The city of Stockholm gifted me with beautiful weather today. Besides, the sounds, people… Also lovely is the amazing food here. More on that later. A couple of workshops coming up. Will keep you posted. #Creative #CreativeArts #CreativeWriting #Creativity#StockholmActors #Swedish #SwedishYoga #HealingArts #shambalagatheringssweden
Self expression, creativity, and getting your projects done. All can be combined together in one endless flow.
#Creative #CreativeWriting #JoshuaTownshend #CreativeNature #Acting #PerformanceArt #CreativeProcess #FeatureFilms #Story #storyisthething
Attractions can, if we let them, become distractions. Takes a lot of focus of intent and energy to follow through on the creative projects that we want to complete. Check out the full episode coming out on Friday. On my website and everywhere you get your podcasts. “Create a present“.
Listening. One of the untapped skills for creatives of all stripes. And. Breathing too.
Listen to. Listen for. Full. Body listening.
NAME: Creative Blocks & Other Lies
There is no such things as a “Creative Block” or a “Writer’s Block”. That is right up there with “I am a starving artist ..” and other lies either society has hoisted upon the creative or the lies we unwittingly tell ourselves. In this episode we go into the reality of what is really operating when we say we have a block and what we as the creative beings that we are, can do about it. First though is to expose the lie, then we can get really real with ourselves. Stepping into our true power of being the creative we are - takes a lot of showing up and depth of awareness. But - we are here to do that as well as create awesome work. So, check out this episode to find how you can harness your creative and unique - you ness - to help you create more. Make sure to take the free Creative Elements Quiz on his website to find out what your Creative Element is and how it can work for you.
#CreativeWriting #Writer #Story #StoryistheThing #WritingCommunity #Storytelling #StoryCreation #StorySharing
#FeatureFilms #ScreenWriter #Actor #ActorsLife #Performer #WordSmith #AmWriting #SpokenWord #JoshuaTownshend
#TheCreativePresent #CreateReleaseRelax #PodcastShow #CreativeAwareness #ConsciousCreative
#CreativeFreedom #NotWhatHow #HowNotWhat #CreativeUniquePlay #CreativePlay #CreativeSpace #CreativeBlock #WriterBlock #WritersBlock #CreativeFreedom #ConsciousCreation
This. Is at the source of all creation. In the same way that water is needed to sprout a seed. Conscious awareness is needed to consciously create. The creative present, the podcast, has new episodes coming out twice a week. More coming soon.
#Creative #CreativeImpulse #CreativeLife #Awareness #Conscious #ConsciousCreation #CreativeWriting #Screenplay #Film #FilmFestival#VeniceFilmFestival #StockholmActors #PragueActors #BerlinActors #PerformingArtists #PerformanceArt #dock33
This. One. Just. Came out. Are you playing a role. Or. Are you a. Person. A. Human. Be. Ing. Yes. Like that. Preview is here.
How much space does your character take up? How much do you as the artist/creative take up space? This and so much more in this latest episode of, “The Creative Present”. For the full episode go to the link in the bio. And go to podcast.
#Creative #CreativePresent #CreativeWriting #FeatureFilm #ScreenPlay #Screenwriter #CreativeWriter #Conscious #ConsciousCreative #Stockholm #creativestorytellingtips CreativeElement
The. Creative. Present. Is my new podcast with new episodes being uploaded twice a week. Here is a sneak preview of the trailer. Enjoy. And keep creating
Let's create great things together! ⬇ *click link in bio*