This is the most insane Amazon policy I have ever seen. It's like an Amazon nightmare that we can't wake up from and Amazon REFUSES to help. The Primary Administrator for one of the brands I work with is no longer with the company. We have tried to reassign that role to a different Seller Central authorized user in the same company.
Amazon says they can't reassign the role EVEN IF THE PREVIOUS PRIMARY ADMINISTRATOR IS NO LONGER WITH THE COMPANY. There is also no way to delete that person's role in User Permissions. Opened cases in both SC & BR. Emailed directly to [email protected] for help. Asked for the cases to be escalated. Amazon told me today NOT TO CONTACT THEM AGAIN ABOUT THIS ISSUE. The brand is dead in the water with regard to updating any content, getting access to features (Brand Analytics), or even basic functionality.
If you have experience with resolving an issue like this, please contact me. Jeff Allen. Orbis International. [email protected]