turner with Poly.Land in 2018, who likely is the one who coined this term.
My amazing friend Tamara told me of this term a while back as we talked about being happy where we’re at.
Many polyamorists are familiar with the term polysaturated although some may not be
Polysaturated - Not open to new partners and at a limit on partnership and this can be due to one of a number of factors
Polysatisfied - content and satisfied with how things are at the given moment
Polysaturated has its place and is an important term. However, it feels as though we’re expected as polyamorous people to date up to a point of saturation. I’ve even known some new to polyamory think they must take someone up on their offer of a date if they aren’t saturated when they may otherwise not really be interested.
Is polysaturation what we should be striving for or should we really strive for a point of being polysatisfied?
I also realize not everyone is necessarily seeking either of these things and it’s also ok to not be polysatisfied and want more partners. I’ll introduce you now to the term my partner’s (monogamous) bff came up with for my partner….polydehydrated - when you’re super thirsty for another partner like please just somebody please??!!!
Like most things, none of this is an absolute, may not apply to everyone in the same ways, and people can use the terms they like to use.
I brought this term up in a local polyamory group and no one, even other long time polyamorists had heard the term. I think this needs to be one added into the polyamory terminology!
Share your thoughts!